The Silver Chair

I’m going to continue the C S Lewis theme for one more post. That’s probably not an opening sentence you’d expect to find on a kinky sex blog. However, as one of the comments on the previous post attested, Lewis did have form in the kinky realm. He signed some of his letters ‘Philomastix’, meaning lover of the whip, and at age 19 wrote this to a friend

Across my knee” of course makes one think of positions for Whipping: or rather not for whipping (you couldn’t get any swing) but for that torture with brushes. This position, with its childish, nursery associations would have something beautifully intimate and also very humiliating for the victim.

That definitely reads as someone with a kinky and most likely submissive side.

Another commenter suggested his book The Magician’s Nephew contains hints of a Female Led Relationship. I don’t remember enough about the story to comment on that. However, I do remember the plot of his book ‘The Sliver Chair‘, and in hindsight the fact that particular plot stuck with me isn’t too surprising. It features another powerful and seductive witch, who captures and entrances a prince, and then has him tightly bound every night to an ornate silver chair. Admittedly, once he’s bound in place, at no point does the witch turn up for some cock-and-ball torture or nipple play. Yet even with that (sad) omission, I think the femdom elements are fairly clear.

This is one of the original illustrations of the Silver Chair by Pauline Baynes. The prince is tied in place and about to be ‘rescued’ by the heroes. That chair definitely would not look out of place in a BDSM dungeon.


It’s unusual for me to stumble across an entirely new BDSM artist producing high quality work. There’s obviously a huge amount of artwork floating around online but – as is the way of the world – poor quality and duplication does tend to dominate. I was therefore pleasantly surprised to find Formant, who has produced some really lovely kinky pieces. The image below is called Caged in Sunlight and written to a story by Mduvant entitled The Young Miss and Her Boy.

In addition to his DeviantArt site (login via a free account to view), Formant also has subscriber site here and has a digital artbook available here. Fair warning – his art tends to skew towards female submission over female dominance – but if you’re switchy that way, then I think he’s well worth checking out.

A Good Birthday Boy

This sexy image is a bit of a two for one deal. It’s by the artist Voize, but features two characters from the Smutty Rogue as a birthday tribute. You can see the original tweet here. There’s something very appealing about men looking good in lingerie while retaining their masculinity.

If you’d like to see more from Voize they have a very affordable Patreon set up here.

No Heavy Breathing

Good news for German kinksters. The Berlin bondage studios are open again for business. They’d originally been shut under an order that covered brothels, but a court has decided that the order was discriminatory. Brothels remain closed, but bondage studios and massage parlors can reopen.

Given that yesterday Germany had 569 new coronavirus cases, compared to the US single day tally of almost 70,000, it’s not surprising they’re starting to relax restrictions. However, I do find the logic of the court somewhat odd.

Brothels were different for other reasons, the court added, including the fact that sex involved a dramatically elevated breathing rate, which increased the risk of spreading infection.

I’m going to guess the judge behind this ruling has never been involved in a BDSM scene. Elevated breathing rates are very much part of them. Being beaten, shocked, pierced or trampled will tend to do that to you. I’d also suggest that people screaming and moaning are both common in BDSM and great ways to spread a virus. Even breathplay, which sounds like it’d be safe, isn’t great. There’s nothing like an extended period of no breathing to encourage the taking and expelling of great gulps of oxygen when the chance arises.

Here’s at least one way to reduce the chance of viral transmission. Artwork is by Zblabla.

Relax with a Devilish Domme

Continuing with the theme of gaming and virtual experiences, the company has launched something they call the Devilish Domina Therapeutic Domming experience. It’s a VR experience designed to allow you to relax and release stress. According to this dailydot article on it,

Players sit or lie down with a curvy Devil Girl who helps the player relax with love, care, and deep breaths. The session continues until the player stands up, after which they can play again if they’d like. There are no commands, no rules to follow, no movements required by the player.

I’m not sure I like the use of ‘therapeutic’ in its title. That word has a particular meaning which seems beyond the scope of this project. Also, on a personal level, a red devil girl would not be my first choice for a calming presence. However, I do admire the goal of releasing stress by combining VR, kink and the aftercare elements of BDSM. Given what a fucking nightmare of a year 2020 has turned out to be, anything to help people relax and unwind is welcome. Particularly given this is being offered for free.

Assuming you have the necessary equipment, you can download the experience here. Alternative, if you’d like something a little less relaxing and a more typical kink focused experience, you can try their Dominatrix Simulator.

Animal Crossing

One winner from worldwide quarantine seems to have been the Nintendo game Animal Crossing. It’s not only been a big mainstream hit, but also a hit in the kinky community. I’ve seen an amazing number of dommes in my social media feed talking about playing it and involving their subs in helping them. I thought that was just my particular slice of the kinky world, but then I came across this Vice article and this Wired article. People are even figuring out ways to connect sex toys up to it.

I find it amusing that it’s a Nintendo game that has triggered this kind of response. They’re the ultimately kid friendly gaming company. Sega and Sony were always more edgy, and PCs  the Wild West frontier. I guess it’s a sign that people will always be attracted to a high quality well designed product and then, once you’ve attracted them, people will always try and pervert it.

Personally, I’m an old school PC RPG fan. The kind of games where you start off killing rats in a grumpy villagers cellar, spend many hours in what’s basically a fancy spreadsheet in a nice frock, and finish by taking on the local God to stop the world being sucked into hell. There is probably an interesting post to write on the contrast between dommes liking fun collaborative social games and submissives like myself wanting to micromanage the hell out of wizards and clerics in a single player fantasy game. Unfortunately, this isn’t that post.

I believe this is from the artist Mosbles7.

Bark, Bark

This @redditships post looks like another example – like my previous post – of a mismatch in kinky desires. The guy seems to have a puppy kink going on, which his girlfriend doesn’t know how to handle. It’s easy to say she should invest in a collar, leash and muzzle, along with some intensive obedience training, but that’s not exactly what she signed up for.

I suspect they’d have a better chance of making things work if he at least came clean about it. Then it’s a discussion and a possible negotiation, rather than weird passive aggressive doggy behavior. Nobody likes having their leg humped non-consensually.

This artwork is by the artist Ikelag. Be cautious if you look up more of his work. I did a quick search before posting this and discovered that it’s mostly not femdom and often seems to depict people younger than I’d ever be comfortable featuring here. I found this via an old femdom tumblr and liked this particular piece too much not to use it.

Oh Sir!

A final post on school bullies. This one continues the theme from yesterday of nervous teachers with very forward students.I particularly like his expression and the position of his hands. He looks like he’s trying to become one with the wall. In contrast she’s pushing forward, pulling backwards and floating in the air.

I’d guess this in an illustration from a 1950’s or 60’s pulp novel about college professors and their insatiable students. Sadly I’ve not managed to track down who the original artist was.

Update: This is the front cover of the Amy Harris novel Prize Pupil, publish in 1966. Based on this page, the artist is unknown.

Update 2: A reader suggested that the artist in question is Robert McGinnis. That’s very possible as it’s definitely in his style, but I don’t have a link for the attribution.