I’m still not sure who or what a Grigbertz is. But I do enjoy the fun and sexy drawings they have on the site. The image below is entitled ‘Possessive Nun and Witch’ and is taken from this gallery. That cute expression on the witches face and the interesting arm binder and collar combo really caught my eye.
Unhappy Slave, Happy Mistress
This photograph made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. The two different expressions are priceless. Her cheeky little smile and his….whatever that expression is. It looks like an odd mix of shock, horror, anger and denial. I’d love to know exactly what she just did or suggested. It might simply be the result of applying that hot cigarette to his nipple, but to me it doesn’t look like a pure expression of pain.
This is another image from the team-rinryu site. And I’ll give the same warning I gave last time. There is a lot of extremely strong femdom on that site, featuring very graphic toilet play of all types. So unless you’re into that, be careful where you click.
Added Sado Ladies section to Femdom Sites
As the title says, I’ve updated the femdom sites page with a new entry on sado ladies.
Head in the bowl
Continuing the toilet theme from earlier, this image caught my eye. I like it a lot, although I’m not exactly sure what’s supposed to be happening.
The mundane storyline would involve too much alcohol for him and a particularly unsympathetic girlfriend. The more exciting alternative would be a peeping tom getting a good kicking. But my favourite fantasy storyline here would involve him being forced to drink out of the bowl after she’s just relieved herself into it. The fact it’s shot in what looks like a public convenience makes that alternative particularly nasty.
Added Namio Harukawa to Femdom Artwork
I’ve added a section on Namio Harukawa to the femdom artwork page. He’s a hugely talented artist, with a fantastic collection of very erotic work. Check him out, particularly if you’re into smothering and face sitting.
Scary Stare
I’m not a fan of the stereotypical dominatrix sneer. I always like the dominant to look happy about hurting me. Otherwise the power dynamic gets very confusing.
However, this photograph really caused me to catch my breath and shiver slightly. Her expression is so flat. So emotionless. I can imagine her bending someone over that padded bench and whipping them until they bled. And she’d do it silently, calmly and with the minimum of effort on her part. Just working out some of her minor frustrations by making a man scream and bleed.
From the femdomfoto.de website.
Why do women always go to the toilet in groups?
Over on his 333image blog, Orlando has been riffing about body fluids of various sorts – saliva (looks awfully familiar), precum and the hideously named vaginal mucus. In a shot featuring a close-up of a woman drinking the piss of another woman, he comments that:
This is about as humiliating an act as I can imagine without a crowd of people watching. But with most images in this genre, the subs appear so lost in their humiliation that I can’t bear to look. I think: yes, I would be like that, too.
But….this girl is very well trained. She is just happy to serve, totally focused on that, and she will have time to curl up in a degraded little ball later on.
I find there are two schools of thought around this kind of play. One group of people considers such acts as automatically degrading and classifies them as a type of punishment. The other group exalts the dominant and treats the fluids as a gift for the submissive.
The first viewpoint is I think the more ‘natural’ to adopt. It’s certainly the one most non-kinky people would assume. But personally, I’ve always belonged to the second group. Swallowing urine or saliva is certainly a deeply submissive act. Which in turn makes it an exciting act. But I don’t find it humiliating or degrading either during or after. Gratitude would probably be my dominant emotion.
However, my weirdness aside, Orlando’s comment about ‘a crowd of people’ did make me think of a certain well known Japanese video series. I had to hunt around to find an image that wasn’t too extreme to show, but I finally found this one. The centre of attention appears to have a pretty empty stomach. Given the crowd lined up around him, that’s probably just as well.
This is of course from the yapoo market series, which features some very intense femdom. This particular image is from yapoo market 78. There’s an associated site called Team-Rinryu, but unfortunately it’s all in Japanese and I’m not sure exactly what the connection is.
Unless you’re into all aspects of heavy toilet play, or have a very strong stomach, I’d advise exercising extreme caution when clicking around those sites. There are numerous images and clips that may disturb you. They certainly did me.
I found this fantastic image on Male Submission Art blog. I don’t think I could describe it’s appeal better than maymay does.
I like this image for so many reasons. Both his clear efforts to pleasure her and her openness to that (physically and otherwise), as well as her casual sadism scratching his back leap to mind. His partially dressed state, still wearing jeans, just amplifies the attractive disparity of her pleasure and his pain.
Men being ridden like ponies – albeit small, weak, clumsy ponies – is a common femdom theme. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen such distinctive spurs used to such brutal effect. With those for incentive I might even manage a lap or two around the Grand National course.
I found this image in this gallery linked to via the femdom city forums. There’s a second shot showing the damage even more clearly from another angle. Originally the entire image set is from the club stiletto site.
Wasp Torture
The very sexy and beautiful Lady Lydia McLane of Seattle was tweeting yesterday that wasps had sneaked into her dungeon space, presumably in an effort to escape the cold (tweets are here and here and here). I can personally attest that she’s a very creative sadist, so I wonder if she ever considered alternative uses for them?