The eyes have it

I’m sure most people looking at this image would not immediately think of female dominance. Prior to posting, I spent a long time staring at it, trying to figure out exactly why I thought it was an appropriate image to post here. She’s not sneering at the camera. Or staring down at the viewer with a cold expression. There’s no leather gear in sight. And no whip clenched between her teeth. Yet, for some reason, it instantly appealed to me as a femdom image.

I think it’s because of her eyes. They seem to stare right into me. She has a very penetrating, knowing look. And that reminds of intense moments, deep in a session, when the mistress looks into my eyes. Those are the moments when I’m vulnerable, in pain, exposed and unable to hide. The usual protective shell we build around ourselves has been stripped away, and the mistress can look into me and know me in a way nobody else does.

A Penetrating StareI found this on the human error tumblr site.

A punch to the face

It’s rare to see a bare fisted punch in femdom pornography. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, but it’s certainly not as common as slapping or pinching. I’d guess that’s because it’s quite hard to scale gradually. Too soft and it’s not noticeable. Too hard and you could so some serious damage. Not to mention the risk of also hurting the hand of the domme.

I found the image below on the femme fatale tumblr site. There was no background information, but it looked much more like a fashion shot than a porn shot. The magical website tinyeye quickly told me this was the model Rosie Huntington Whiteley, and a bit more digging got me to the entertaining film this image was taken from. It’s an Agent Provocateur advert, and worth checking out if you happen to enjoy gorgeous models with English accents wearing expensive lingerie while tying men up and teasing them. I’m going to guess that covers 99% of my readers.

Rosie Huntington Whiteley in Agent Provocateur Ad

Shameless self-promotion

I’ve published the first chapter in a new story I’m working on over at The guys at the BDSM library site (which has my previous two stories) seem to ignore polite emails and are reluctant to make simple profile changes, so I thought I’d give this alternative story site a shot.

The story is an F/m one, with a lot of cuckolding, bondage and humiliation. And I’ll be throwing some pain and torture in the forthcoming chapters just for good measure! It’s called ‘The Loving Wife’, so check it out if that list of kinks sounds like your particular brand of deviance.

Mistress Ryo’s Boots

While I like and appreciate a good pair of boots, I don’t fetishize them to the extent that I know some guys do. This pair however, is pretty special. Over the top lacing and then just for good measure, multiple extra buckles around the laces. Anyone licking those spotless is going to have a pretty sore tongue.

Mistress Ryo's BootsThis is taken from Ryo’s gallery page on the Mistress Blade site. It’s all in Japanese, so I’ve no idea what most of it means, but there are a lot of nice fetish (rather than femdom) photographs.

Hanna and Barbera would not have approved

On seeing the image below I couldn’t help but think of this quote.

Garth: Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?
Wayne: [Laughing] No.
Garth: Neither did I. I was just asking.

Waynes World (1992)

And while transvestism seemed to be a frequent feature of Bugs Bunny cartoons, I’ve never thought of Tom and Jerry being into S&M. Although Tom as a masochist does make some kind of sense. He always seems suspiciously ineffectual at dodging Jerry’s painful plans for him.

Tom and JerryThe domme in this case is Toodles Galore, a minor character who occasionally played the love interest for Tom.

Ignorance is bliss

I’m rarely given to guilty introspection about kink. I can look at some pretty weird stuff (for example this or this) and be happy to enjoy it in an uncomplicated manner. I don’t tend to try and analyze if liking it is weird or what it suggests about my internal mental health. But occasional an image or video will catch me off-guard and I find myself saying “hmmm, you’re weird”.

This image is a case in point. It’s pretty straightforward. No extreme bondage, heavy S&M or consumption of strange substances. Just a man performing oral sex while the woman casually flips through a magazine. What makes it an exciting image is the fact she’s ignoring him. A very intimate act has been reduced to a servicing function. He’s not only objectified, but he’s even become an object she’s not that interested in. So in looking at this I’m getting turned on by somebody paying no attention to somebody else. Weird.

Oral service while the mistress reads a magazineI found this on the ‘call me Miss‘ tumblr site, although obviously from the watermark it’s originally from the bitches-feet site.

Mistress Cheyenne

I noticed on this post over at ‘The Hang‘, that Mistress Cheyenne had commented that her days in front of the camera for clubdom are long since over. That’s a great shame as she was always a very enjoyable domme to watch in action. I remember her being particularly vicious to her slaves balls, so the image below seems a suitable one to commemorate her work with. The humbler and the cane stripes across the ass must have been painful, but if you look closely you can see a stripe across the balls, and that must have been agony.

Mistress CheyenneFortunately her site, clubdom is still very much alive, with her working behind the camera. So hopefully her fine sense of sadism will be carried forward into the future.