
One of the more remarkable aspects of the Brexit story is the contrast between England and Scotland. While England was mixed on the issue, with a slight bias to leave the EU,  Scotland was heavily in favor of remaining. As a result there’s now new discussion on Scottish independence and how it could remain part of the EU when England leaves. It’s incredible that having just recently won a referendum to maintain the union, the British goverment has managed to create a situation that gives new incentive and opportunity to dissolve it.

Finding specific Scottish femdom material to illustrate this post was kind of tricky. I know of dommes based in Scotland, but that’s not quite the same thing. In the end I’ve gone with a golfing shot by Eric Stanton. It’s a sport that originated there and is synonymous with the country. While the image is classic Stanton in its style, I’m not sure a golf pro would approve of the ladies swing. This mix of fashions is also kind of interesting. The lady wearing the tie looks like she’s from the 1980’s, where the lady next to her is a classic 1950’s Stanton look.

Hole In One cover art by Eric StantonI found this in this flickr stream of Eric Stanton book covers.

A dangerous game (and woof!)

This image contains many staples of femdom erotica. There’s bondage, breathplay, a naked man and a lady in stockings. The text is a little more poetic than the usual captions, but it’s hard to argue with the spirit of it given the noose around his neck. But what’s with the dog? Which artist thought that the perfect addition to an edgy bondage and breathplay scenario was a cute and fuzzy little dog? I kind of feel the image is part of a larger sequence that would explain what’s going on, but I’m afraid I’ve failed to track down any other context for this.


The flames are all gone, but the pain lingers on.

I’m always a fan of doing duos or trios of associated posts. Normally they’re a common femdom theme, but this time I ran with a different approach based on the titles and the lyrics of a certain famous British band.

Technically in this image the flames are clearly not all gone, but I’ll give myself a pass, as I suspect the pain would definitely linger on. She’s certainly focused on pouring the heat onto a particularly delicate area.

HotWaxThis is by the artist Akira Kito.

For anyone confused on the titles for the past three posts I give you: Breathe, Hey You and Goodbye Blue Sky.

Bernard Montorgueil

Regular readers will know that I always try and attribute artwork appropriately and, where possibly, provide some background on the artist. However, when it comes to researching these things, I’m rank amateur compared to Bacchus over at ErosBlog. He’s been looking into one of the more obscure femdom artists – Bernard Montorgueil. I’ve had a short section on him in my artwork pages for years but this recent post by Bacchus is far more detailed. Admittedly, he hasn’t surfaced any new personal details on the artist, but it is an interesting dig through the history of his artwork and the snippets that have surfaced online over the years.

I was amazed to discover that four of his original books recently sold for almost $47,000 at auction. Apparently, in the words of famous auctioneers Christies, they showed signs of ‘light soiling’. I hope for the sake of the new owner that was down to storage issues and not over exuberance by a previous femdom fan.

Bernard MontorgueilI found this example of his work in this extensive gallery.

Purple pineapples in Oklahoma

Whiplr has done a survey of the most popular safe words used in America. The results are not particularly surprising, with colors and fruit featuring heavily. What did make me smile was the title of the article on the survey – ‘15 Safe Word Ideas For When You Want To Get Kinky‘. Personally I think that if you need ideas to help pick a safe word, and that was the thing holding you back from getting kinky, you probably have bigger problems. I’m all for more people exploring their sexuality, but if you’re not smart enough to come up with a safe word on your own, you shouldn’t be anywhere near whips, rope, nipple clamps or indeed anything more complex than a coloring book.

I initially assumed that the ‘Fire!’ in the image below was either a reference to putting out a fire or firing away. But maybe that’s actually his safe word? After all, I’d be tempted to safe word in his position. Peeing on me is one thing, but doing it on the bed sheets is quite another. That would add a whole new terror to sleeping in the wet spot.


Flying High

At a quick first glance I thought this was a photograph. My initial reaction was – ‘Wow! What kind of set-up do they have in their bedroom to get him into that position?’ Closer inspection revealed a rendered image that relies on imagination and computer software, not a bedroom with an electrical winch.

In reality I think the submissive would need a lot more body support to be able to handle this position. With that in place, in would be a fun one for some tease and denial. She could leave him high to watch her sleep or pleasure herself, or lower him to touching (and pinching and squeezing and slapping) distance. I assume the device the artist has placed in her hands is the remote control for the winch mechanism.

FlyingHighI’m afraid I don’t know the artist who created this. If you can help me attribute it correctly then please leave a comment.

Snapping the strap

I had a busy weekend, so no time for posting or writing much. This drawing seemed like something quick and fun to start the week. The pose of a kneeling naked man and a domme brandishing a strap is straight from the big book of femdom cliches, but there’s a great sense of humor and playfulness to this. They both look like they’re enjoying the moment.

NKIt’s a very well executed drawing, but I can’t find out much about it. I believe it’s by an artist who goes under the handle NK, but that’s all I have on it.

What a lovely canoe

I’ve written about some of America’s crazy cultural issues in the last couple of posts, but it’s not alone in having some strange attitudes. All countries have odd cultural baggage when it comes to sexuality and gender. The latest example from Japan would be this story of an artist and her vagina canoe.

As any porn aficionado will tell you, Japan has odd laws around pornography and obscenity. Japanese producers create some fairly extreme (to Western eyes) material, but the genitals must be obscured. Artist Megumi Igarashi pushed this law to the point of absurdity by distributing the data that would allow someone to ‘print’ a 3D model of her vagina. She did so to help fund a canoe also modeled on her body.  Amazingly, for distributing what’s basically a mathematical description of part of her own body, she was found guilty of obscenity and fined 400,000 Yen (about $3,680). The problem with pointing out the absurdity of a law is that after you’re done with the absurdity the law bit is still there. One can only hope that the sheer ridiculousness of the ruling may provoke a change.

Past artists have worked around the censorship laws with strategically placed objects. Mike Myers had fun with that approach in this Austin Powers clip. Namio Harukawa was a little subtler in the image below.

Namio Harukawa artwork

A Genoux Esclave

A final post (for the moment) with a vintage femdom artwork theme. This is from a 1935 book – ‘Jim Galding. A Genoux Esclave. Les Editions du Couvre-Feu.‘ The title means ‘Kneeling Slave’, although in this particular illustration it’s more of a lying slave and a hop, skip and a jumping domme.

The artist went by the handle Wighead and there’s more excellent artwork and some discussion on his or her identity here.
