Doctors Orders

Today was a good day. The kind where God pats you on the head and says”Good boy, have a reward.” The kind of day that makes you feel slightly guilty for enjoying yourself when there’s so much shitty stuff happening in the world.

I got to enjoy some awesome modern Korean food for dinner (here) and got to be tortured, teased and objectified as a medical test subject by Mistress Tess. At this point I’m not sure if I’m all human or part lab rat. I do have a craving for cheese, but that’s pretty much normal. Being tightly trussed up in leather, fed strange yellow liquids and having various body parts painfully clamped may seem like kinky fun. However,  I was assured by the very stern yet attractive lady Doctor that (a) my opinions weren’t relevant and (b) it was valid medical research. I guess I should contact my insurance company and see if they cover this kind of treatment? Or should they even by paying me for the research underway here?

I believe based (based on this collection at Femdom Artists) that this work is by an artist working under the handle Adams.

Chemistry over Cash

This is a continuation of yesterday’s post on the topic of pro-domination and the amount taken as tribute. In that post I argued that the number one factor that drove tribute was the local cost of living and property prices. However, that’s not the whole story. If you look just at a single city and take an average across tribute values, you’ll still find a non-trivial variance. I’ve occasionally seen as much as a two times variance in hourly rate within the same metropolitan area. So what gives with that? Is the experience offered by some pro-dommes that much better?

…There’s a slight pause at this point while I strap my flameproof pants on…

In my entirely personal and anecdotal experience, the answer to that question is no. Among the various well established and independent dommes I’ve played with, I’ve never observed a correlation between session quality and tribute rates. I’ve had lots of amazing sessions and I’ve had a few very average sessions, and which was which always came down to personal chemistry and all the other intangibles that  go along with great kinky play. The amount of cash I had to show up with never made any difference. It’s the same story with equipment and general professionalism. I know dommes with mad scientist levels of equipment stuffed into their play space who charge less than dommes who play out of hotel rooms.  I had one domme who was charging 50% over the average San Francisco rate show up two hours late to our session, where Lydia, who charged around the average for Seattle, was never once late in 100+ sessions.

Of course you should never ever haggle over tribute rates. A pro-domme, or a sex worker of any type, can set her rates at whatever she wants and absolutely have that rate respected. If you don’t want to pay it, then don’t contact her. However, don’t be tempted to think that higher necessarily means a better experience. If you’re budget limited, you’ll almost certainly be able to find an amazing domme who doesn’t charge more than the average for her part of the world.

Of course, everything I just wrote applies only to regular professional kinky play. If you’re into findom of the kind depicted by Sardax here, then all bets are off.


Here’s the final entry in my trio of punching/beating posts. This is of course by the great Namio Harukawa.

Fans of his art may be interested to know there’s a relatively recent book of his work available – Garden of Domina. While he’s well known in Femdom circles, he’s not exactly a mainstream artist, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover the book was available in the US and featured an English translation.

I was also amused to see Amazon advertising to me the “Prime Book Box For Kids” right below a product description featuring the sentence “Kana loves to abuse men with her tremendous buttocks, and they explore the cruel joys found beneath her stunning endowment.” I’m all for expanding children’s imaginations via literature, but maybe not to this extent. Amazon’s AI is clearly not smart enough for world domination just yet.


Here’s an image that particularly resonated with me today. Not so much for the kink, but for the anger and visceral satisfaction it represents. I imagine a lot of people who have been reading the news in America or browsing political threads on social media may feel the same way. I’d never condone non-consensual violence in real life, but the fantasy can sometimes be one to savor.

I found it via this tweet. Based on the machine translation, I think it’s from a Japanese manga called ‘God App’.

Adult Babies

Dr Kate Lister via the iNews site has published a short but decent overview of the adult baby kink. As she says, it’s a much misunderstood kink that can often generate both disgust and disapproval. Even for pro-dommes it tends to be a divisive kink, with some specializing in it and others not offering it at all.

I’m firmly in the YKINMKBYKIOK camp, but tend not to cover ABDL stuff because it’s a somewhat niche interest that doesn’t really mesh with my person kinks. It’s also tough to find images on the theme that have broad appeal for a general site like this one. This particularly one of a Birthday Spanking is by the artist swabbs.

Growling at the Badger

Courtesy of the Whores of Yore, comes a brief but fascinating history of cunnilingus. As you might guess, given thousands of years of patriarchal societies, it has not generally been a positive history. For the ancient Greeks it was

…generally regarded as something repugnant, used only by lesbians, and weak men whose erection had failed them. The fear that the penis is being replaced, or is not ‘enough’, is palpable.

That observed fear is an interesting one, given the prevalence of cunnilingus in submissive male fantasies. There’s obviously an element of service  and worship associated with it, but I wonder if for some men there’s also a coupling to kinks around inadequacy and humiliation?

My favorite part of the article is learning that in Sanskrit the word for the clitoris translates literally as ‘umbrella of the god of love’. That’s a lovely phrase I won’t forget in a hurry.

This gentleman may end up with a little more grit on his tongue than is usual after oral sex. Sadly I’ve no idea who created this wall art or where it was painted.

Play Safe

Here is a cautionary tale from Germany of a man who overdid his corporal scene just a smidgen. After being tightly bound to a wooden spanking bench and beaten on the buttocks and thighs, his kidneys stopped working. Luckily for him they sparked back into life after 3 days, although he was still kept in hospital for another 5 days beyond that. The article describes the scene as a 1000 spanks, but it actually featured a cane and a whip, which are significantly more severe than a spanking.

Of course there’s always risk involved in almost any scene. But if you’ve seen your urine turn dark red after play, as this man apparently had during similar past scenes, maybe its time to dial it down a notch or three.

This is obviously by Red Rump. Sadly, after creating some great femdom spanking artwork, his blog has been dormant for the last few years.

I like smooth shiny girls, hardboiled and loaded with sin.

While I’m on the topic of movies and dangerous women, as I just was, here’s a great film noir style artwork. This takes us back from the 70’s to the 40’s. I think its inspired by that point in the movie where the hero realizes he has been played for a patsy and the femme fatale has let her mask slip. You just know she’d kill him without a qualm, but if he got free and got the gun, she’d smile, whisper in his ear, and seduce him all over again.

Despite hunting around, I’ve failed to identify an artist for this. As always, if you can help identify him or her, I’d greatly appreciate it.

The post title comes, of course, from the great Raymond Chandler.