We apologize for the interruption

Sorry about the lack of posts recently. First it was my social life cutting into blogging time, then it was some stupid bug I picked up that I’m still fighting. Right now life is less sexy funtimes, more tissues and decongestant.

Hopefully I’ll be returning to full blogging strength very shortly. In the meantime, here’s some sexy artwork by Slippy. It’s called ‘Playdate‘.

If you like this work, it’s available to purchase at Society6.

Don’t try this at home

Here’s a striking image to continue the suspension theme. I think it falls into the category of ‘hot fantasy, but don’t try replicating it as shown.’ Hanging someone by rope like that is liable to cause all sorts of bad things to happen to their wrists and arms. Use proper suspension cuffs if you want to try this for real. The rest of us can simply enjoy the artwork and the exciting fantasy it may provoke.

This is by the Brazilian artist Pote. He has a lot more artwork available on his blog, although most of it is Mm rather than Fm.

We need to talk

I’m not entirely convinced by the ropework in this drawing. It has a suggestion of the randomly wrapped clothesline style from 1970’s bondage magazines. He could probably escape if he wanted to, but I’m guessing he’s happy where he is.

Ropework aside, I do like this image. Being bound, straddled and grasped around the throat is undoubtedly hot. The artist is S. Yoshiko and it was created for Lady Merreth. I’ve featured their artwork previously.

Birching in Watercolor

There’s a lot of kinky artwork online, but it’s not often that I find examples using the medium of watercolors. It’s a style I personally like a lot, so I was therefore happy to be sent a link to a website run by Djeki featuring spanking, whipping and birching watercolors created by her husband.

The site actually boasts spanking art in a variety of styles, along with some impressive and fearsome spanking furniture, but it’s the watercolors that caught my eye. I also like the fact that the artist was identified to me simply as Djeki’s husband. That seems appropriate for Femdom themed artwork.

Birching WatercolorIf you’re also a fan, it looks like a lot of the artwork is available for sale.


As a final post (for the time being) on the sometimes complex interactions between professional dominants and their submissive clients, here’s a short article on Bella Bathory and her ‘Wallet’. It’s written by Bella’s partner Siouxsie Q, and tries to tease out exactly what their dynamic is.

He’s not quite a client, and he’s not quite a friend. He’s not quite an employee, and he’s not quite family. He’s a unique combination of all four, more akin to a squire or a butler than anything else.

This image is from Bella Bathory’s instagram feed. If you’re interesting in arranging a session then her website is here.


This is my third and final post featuring minimal monochrome artwork. Each post has been simpler than the last, and I’m not sure I could finish with anything simpler than this. A lot is left to the imagination, yet it still ends up being very hot. Is it just me, or is there some serious pegging action happening off-screen here?

I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist is.

Pleased to meet you

There’s an interesting combination of simplicity and elegant brutality in this image. The fact it’s cropped so tightly makes you wonder about the surrounding scene. Is he lying? Seated? Is it consensual? Why does his expression seem so calm? What does the wording mean? It leaves a lot to the imagination.

Pleased To Meet YouI’d love to know where this comes from and who created it. I actually think it’d make an interesting print to own. Unfortunately, I’ve no idea who the artist is. The original tumblr post appears to be here. Feel free to leave a comment if you can help with attribution.

Updated: Thanks to the brilliance of Ferns I now know the artist goes by the handle notalkingplz and in fact owns the tumblr I originally linked to. He also has a shop for prints here, although I can’t find any of his fun femdom pieces in it unfortunately.


When I first spotted this I thought it was cute. There’s the little leash tug, the floating hearts, the shared smiles. So adorable. Now I look at it again, it may just be verging on the insufferably cute. They look so damn happy. Maybe I’m just grouchy from not having played in a while. All blog and no play makes paltego a grouchy boy.

I found this on the Gee Me Dick Long tumblr aka peachu butt. From the comment I assume the tumblr owner is also the artist.