Kinky Pigment

The two drawings below are by the artist Kinky Pigment or Knky Pgmnt (as the signature has it). You can see more on their tumblr here.

I only discovered this work recently, but I’m glad I did. The style and focus is interesting. I hesitate to say realistic, because some of the other drawings are quite extreme or surreal, but it does capture some of the sense of real kinky play. There are quite a few images featuring clips and zippers. I personally love playing with these in scenes, but it’s relatively rare to see them in kinky artwork.

Tips for the talented

Adult content on the internet is in kind of an odd space right now, at least from an economic perspective. At one extreme there’s a handful of premium content creators (like Kink, Femme Fatale Films, Femdom Empire, etc.) and at the other extreme there are countless free sites (blogs, tumblrs, instagrams, etc.), often packed with content from the premium creators. In between there really isn’t much. If you’re not making expensive movies, or making ad revenue by stealing other people’s expensive movies, then it’s hard to see how money can be made. That strikes me as an unhealthy situation to be in.

Of course this isn’t unique to the adult area – as newspaper, magazine and encyclopedia companies will tell you. It’s the classic micropayment problem. There’s no good way to make quick, easy and small financial transactions for online products. It gets even trickier in the adult realm however, thanks to the persistent discrimination by banks and credit card companies against sex related industries. Engadget published a very depressing and eye-opening article on that back in 2015, and the situation certainly hasn’t improved since then.

One possible solution to this is the Patreon model. I’ve written about this briefly in the past. It’s a system that allows you to set up just a single account with a credit card and then give just a few bucks a month to content creators you like. They aggregate the payments together (minimizing the hidden credit card fees) and users don’t need to enter credit card details anytime they want to tip a content creator.

It’s an approach that seems to be gaining some traction. For example, Bacchus at ErosBlog has set up one to support more in depth writing and deep dives on his site. Violet Blue has one to support her work on her Tiny Nibbles site. Erika Moen has one for her excellent Oh Joy Sex Toy comics, and so on.

The challenge can be finding the interesting stuff. So what I’ll try and do in the future is periodically put up a post with some femdom and kink related Patreon creators. That’ll point readers at fun new stuff and hopefully send a few dollars towards the people who actually create all this great art. For today’s post I’ll take the chance to (again) feature something by one of my favorite artists – Yumine Guo. Her Patreon account can be found here.

This image is from her Storyland tumblr.

Mister Elastic

Two things struck me when I spotted this image by Storax. Firstly, it’s obviously inspired by Rodzo. Secondly, bodies really don’t typically bend like that (outside of comics). The same thing could be said for a lot of Rodzo artwork, but it’s somehow more obvious when rendered more realistically.

Of course, one should never let realism get in the way of hot fetish artwork. If you like this then Storax’s tumblr has a lot of similar material, including a few more inspired by Rodzo. Giantess fans – a genre which lends itself to rendered images – should certainly check it out.

More kinky lessons

I hadn’t intended a series of posts on kinky lessons, but immediately after yesterday’s post on Midori, I spotted this from Rain DeGrey. Anyone interested in strap on play and in Santa Cruz at the end of January, can pick up some tips from an expert who has definitely pushed the limits on wielding a strap on.

This rather nice artwork is by Slippy, as featured on her tumblr here.

A big problem

After yesterday’s post on Perfect Villainess – a commercial site targeting a specific porn niche – it seemed appropriate to link to a recent post of Mistress T’s. In it she writes about kinks she will no longer cover. One of those was the giantess fetish, about which she said…

I used to love this fetish. The vids were fun to create, but 2 things happened: 1. Piracy. The market for Giantess is small so they ban together to share content really effectively. 1 guy buys the vid & shares it with hundreds of others which means that I don’t make enough money off the vid ….. So I don’t film them anymore

Piracy often gets talked about in the abstract. People understand it hurts content providers, but the effect is intangible to them. Here’s a very clear illustration of its impact on all sides of the equation. A niche fetish with a small number of fans lost a top creator who loved making videos for them. Good job guys. Not only do existing creators quit, but there’s the hidden cost of discouraging new entrants to the market.

I doubt posts like this are going to stop piracy dead in its tracks but, if you do consume kinky commercial material via the various tube and torrent sites, maybe consider a Christmas present to yourself of a subscription in a site (or two) that you particularly like? Or if there’s a domme that really pushes your buttons, buy some of her online clips? Maybe put something back into the system for all those creators who have given you many happy moments?

I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this artist. There’s a handful of his or her drawings floating around online – all in a similar style and feature the giantess fetish. Unfortunately I’ve not seen them pulled together in a single gallery with a useful attribution. Obviously if you can help me out there, please leave a comment.

Update: Thanks to an expert on tracking down image provenance, I can now attribute the image to the artist Enka Boots. You can see more of the artists work here.

In a galaxy far, far away…

Apologies in advance. This is a somewhat self-indulgent post that’s low on femdom content. I’m sure regular service will be resumed tomorrow.

It has been a Star Wars heavy weekend for me. I finally got around to watching the Force Awakens on Friday and on Sunday caught Rogue One. I enjoyed them both, but what really grabbed my attention was the strong female lead characters. Rey (played by Daisy Ridley) and Jyn (played by Felicity Jones) are both stand out performances. The Rebel and Empire forces are still sadly about 90% men, but for me it’s the female characters who are memorable.

The feisty and acid tongued Leia was a key part of the original trilogy. Star Wars nerds tend to salivate over her metal bikini scene, and I’ve never really understood that. You’ve got this kick-ass princess who can banter and shoot with the best of them, and you like the bit where she’s chained up to a giant slug? Anyway, after the disaster of the prequels, it seems they’ve got the franchise back on track. I can only hope there’s a lot more heroic ass kicking and a total absence of slave girl outfits in Rey’s future.

Rey by Kuvshinov IlyaThis drawing of Rey is by the artist Kuvshinov Ilya. If you enjoy his work, he has a Patreon account here.

Caging the devil

The idea of chastity definitely pops up in the bible, but I don’t remember any actual devices featuring anywhere. Although I guess the book of Revelations did talk about “…an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.” The angel then goes on to use the chain to bind a serpent, so I guess this could be one creative interpretation of that.

The image makes me smile, but I can’t help thinking it’d be better switched around, with a male angel in chastity and a devilish lady in control. I know some people love long term denial and control, but with an angel for a keyholder you could be looking at a thousand years of blue balls.

devilandangelI’m afraid I’ve absolutely no idea who the artist is.