I’m safely back to the UK, although I have apparently turned into an American tourist. I thought my recent US citizenship test was just a few easy history questions, but there must also have been a Men in Black style brain zapper hidden in there somewhere. In the last few days I’ve been lost more times than I can count thanks to the twisty roads and arbitrary street names. I’ve been amazed at the ubiquitous jaywalking and people drinking beer on the pavement outside pubs. And I’ve been confused by the currency (all these coins!) and the elevator buttons (the UK and US disagree on what the first floor is). The combination of bewildered tourist and an English accent has been a really puzzler to everyone around me.
On a happier note, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to meet up with Sardax on Tuesday afternoon. He’s an artist I’ve admired for many years and it was an absolute pleasure to chat with him about kink and Femdom over a coffee. I think his work captures the essence and beauty of Femdom in a very truthful and unique way, and we’re lucky to have someone with his talent contributing to the kinky community.
Sardax was also meeting up with Domina Emilia, Miss Opium and Miss Patricia, which is quite a spectacular trio of dominants to have in one place on a sunny afternoon in a park! It was a real honor to have the chance to meet and chat with all of them. The image below was shot that afternoon and taken from Domina Emilia’s twitter feed.
Domina Emilia (professional site here), Miss Opium (professional site here)and Miss Patricia (professional site here) are all London based pro-dommes.
If you’re interested in commissioning work from Sardax, his info is here.