Fetish or Fashion Revisited #5

We’ve reached our fifth and final post in the current series. I thought we’d finish up with something a bit different.

Before we get to that, the answer to the last post. If you guessed fashion then well done. It featured Hea Deville in a photoshoot by Nicolas Guérin for Creem magazine back in 2015. I thought the featured shot was a good one and could have easily been from a pro-domme photoshoot. The rest of the shots in the scene have the usual fashion kink problem – a confused mix of domme and sub poses. Switching is all very well, but in fashion shots it often seems to verge on the schizophrenic.

Onto today’s question. And talking of switching, here’s a switch up. Artwork instead of photography and two examples instead of one. Same question as before though: From the world of fashion or fetish?

The Dripping Heel by Sardax

Blue Dress by SardaxIf you know the answer here, feel free to leave comment, but don’t give away your reason or source! Also note, I slightly tweaked the images for the purposes of the quiz to remove an obvious clue. I’ll restore them to the originals once the answer is published.

I’ve reverted the images to their original form. I had temporarily obscured the signature, as I thought that made the guessing game a little too easy.


Here’s a drawing by a new (to this blog) artist – Cel. Their work tends to the playful and features lots of trampling and big boots. That’s not particularly my kink, but I do enjoy how much humor and attitude they pack into their black and white lines. The men are always portrayed very simply and minimally compared to the female figure, which I think works well within the theme.

You can find a lot more from Cel on Reddit, Twitter and Twitch.


Foot fetish aficionados might want to check out a new book – Solemates by Adam Zmith. It a short tour of the history of foot fetishism, how it has been represented in culture and why it appeals to people, both straight and queer. Available at the usual online spots and specialists.

The artwork below is by Uruguayan artist Leus and features one of the world’s most famous foot fetishists – Quentin Tarantino. A man so dedicated to the kink he wrote and cast himself in the famous scene with Salma Hayek depicted below.

On the Edge

In a further sign of kink slipping further into the mainstream, Glamour magazine has an article on Edging. It’s actually pretty good, covering the basics and giving handy tips.

The only thing I’d quibble with is their assertion that edging leads to stronger orgasms. Maybe that’s true for women, which is presumably Glamour’s primary audience. For men however, I think it’s the shift away from orgasm that makes it interesting. We’re conditioned into expecting sex to have a clearly defined build-up to an orgasmic stopping point. Stretching that out and leaning into arousal without orgasm makes for a very different experience. I love combining a steady endorphin buzz with the sense of denial and frustration. It’s a headspace that I can happily live in for days without orgasm.

This is by the artist Mare. You can find their Patreon here.

The Nutcracker

Christmas is almost upon us. That means it’s time for bloggers everywhere to drag out their best Santa themed kinky pictures. I’m not sure where I found this one, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s an old Playboy cartoon. I think it’d make more sense if the toys Santa was delivering were of the adult variety.

NYC actually used to have a dungeon called the Nutcracker – sadly long gone now.

If you celebrate Christmas then I hope you have a good one. If you don’t then I wish you a generally happy holiday season. Personally, the only gift I’m hoping for is a healthy holiday with no weird flu or covid bugs to ruin my time off.