Rope & candles

I don’t feature a lot of posts with female submissive imagery. In fact, looking at my post tagging, there have been around 60 Ff images, out of over 1,200 total posts. That’s not because I don’t appreciate it. I enjoy its aesthetic and can relate to the submissive experience of any gender. The problem is that so many Femdom/Femsub images end up fixated on the submissive at the cost of the dominant and the dynamic between them. They end up being femsub rather than femdom, and I figure there are quite enough pictures of bound and gagged women floating around with a blog about female dominance adding to them.

This image is an example that strikes the right balance for me. The dominant is an integral part of the scene, and it nicely captures a moment of tension. It also continues the Shibari theme from yesterday’s post, which pleases the anal retentive blogger in me. It’s by the artist RedPandaDee and, according to his comment on it, the dominant is Saki Kamijoo and the submissive is Skinny Redhead. You can see a video of Saki Kamijoo at work here.

Saki Kamijoo by RedPandaDee

Furry little assholes

You’ll be glad to know that the title doesn’t refer to a continuation of the enema theme from yesterday’s post. Instead it references a post by Stabbity which poses the question: Why is the pet in a pet play scene always the bottom?

That strikes me as an excellent question. I don’t think it would work to top as a dog. They’ve got a natural follow the leader obedience built in. But what about cats? As Stabbity points out they’re adorable furry little assholes, and clearly sadists. It’s always important to remember that a domestic cat would eat you if it could. Although it’d probably play with you for a while first. They’re only tolerating humans until someone invents a tin opener that can be operated by a paw *.

I’m not big on serious roleplaying, but I can imagine having a lot of fun with a top acting in a cat like manner. Plenty of scratching, nuzzling, trampling and swatting. As a bottom getting to be the scratch post, fuzzy ball and the comfy bed would all be fun experiences.

I’m afraid I don’t have any pictures of that style of play, but the subject does give me a chance to share these adorable photographs. Isn’t that one of the cutest pet play couple you’ve ever seen?

Pet play
Pet play

These images are from the Pet Play and Pony Girls site. I found them on the Rope Pup tumblr.

* Quote shamelessly stolen from Terry Pratchett.

More wax play

I always knew the internet and my readers wouldn’t let me down. No sooner had I put up yesterday’s post about Leonardo DiCaprio, the dominatrix and the candle, than Vista had come through for me with an animated gif of the scene in question. Seeing it makes me wonder if they consulted anyone about the right type of candle to use. There are a lot of good guides to wax play out there (for example this one), but how many movie props departments know about them? I hope Leonardo was just doing a great acting job, because hot wax really shouldn’t be that painful.

I’ll finish with a shot of a quite different wax play scene. There’s a lot less screaming and a lot more smiling in this shot.

Happy Wax Play

I found this on the Happy BDSM tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution.

Beating in the New Year

I got together with Lydia tonight and we welcomed in the New Year with a medley of paddles, canes and whips. I’m therefore feeling very buzzed and happy right now. What with all the various holiday shenanigans, I didn’t really get chance to play at all in December, so tonight was just what my doctor ordered. Assuming my doctor was a kinky freak who believed in the healing power of pain.

While I go off to admire my marks, I’ll leave you with this appropriately themed artwork by Ron Baker. I’m not sure the physics of it are right, as she’s standing awfully close to be using a whip that long. But there is a appealing energy and flow to the drawing.

Ron Baker

You can see more of his drawings here, although be aware that a lot of them are M/f. I couldn’t track down any biographical information, so if anyone can point me at a suitable page on the artist then feel free to leave a comment.

Ante up

I played poker with a few friends tonight. It’s not a particularly serious game, and the stakes are low, but we’ve occasionally joked about throwing car keys into the pot when the action gets heated. Unfortunately nobody has ever brought along a naked slave girl to wager. I wonder what the matching bet here would be? Throwing in a slave’s chastity keys perhaps? It certainly doesn’t look like there’s enough money on the table. Personally I’d be pretty nervous betting against the seated lady. She looks the type who’d take her poker game a touch more seriously than we do.

Raising The Stakes

I believe (based on the original tumblr caption) this is by the photographer Quae Vide (also here), although I can’t a copy it on that site. I originally found it via the Growl Bad Kitty tumblr. I think it’d make a great image to illustrate or inspire a kinky short story.


I’ve heard people describe their mental state after a scene in many different ways. Words like floaty, zoned, buzzed, energized, peaceful, sleepy and emotional often crop up. Personally I often think of the word gooey. That seems to capture the kind of happy mushy emotional puddle that ends up as me curled on the couch. My natural cynicism takes a well deserved rest and I end up feeling oddly soft and sentimental.

The image below bears absolutely no physical relationship to the scene I just did tonight with Lydia. That featured mummification, sensory deprivation and a lot of nipple torture. Yet it’s the kind of image that catches my eye when I’m in this aforementioned gooey state. It makes me go “Ahhh” and puts me in mind of all the fun little connections that get made during my scenes. It’s sweet, and that goes well with gooeyness.

Sweet Moment

This is originally from Whipped Ass. I found it on the Girls Rule Subs Drool tumblr.

Hot ass

I have a hot ass. This may come as something of a surprise to those of you who have perused my previous session photographs. I’m sad to report this new found hotness has not been caused a vigorous exercise regime, but by better living through chemistry. Specifically via Urtica Dioica, or the common stinging nettle.

The people I have to thank for the application of said nettles is Domina Yuki and Domina Ai-Li, who are visiting Seattle for a couple of days. They had a minion acquire the nettles in Portland and I’m now ‘enjoying’ the effects of them being rubbed firmly on my ass. The session itself was over 4 hours ago, but I’ve still got a sensation of hot prickly needles on my skin. Apparently I can look forward to this for another 8 or so hours. In the session itself they combined them with a wartenberg wheel and a cane, which is a nice trio of stingy sensations.

If you’ve never heard of this particular technique of torture then I suggest clicking on the image below. That’ll direct you to short video from Alice (from Alice in Bondage Land) and Master Cotton Mouth describing the plant in question.


Watch out for splinters

It’s odd how often derelict and abandoned buildings show up in the more artistic BDSM shots. I really can’t imagine a worse place for a scene. Damp and decaying wood. Cold breezes. Rusty nails and broken glass. Vermin. Dangerous footing and no sturdy anchor points. It’s pretty much the definition of a bad place to get naked and tie people up. But it does look cool, which is no doubt the motivating factor.

This is my third and, for the moment, final Femdom/Femsub post. While the backdrop might be interesting but impractical, I do like the top’s outfit. It’s not exactly standard domme wear, but it is sexy and does fit the scene. This is also a nice image to spin a story around. Is she in the process of rescuing the tied up woman? Or is she about to kiss her and abandon her?

Sister Dee and Luna Vary

You can find out more about the image here. It was shot by Joseph W Carey. The domme is Sister Dee from Top Grl and the submissive is Luna Vary. I originally encountered it on the Beauty of Submission tumblr.

Military chic

F/f imagery doesn’t get featured here that often, but after yesterday’s example, I thought a couple more posts on the theme wouldn’t be too out of place.

I have to admit to a bit of kink for military uniforms. It’s not something I actively pursue, but should they happen to come my way, I’m never unhappy. Like a lot of uniforms they carry the suggestion of authority. On top of that they add a dash of danger and style that a police or nurse outfit just doesn’t have. Officer outfits in particular are designed to impress socially rather than be utilitarian. As a fan of history, elegant tailoring and authority figures, they’re a win all around for me.

I believe this one is based on a Prussian cavalry outfit from Napoleonic times. German military uniforms tend to present unique problems of their own thanks to certain historical events. Fortunately in this period the bad guy was a short Corsican with a flair for military command. Or at least that’s what my British history books taught me. So thanks to Blücher, and the fact Germany didn’t even exist as a unified entity at the time, we can enjoy this one with no moral qualms.

Vintage Military Uniform

I like the subtle D/s vibe in this image. It’s not completely clear whose in charge, but there’s definitely a suggestion of power dynamics at work. It’s by the photographer Yuri Iluhin. I found it on the Selina Minx tumblr.

Estrogen and subspace

While I was writing yesterday’s post on the brain’s response to pain I stumbled across another related article. It addresses the hoary old argument of pain tolerance in men versus women. It’s commonly said that women have a higher tolerance and this article claimed to have found a reason for that – estrogen.

One way estrogen helps women to cope with pain, he says, is by increasing the availability of endorphins — brain chemicals that help dampen the pain response.
When estrogen levels are high, there’s an increased number of areas in the brain where endorphins can “park.” The more “parking places” available, Zubieta says, the more endorphins there are on call, waiting to flood the body with “feel good” chemicals capable of overriding pain signals.

According to the article in yesterday’s post, brains all react to pain in a similar way. How individuals respond is down to social conditioning and secondary factors like the production of endorphins. And based on this article, women have a natural advantage on the endorphin front. When it comes to bragging rights, I’m not sure this really helps. It implies that it’s not down to simple mental toughness or fortitude. Women (in general) just have more natural opiates floating around their brain.

More pertinently, for the purposes of this blog, it makes more wonder if women tend to experience a more intense subspace. The rush associated with endorphins is a big part of subspace, and having more on tap would suggest a potential for a deeper experience. The fight or flight reaction is also part of getting into subspace, and that’s another thing men and women experience differently. Both sexes produce cortisol from the adrenal gland under stress, but women produce more oxytocin which counters the effect of cortisol and creates more relaxing and nurturing feelings. I know from personal experience that my subspace contains elements of all these things, from the rush of endorphins through the edginess of adrenaline to the calmness of oxytocin. But if men and women typically produce different proportions of these it would suggest the subspace they experience might typically be different as well.

Whatever the science of all it – and I’m most definitely not an expert – it does give me an excuse to feature some hot F/f artwork.

You talk too much honey by Shiniez

This artwork is by Shiniez and you can find a lot more on his Deviant Art pages.