Perfectly Posed

This shot comes courtesy of Dominatrix Ai. It’s one of those bitter sweet shots for the submissive involved. On the plus side, he’s all tied up and has Dominatrix Ai sitting on him. Which, you know, pretty sweet. On the other hand, he is missing out on the fabulous gams being sported front and center here. I guess as problems go, it’s not a bad one to have.

Dominatrix Ai is a Bay Area based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and her twitter feed here.


There’s something very sexy about being packaged up. It manages to combine two disparate feelings. On the one hand carefully packaging something up so it’s safe and secure shows how you much care about that thing. It’s  treasured possession. At the same time to pack something away is to objectify it. What matters is that the object stays where the owner has left it. Where it wants to be is irrelevant. Those are all powerful buttons to push for a lot of kinksters, myself included.

This very hot bondage / packaging image is by a Japanese artist who tweets under the handle @1233288. I think they also go by the name Pouring Rain.

Sourced via this tweet.

Furniture Finale

Today wraps up our short sequence of posts on contemporary furniture and femdom. Oddly enough, just after my last post, I spotted another example of the Wassily chair in a kinky setting. This particularly one came courtesy of Domina Juniper Dolor and a lovely image she’d posted to twitter.  You know how it is, you wait forever for 1920’s German furniture femdom shots to show up, and the two come along all at once.

However, I’m going to finish with a return to Corbusier. The shot below features Mistress Trinity, her roped slave and what looks like the Le Corbusier LC3 sofa. Or, if not that, something clearly inspired by it. The shot itself is a striking one. Full of black leather, shiny surfaces, soft ropes and bound flesh.

Mistress Trinity is an NYC based pro-domme. You can find more from her via her links page.

Chair #2

Today’s post continues the theme of contemporary furniture and femdom. It’s a niche kink, but everyone has their thing.

This is the Wassily chair AKA Model B3, designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925. He was part of the Bauhaus school in Germany. It’s available from Knoll these days. Oh, and there’s also a domme, submissive and some sort of plant lurking in the background.

This image is a render created by the digital artist Nonothing, and sourced from their twitter post. You can find more from them here.


As a fan of modern design and kinky shenanigans this image is right in my wheelhouse. Or maybe I should say, right in my contemporary design dungeon. There’s a lovely symmetry and simplicity to it. The magazine at the end of the shelf adds a nice touch.

I think the chair is Le Corbusier’s Chaise Lounge, AKA LC4. The lady doing the lounging is Natalie Noir, a Zurich based pro-domme. The identity of the gentleman on the floor has yet to be ascertained.

This was sourced from Lady Natalie Noir’s Twitter feed.

Black Rose Seduction

Here’s another new (to this blog) artist. This is by Rosie, as featured in this tweet. You can find more of her work over at Deviant Art, featuring a lot of sissies, dolls and ABDL. I believe the characters here are part of a larger comic series entitled Black Rose Elegance that can be found here.

If you like this piece then Rosie takes commissions and has a Patreon available here. You can also find more on her Twitter.

Yva Richard

When I think of early fetish pioneers, it’s names like John Willie, Charles Guyette and Irving Klaw that spring to mind. Their published work typically date back to the 40’s and 50’s. However, as this article describes, there was a French couple who were blazing the fetish trail decades before them. Named Nativa Richard and L Richard, they founded their eponymous company in 1914. With an in house photography studio and a talent for creating fetishistic outfits, they ran a successful mail order business from Paris up until WWII.

Nativa Richard modelled a lot of the clothes and accessories they created. This is an image of her from the article, wearing some particularly fetishistic boots. You can see a clear influence from this to the later work of Willie and Guyette.

Sex & Rage

Dazed has a story guaranteed to catch my eye: Sex and rage: A night in the ring at a lesbian wrestling party. Despite the clickbait title, it’s a pretty interesting event – kinky wrestling for lesbians and bisexuals without the male gaze.

The wrestlers that have been invited to join her in the ring are all sex workers, who regularly perform kink wrestling for male audiences. But this night was different: a chance for lesbian and bisexual women (trans-inclusive) to experience kink wrestling without performing for the male gaze. As Sabrina Jade aptly put it: “Queer people find it hard to experiment if some guy is breathing down their neck.”

I like the fact that even in this kind of event, they apparently still have heels. Some wrestling laws are immutable. According to the article, Goth Delilah leans into that role. She’s a London based domme and wrestler. While I’d guess a lot of my readers won’t be the target audience for a Sex & Rage event, a one on one session with Goth Delilah is always an option.

This shot is taken from Delilah’s Twitter feed.