Ladykiller in a bind

Fans of dating sims, visual novels and kinky consensual lesbian sex might want to check out a new game called Ladykiller in a bind. Or, to use it’s full and very descriptive title – My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind!

I’ve not played it, so can’t personally comment on the content, but based on this article, it seems like an interesting concept. If it seems like something you’d be in to, then look for it on September 23rd.


The Secret Lives of Sissies

Vice has an interesting article posted entitled ‘I Cross-Dress. Do You Still Love Me?’: The Secret Lives of Sissies. It’s a pretty sympathetic piece, featuring interviews and photographs of men at a San Francisco play party arranged by Mistress Alice.

The kink itself is a complicated one. Although it’s not a kink I indulge in, I can understand both the appeal of it and also why it annoys some people. What comes through from the article is the complexity and variety of the reasons behind it. Some people get off on a forced humiliation aspect. Some want to be as passable and attractive as possible. Others just like women’s clothing and the chance to wear it. Of course the same could be said for other kinks. People enjoy things like bondage or impact play for lots of different reasons. The difference is that the nobody gets annoyed about people getting tied up, where the sexual and gender politics of cross dressing does tend to raise hackles, which in turn makes it more interesting to look at the underlying motivations.

SissyArtI’m afraid I don’t know the artist of this particular piece.


One of the weirder elements – of what has been a seriously weird year of politics – has been the rise of the term ‘cuck’ or ‘cuckservative‘. As this GQ article explains, it’s an insult used within the right to suggest someone is weak and reluctant to take a firm conservative stance. The derivation is obviously from the sexual kink of cuckolding.

Personally I don’t really care if the American right wing beats itself up, but I do find the term puzzling. The key element of cuckolding is surely the ‘cheating’ aspect and the feelings that provokes. By definition it needs at least three people, with one of them getting off on being spurned and denied. Maybe the cuckold gets off on the woman’s pleasure, or masochistically on the humiliation and rejection, but either way it’s a secret source of enjoyment. Do how does this dynamic map to the insult? If Donald Trump is the bull and Jeb Bush the cuck, who or what is the woman? How is the cheating happening? And is Jeb supposed to be getting a thrill out of it? It doesn’t really make much sense to me.

If nuts on the right want to raid the BDSM lexicon for insults, then surely ‘sissy’ would be a much better word to steal. That has no trio dynamics, and aligns more closely to the intended meaning of weak, effeminate and insufficiently red blooded. It even works in the longer form of ‘sissyservative’. That’s not to say I’d personally use or support such a term, but at least it’d make a bit much logical sense. Although in the current climate, logical sense is perhaps expecting too much.

Sissy artwork by VolohThis sissy artwork is by Voloh. You can see more from the same artist at his imagefap account and on hentai foundry.

Super and Wonder

I watched ‘Batman V’s Superman: Dawn of Justice’ recently. Quite frankly, it sucked. It seemed to have been written by someone with no feel for the history of the characters or understanding of their backstory. It’s depressing because superhero movies are storytelling at its most basic. They’re all about Gods and monsters. Basic battles between good and evil in their most simplistic humanized form.You’d think that an industry dedicated to telling stories, and spending millions of dollars to hire the best in the world to do that, would be able to deliver on those fundamentals. Apparently that’s too much to ask.

The one good thing in the movie was Wonder Woman. She only shows up in a cameo role, but still manages steals the show. Despite countless past disappointments, I’m still looking forward to her new movie, due out next year. They’ve just released a trailer for it and, amazingly, it actually looks pretty good. Gal Gadot seems like a great fit for the role. I don’t think we’ll get to see her beating up Batman, but I’ll happily buy a ticket to watch her pummel men of any variety.


Shit or get off my face

This paper mag article on the NYC BDSM scene is pretty short and light on detail. However, I have to salute the writer for its opening line – ‘Shit or get off my face’. That’s memorable. It’s a phrase that provokes an initial ‘huh?’, until you realize the writer is a dominatrix. Then it generates more of an ‘Ewww!’.

rodzoThis artwork is by Rodzo. Fortunately for those of a delicate disposition he’s an artist big on the face sitting part, but not so much on the poop.

Oddly popular femdom topics

I often do image searches on particular femdom themes, and I’m frequently surprised what topics turn out to be popular. Last month for example, I was looking for some witch themed femdom, and failing to find much of interest. I’d have thought those two were a natural fit. I also recently spent some time looking for axe or sword themed femdom shots and couldn’t come up with anything good. Yet tonight, I searched for ‘tea femdom’ and found all sorts of shots based on dommes drinking tea. Who’d have thought it’d be easier to find a shot of a domme demanding a good cup of tea rather than a sexy dominant sorceress? Maybe porn is more true to life than we normally think?

TeaThis artwork is of course be the very talented Sardax.

Fussy tea drinker

Some people can be very particular about how their tea is made. This woman would appear to be one of them. As the old saying goes: If at first you don’t succeed, have the results poured over your head by an annoyed lady, and then try try and try again.

Pouring out her teaYou can see some more artwork from this sequence here. Based on the Google Translate of that page, I believe this comes from a manga series entitled Blade of the Immortal.

Update: Thanks to a helpful comment I can now say this comes from the short story ‘Kuzeinke no Saidai no Show’ contained in the series Sister Generator written by  Samura Hiroaki.