‘No’ is a perfectly good word

I liked this article by Sinclair Sexsmith on the use (or not) of safewords. She makes the point that communicating in plain English with things like ‘no’ or ‘slow down’ is a entirely valid way to manage a scene. A safeword is obviously necessary when engaging in some types of roleplay or consensual non-consent scenes, but it’s by no means compulsory in every dynamic. Safewords are tools that can be selectively deployed.

I’m personally perfect happy to pick a safeword or use color codes if the domme requests that, but I do find it somewhat odd. I’ve had decades of using ‘no’ and ‘stop’ to mean ‘no’ and ‘stop’. So why complicate things unnecessarily? Does a safeword suddenly make ‘no’ not mean ‘no’?

sceneI believe this drawing is by the artist Dauinsaru. I found it via the Femdom Art tumblr.

Kitchen Slave

It has been the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. That traditionally means a lot of food and a lot of time spent slaving in the kitchen. I hope all my US readers enjoyed their meals and that any slaving done was of the most enjoyable kind.

husband-as-kitchen-slaveThe caption for this reads “The pastimes of …men!” I’m afraid I don’t know the artist. I originally found it via the Femdom Artist site.

Short break

Posts might be infrequent to non-existent over the next few days. I’m travelling again, and I’m not sure how much free time I’ll have or if I’ll have a WiFi signal. Also, in the light of recent events, I feel less in a posting mood and more in a drinking heavily and cursing angrily to myself mood.

When I get back I’ll hopefully have discovered the energy to overhaul the blog and bring it up to date. I really need to include some more social media links, particularly twitter. On the technical side, Google doesn’t like my lack of mobile friendliness and there’s odd problems with comments I want to fix. On a related topic, if anyone has had loading time issues with the blog, please let me know via a comment. It seems to have been slow to me, but I’m not sure if everyone is seeing that.

Before I head off to execute on my travel+drink plan, I’ll leave you with a nice image that caught my eye. Possibly it’ll represent how some of you are feeling right now.

I believe this is fan art of Haruka & Michiru from Sailor Moon.

Losers are losers

I found this recent study on online social dynamics fascinating. Researchers looked at people playing an online videogame (Halo 3) and measured success against their behavior across the genders. It turned out the men were generally complimentary to other male players. Successful men were also complimentary to female players. However, unsuccessful men tended to be nasty and rude to female players. So they were losers in all sense of the word.

This researchers conclusion was that a change in existing social dynamics – in this case an influx of new female players into a previously male dominated area – was a bigger threat to those near the bottom than those near the top. The lower status players had more to lose and hence reacted in an angrier fashion to those they perceive as responsible. This is a conclusion that fits with a lot of my personal observations of life. In a work environment it’s always the confident and expert individuals who are most open to being challenged and debating alternatives. People who are less sure of themselves see each challenge as a direct threat and react accordingly. One could probably do a similar analysis about economics, social classes and the current politics of America.

In the wider world it’s hard to know what the answer to this problem is. Anger from losing out when it comes to economics or social influence can be understandable. But when it comes to online interaction, whether it’s gaming, discussion forums or social media, there’s no excuse for being a douche. If you can’t not be angry then walk away. And if you see someone behaving obnoxiously then call them on it.

gamingThis is by the artist Travis Estrella from his tumblr 1000 Pencils.

Frozen treats

Blogging about the cuckold cum eating scenario put me in mind of my favorite Dan Savage letter. And when I say favorite, I mean the kind that’s memorable in  a – “Wow, good for you I guess, but just …. wow” – kind of way. It’s the third letter in this column, and features an F/m couple who want to make the man eat his own cum. The problem is he loses all desire to do so immediately after orgasm. Their solution to this catch-22 involves zip lock bags and a freezer compartment.

I’m a fan of letting your freak flag fly. I’m also a fan of creative solutions to kinky problems. That said, frozen sperm ice cubes freak me out. I really hope they never have guests who want to make a drink and grab some ice from the freezer. Just eat the damn cum and stop being such a wuss about it. Or, alternatively, use some straps and tubes to solve the problem. These ladies don’t seem to be worrying too much about his post orgasmic emotional state.

cumfeedingThis is of course by the creative and amazingly talented Sardax.


I noticed when writing my previous post that Yumine has set-up a Patreon account. For those that haven’t encountered this service before, it’s an easy way for fans (patrons) of artists to contribute a few bucks to them on a regular basis. It’s not designed to crowdfund a specific piece of work, but instead functions more as a virtual tip jar for ongoing work. Yumine is suggesting chipping in just a $1 or $5 per month.

I’ve not used Patreon before, but this seemed a worthwhile case to give it a go. Sign-up was very quick and easy, and it let me use either PayPal or a credit card. If like me, you appreciate Yumine’s work, then maybe give it a shot yourself?

calmOf course this gives me another excuse to feature her work in a post. I particularly like this piece as the D/s dynamic and activity reminds me a lot of my play. I love breathplay and nipple torture, while having a love/hate relationship with hoods. That often leads to a lot of nervous energy that has to be worked through.

Bring it on

I’m still on vacation, so blogging will continue to be erratic for the next few days. Lacking time to write anything intelligent, my default plan is always to lean on the talent’s of others. In this case it’s the great Yumine Guo. I love the attitude in this image. I never quite say anything as bold as “bring it on”, but sometimes that subtext lurks around my responses. That never ends well for me.

yumineTaken from this tumblr post, and inspired by this original gif.

Lady parts

According to a recent study, 50% of British women can’t identify their reproductive parts on a diagram. That seems a bizarrely high number. I’ve no idea how accurate this study is, but it would explain a pet peeve of mine: Erotic fiction that gets all the body parts wrong when it starts describing the details of an encounter. There’s nothing like a vagina being licked or a cervix penetrated to ruin a steamy story. I remember one particularly strange example that seemed to think the female protagonist had a prostate. That would have come as a bit of a shock to her gynecologist.  I always assumed it was male authors not having a clue, but maybe it’s a more widespread problem than that.
oralHopefully the gentleman above knows exactly where he’s sticking his tongue. The image is signed AD, but I don’t have a better attribution than that. Amusingly, when I do a Google reverse image search it suggests that the image is about “Delayed onset muscle soreness”. Maybe she’s had him there for a while?

For the man who knows his place

It wasn’t till I was writing my previous post on Eric Kroll that I realized that he’d edited one of the definitive books on Eric Stanton. Artwork from the book kept popping up on my Eric Kroll image searches, and I couldn’t understand why. At first I assumed the search engines were just getting confused between the two Eric’s, but then I looked a little more closely and spotted the connection. So not only has Mr Kroll produced some great photographs, he has also honored one of the great femdom artists.

Oddly enough it’s actually a book I’ve owned for years, so I really should have known. I brought it in the late 90’s in a sex shop in Soho. This was a time when commercial internet porn was still in its infancy, and I still occasionally popped into shops for femdom material. It was strange to see a serious looking, hardback book featuring vintage femdom artwork sitting on the counter next to random wank mags. I’ve no idea what else I brought that day, probably some long lost edition of Cruella magazine, but I’ve still got the book. It moved almost 5,000 miles with me to Seattle and is now sitting on a shelf between my Sandman collected editions and a bunch of Garth Ennis books. If you’re an Eric Stanton fan, it’s definitely something to consider getting.


I am not a horse!

Tattoo’s (as discussed in yesterday’s post) aren’t the only form of permanent marking available for kinky play. Branding is another option, assuming you’re into edge play, pain and body modification. While tattoo’s seem very personal and intimate, branding has a more objectifying element, thanks to the association with cattle. Although apparently some cattle do actually enjoy it.

The artwork below is from the prolific Eric Stanton. I particularly like the “I’m not a horse!” line. I guess it’s possible the next panel could have had her apologizing profusely for confusing him with a horse and letting him go, but probably not.
