On the Edge

In a further sign of kink slipping further into the mainstream, Glamour magazine has an article on Edging. It’s actually pretty good, covering the basics and giving handy tips.

The only thing I’d quibble with is their assertion that edging leads to stronger orgasms. Maybe that’s true for women, which is presumably Glamour’s primary audience. For men however, I think it’s the shift away from orgasm that makes it interesting. We’re conditioned into expecting sex to have a clearly defined build-up to an orgasmic stopping point. Stretching that out and leaning into arousal without orgasm makes for a very different experience. I love combining a steady endorphin buzz with the sense of denial and frustration. It’s a headspace that I can happily live in for days without orgasm.

This is by the artist Mare. You can find their Patreon here.

The Nutcracker

Christmas is almost upon us. That means it’s time for bloggers everywhere to drag out their best Santa themed kinky pictures. I’m not sure where I found this one, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s an old Playboy cartoon. I think it’d make more sense if the toys Santa was delivering were of the adult variety.

NYC actually used to have a dungeon called the Nutcracker – sadly long gone now.

If you celebrate Christmas then I hope you have a good one. If you don’t then I wish you a generally happy holiday season. Personally, the only gift I’m hoping for is a healthy holiday with no weird flu or covid bugs to ruin my time off.


It’s Thanksgiving in America. For kinky bloggers that can mean only one thing: Trying to find a suitably themed image to post. Stuffing is a common choice. For example, this post from 2015 featuring the artwork of Sardax. Another option is wordplay on Thank and Spank, and that’s what I’m going with her. This is by the artist Stjepan Sejic, creator of the Sunstone series.

The artist also has a Patreon here.

Whatever I Want

My vacation has been a lot of fun. I’m always worried about getting sick – which seems to happen on about 50% of my trips – but so far I’ve dodged any bugs. Also eaten a lot of good food and had a fabulous session with Domina Yuki. Much teasing, tickling, paddling and pinching was involved.

More kinky fun is lined up for tomorrow before I return to Seattle. In the meantime, I’m going to continue my theme of picking up new and interesting things from Bluesky. This is by the artist mge2x5 taken from a thread of their work they posted here. It shows a nice sentiment that I think gives all subs a happy shiver whenever they hear it.

Problematic Pegging

Two interesting pegging images here to compare. I stumbled across the second one while trying to track down the artist for the first. I liked the playfulness of the first image and I’m always a fan of showing dommes having fun. Despite that, something did feel very slightly off about it. Wasn’t sure what.

The second image looks to come from the same source, but is clearly AI. The table legs don’t make any sense, there’s a weird corner to the table and he appears to have 6 toes. So rather than an artist I guess I should have been looking for a prompt creator and a really big data center.

I often track down unidentified artwork by spotting different identified works that are from the same creator. Interesting that the same approach can be taken for AI.