Georgian Sexcapades

Anyone interested in the history of kink and femdom will probably enjoy this blog post by Anne O Nomis. It gives a behind the scenes glimpse of a new TV series about the history of sex and specifically about an episode on Theresa Berkley (featured here in a previous post). Working in 1820s London, using her own studio equipped with custom BDSM furniture, she was arguable the first modern dominatrix. Although she’d not have used that term to describe herself. Hopefully the show will live up to the level of research and care that Anne O Nomis has clearly put into it.

The above image dates from 1752, slightly before Theresa Berkley’s time. It’s a British print that now resides in the Library of Congress.


I’ve had an occasional but reoccurring dream since I was a kid. It’s one where I suddenly realize there’s some sort of exam tomorrow and I haven’t studied for it. Fear and panic ensue. Given my last significant exam was for a postgrad degree in my early twenties and I’m now in my early fifties, you’d think my brain might have given up panicking by now. I guess at this stage I’m stuck with it forever.

In the last few years a new dream has started periodically featuring in my mental movie theater. It’s one where I’m naked and just starting an amazing session with a fabulous domme when somebody entirely inappropriate shows up. Dream me never remembers to lock the playspace door. The visitors might be coworkers or friends or relatives. A couple of nights ago it was my Mother. She didn’t look happy about what she found. Fear and panic ensued. Freud would no doubt have a field day.

Amusingly I have a physical record of the effect her unexpected appearance had on me. I’ve been wearing a health tracker that, among other things, records my heartrate. My sleeping rate is fairly steady at 50 bpm. Right around the time of the dream there’s this narrow but very visible spike where my heart rate shoots up to just over 90 bpm. Getting my fight or flight reaction to kick in isn’t unusual in a session, but I don’t think it has ever been triggered quite like that before.

I’ll finish with an image of another dream scenario – inapproiately naked in a public space. I’ve fortunately never had this one but it seems to be a relatively common nightmare. Artwork is by Underling who sadly stopped posting to his site several years ago.

A Cocktail and the Lash

Churchill famously described British naval tradition as rum, sodomy and the lash. I’m not sure if there’s any rum in the cocktail being poured below, but there’s definitely a lash and he’s posed perfectly for a bit of sodomy as well. Looks like a fun way to experience that particular historic trio. Judging by their clothing the image is set in Churchill’s era, although I’m not sure when it was actually created.

I found this via the madam is all tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t the source or original artist.

Don’t Do This

A story out of Australia has been popping up in news outlets and clogging my inbox. As this article title suggests – Dominatrix Heide Bos handed three-year jail sentence for ordering ‘slave’ to attack her boyfriend – it’s not a happy one. The short version is that Heide Bos was in an abusive relationship. She meets a man on fetlife and asks him to persuade her boyfriend to leave town. Instead he kills the boyfriend, landing them both in jail.

The news sites love it for the obvious reasons. Article headlines like the one above and this one – Submissive admits murdering dominatrix’s boyfriend – are obvious clickbait for grabbing eyeballs. However, I don’t really think it’s a kink related story at all. Take out the labels like submissive and dominatrix and you’ve got a story that has been written a million times before. Someone’s in an unhappy relationship. They meet a new partner and conspire with them against the old partner. Bad things ensue. It’s the core plot from countless murder mysteries, detective stories and true crime documentaries. Nothing to do with kink. Just people being terrible to each other. A sadly widespread affliction.

If you are in a three-way relationship and two are conspiring to do terrible things to a third, then please adopt the approach of this delightful trio. I’ve no idea who created this or when, but it looks like they’re all having fun. Kink as it should be.

The Temptation of the Taboo

The title of this Aero article isn’t great: Why You May Not Be as Kinky As You Think. I’m pretty certain that after several decades of exploring my kinky nooks and crannies, I’m exactly as kinky as I think. However, it does contain a few interesting snippets on the appeal of the taboo. The author researched the correlation between sexual fantasies and political affiliations…

I found that Democrats reported more fantasies featuring BDSM, including forced sex, than did Republicans, for whom power play is not quite so taboo.

Compared to Democrats, Republicans tend to face stronger moral prohibitions against things like non-monogamy and same-sex attraction, which means that fantasising about sex with more than one partner or having gay sex would be taboo. Guess what I found when I looked at Republicans’ sexual fantasies? Compared to Democrats, Republicans reported more fantasies about all kinds of non-monogamy, including infidelity, swinging, orgies and cuckolding…

That shouldn’t be too surprising for anyone who keeps an eye out for political scandals. You can be sure when a politician starts banging on about sexual matters they’re either cynically using it to distract from some other heinous shit they’re trying to pull or they’re heavily projecting their own desires and insecurities onto others. Often it’s both scenarios at once.

On the topic of taboo, here’s a particularly strong one that I’m always drawn to.

This is of course from Yapoo Market (specifically this tweet). It looks like an illustration either inspired by or the inspiration for this scene.


One additional thought on the rise of AI text and image generators like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion: They’re going to be amazing tools for scammers.

There’s already a lot of fake domme’s floating around online. Mostly trying to catfish subs for money. They’re typically fairly easy to spot as they steal photographs (detectable via an image search) and run fast unsubtle shakedowns. That might change as better versions of these AI tools become freely available.

The image tools will allow them to easily generate unique content in specific settings. The text generators can handle DMs, emails and social media posts. With voice/face morphing the scammers could even take calls online. It’ll be possible to create fake personas that can interact fairly independently with their targets. With the right training they could even target particular kinks and fetishes. Will we need a ‘Pick every square that contains a naked submissive’ test for online dommes?

I’m a strong believer that anyone can be scammed if you can find the right script. Check out this fascinating article on the industrialization of internet scams if you doubt the kind of effort some people put into this stuff. It’s scary to imagine what’ll happen once these tools get into their hands.

This image is from the Stable Diffusion forum on Reddit.

Elegantly Poised in Blue

Here’s some lovely artwork to celebrate the weekend. I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist is, but they’ve done a beautiful job with the colors and composition of the scene. It’s both an intense and serene moment.

If anyone can help me attribute this to the artist then please leave a comment. The post title is a nod to an obscure cult movie, but I’d be surprised if anyone guesses which.

Ear Leash

A final post on the leash theme, with a somewhat puzzling drawing. I’ve seen nose leashes before – which I imagine would be very painful – but never an ear leash. Was this actually someone’s kink? Or was the artist just making stuff up for fun?

Talking of the artist, I don’t have an official attribution for this, but I wonder if it’s the work of Joe Shuster. For those that don’t know the name, he was a comic book artist famous for co-creating Superman in the 1930’s. As I covered in a previous post, he did some fetish and femdom art in the 50’s, and this looks to be a similar style and era. Clark Kent on his knees perhaps?

Pulled On His Knees

I’m continuing the leash artwork theme with this post, although with a pretty significant change of tone. This one is a lot more serious and painful looking. His cute little furry ears are clearly not earning him much sympathy from his owner.

Unfortunately I don’t know who the artist is or if it’s part of an image series. I’d guess it is, but reverse image searching took me nowhere. Momiji refers to red tinted maple leaves, but that doesn’t really help narrow it down.

Thanks to Sardax I believe I now can give an attribution: Koyo who posts under the @KouYou177 twitter handle. As Sardax says in his comment, his work is intense, but definitely worth exploring if you enjoy heavier femdom artwork.

The Goodest Boy

A little humor to kick the New Year off with. This is by the artist Meg Adams.

Leashes are one of those things that show up all the time in mainstream representations of kink but, in my experience at least, don’t get used all that much in scenes. There fun as a transition tool – bringing people in and out of the dynamic. The ritual of attaching them is also hot and fully of lovely symbolism. But they tend to get in the way if you’re doing activities that don’t actually involve being led around.

You can find more from Meg Adams on GoComics and her ARTBYMOGA site.