Cute Pony and Owner

I’m not personally a fan of participating in pony play. Being a pony often appears to involve hard physical work, and no part of that is sexy to me. I’d rather play the part of the lazy stable lad who gets whipped by the lady of the manor for not cleaning her boots properly. But I digress. I mention ponies because I stumbled across this image by The Smutty Rogue. It’s cute as hell, and has a fun playful energy to it. I believe its modeled on DrPonyBatBond and Mistress Michelle Lacy. It’s not going to convince me to pull on a pony hood, but femdom art like this is always appreciated.

You can see more images in this series via this tweet. The artist will also accept commissions.

Late Again

No idea where this is from, but it does have a sexy 1950’s feel. It’s best not to examine her proportions too closely however, lest you realize she’s 66% legs. At least if her tardy young man tries to escape, she’ll easily be able to run him down.

Managing Risk

Femdom twitter has been aflutter recently with threads on the dangers of impact play and how not to do it. This was all triggered by a particular ‘domme’ who didn’t seem to have much idea about wielding a single tail or where to apply it. You can see an example of the kind of thread I mean here. I’m not going to send clicks to the domme in question, or link to the site she shoots for. Let’s just say it’s based in America and staffed by young women who are the opposite of friendly.

It’s an unfortunate fact of life that a lot of the women you see playing domme’s on femdom porn sites are adult actresses rather than professionally trained tops. I know this from talking to pro-dommes who have actually shot for a variety of these sites. They always report that the directors are very happy to shoot with them, as it makes a nice change for them to work with someone who knows what they’re doing and can use all the equipment properly.

Of course, the use of an actress rather than a technical expert isn’t necessarily a blocker to creating good scenes. I don’t think Gal Gadot could really take out a gang of hardened criminals, but I still enjoy watching her as Wonder Woman. The trick is to either stick to scenes that don’t require specialized technical skills or have experts to handle the tricky stuff. Not simply start whaling on a submissive like you’re a hyperactive toddler playing whack-a-mole.

In the meantime, if you’re indulging in impact play, then make sure you know what areas can be safely targeted. There are plenty of visual guides available online – for example this one.

The lady in this Jay Em scene may be applying some fierce blows, but they are in the proper area. There’s no danger here to our fictional characters.

Missing from Porn

This image by Hazel Mead isn’t femdom related, but I thought it was cute and wanted to share. I had a crazy experience in a Vegas hotel room years that actually managed to combine multiple things from this – banging heads, shyness, struggling to put on the condom and falling off the bed. Even for someone as clumsy as me, it was pretty spectacular. Maybe I’ll share that story in a future post.

If anyone out there with artist talent wants to try and do a similar drawing for kinky sex, I think there’s a lot of ideas to pick from. Some things I’ve never seen in kinky porn but that actually happen pretty regularly…

  • Numbness and pins and needles when in bondage.
  • Taking off the very sexy but uncomfortable and impractical shoes just a few minutes into a scene.
  • Shy bladder when it comes to a watersports moment.
  • Spending a bunch of time trying to get the right position and angle for the strap-on.
  • Deciding that the cool looking hood is just a bit to stressful to handle just minutes after putting it on.
  • Giggling like an idiot when being sprayed with cold antiseptic at the end of a scene.

Bucket Lists

I’m not sure if I should be entertained or depressed by this article on ‘Sexual Bucket Lists’. On the one hand, it makes me feel like a crazed hedonist pushing the boundaries of sexual depravity. Which, given that I’m perceived by my friends as a quiet introvert who doesn’t date much, makes me smile. On the other hand, unless they were surveying a bunch of nuns, I feel bad for the people the lists were based on.

Using a sex toy and and using flavored lubricant both feature as bucket list items for women. How can a fantasy that is literally an Amazon one-click away, be a bucket list worthy item? Expedite the shipping and you can nail 20% of your fantasy list before the weekend. And after you’ve used your phone to place that order, call your partner up and tick off the phone sex fantasy at the same time. Do it in the bath and you’ve nailed 40% of the list without leaving your house.

In fairness, at least the women’s list contains bondage and blindfolds, which is a little more risque. The #1 item on the men’s list is car sex. How is that still a thing? I can just picture the scene – “Hey honey, you know what’d be great? Let’s leave this comfy bed and go get it on in the back of the minivan! It’ll be cold, uncomfortable and full of rubbish from the kids – just the way we like it.” Plus, who doesn’t own or have some sort of access to a car? I get how arranging a threesome can present a logistical challenge, but how hard is it to call Hertz?

I should at least give credit to the men who listed anal sex as their #3 thing to do before they die. There’s still a lot of mainstream stigma around the idea of male anal pleasure, so it’s cheering to know there are plenty of men out there who are up for a good hard pegging.

I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist for this is. As always, if you can help me attribute, feel free to leave a comment.

Gifts with Benefits

I’ve never been into the online panty purchasing scene. In the highly unlikely event you’ve no idea what I’m talking about, then Metro has a decent article on it here. I understand the fetish and, as I wrote yesterday, I enjoy scents as part of play. It’s just a case of YKINMKBYKIOK when it comes to UPS and plastic bags of used underwear.

However, I do appreciate items of feminine clothing being worked into an in person scene. It’s a fun dynamic, with elements of tease and denial, humiliation and intimacy all twisted together. I’ve even occasionally been gifted the odd item at the end of a scene, which is normally a nice memento, but was once the source of some embarrassment.

It was around my birthday and, as a departing gift, the domme gave me the pair of black fishnet stocking she’d been wearing during part of our play. I thanked her for the unexpected birthday present, stuffed them into the pocket of my leather jacket, and went merrily on my way. In my post scene high, I promptly forgot all about them. That is until the next night, when I’m out with friends and hunting for my wallet to pick up a bar tab. Had it been the start of the evening I might have realized what my fingers had encountered, but sadly this was not our first or even second stop. So, with a brain slightly less razor sharp than usual, and assuming my wallet might be under this random unidentified fabric in my pocket, I pulled the stockings out. It turns out to be remarkable hard for a tipsy single guy to quickly come up with a plausible excuse for why he’s carrying black fishnet stockings in his pocket.

I’m not 100% sure, but I this looks awfully like the work of Apollonia Saintclair.


Scent and sex make a complicated combination. On one hand, everyone likes a sweetly smelling partner. Sex workers will always put good personal hygiene right up there with polite and punctual in their top requirements for clients. Anyone who has been stuck in a small space with someone with bad body odor will understand how unappealing that can be.

Yet, on the flip side, a scent can be one of the sexiest things in the world. I love to pick up different ones from my play partners. It can be feet, armpits, genitals or even ass. They’ve all got their own fun funky notes. It’s a very intimate and sensual thing.

With looks, or sounds or touch it’s normally easy to say why something appeals or not. I like long hair, I love it when you call me a ‘good boy’, I prefer thuddy to stingy impacts, etc.  When it comes to scents we’ve really got nothing. It’s either hot or it’s not, and I’ve no idea what makes the difference between those two cases.

I think this is a great image with a lovely dynamic. Sadly I don’t know the artist. If anyone can help me attribute it correctly then please leave me a suitable comment.


Something simple and sexy to start the week. Sadly I’ve no idea who the artist is or where this is from. I get a bit of a deep South jail vibe from it. Maybe a no good country boy bootlegger with the Sheriff’s daughter? She plays the innocent, but has a devilish streak a mile wide.

Pascal Campion

I think you’re supposed to get more cynical as you get older. The optimism of youth fades into a jaded middle age, which it turns morphs into grouchy old age. Then death.

Oddly I seem to be going in the opposite direction. I’m way more sentimental than I was a decade or more ago. Presumably by the time I reach retirement, I’ll just be a mushy puddle. I think I’ll be OK with that.

The prompt for all this introspection is the art of Pascal Campion, as featured below. You can see more of it on his instagram and this gallery. There’s not really any femdom involved, but this particular image might give those that way inclined some warm fuzzy feelings. I’ve zero desire to have children, but if anyone wanted to pitch the concept to me, Pascal’s work would be a good place to start.