A simple sketch

Continuing my theme of artwork from the early part of the 20th century, here’s something 20 years on from my last post, but very different in style. The best reference I have for it credits it as “Bruno Schulz IV: Frau mit Peitsche vor kniendem Mann (Woman with whip in front of a kneeling man), around 1937”

The artist was a writer, literary critic and art teacher. He was also, based on this and other drawings, clearly a submissive and masochist. Sadly he was shot and killed by a Nazi in 1942.

BrunoSchulzThanks to my reader Marga for pointing me at this image. She described it as raw, visceral and honest, and I have to agree with that. There’s also a sense of spontaneity to it. It’s a drawing, but almost feels like a candid photograph.

Vintage femdom

After all this talk of the perils of modern technology I thought a change of pace was called for. This is from the era when all a gentleman had to worry about his housekeeper finding his erotic etchings hidden at the bottom of his study desk drawer. This is entitled ‘Mistress and Slave’ and dates from between 1910 and 1920. The telephone had been invented by that time, but we were still about 60 years away from the internet and 80 years from the smartphone.

MistressAndSlaveI found this via the History of BDSM tumblr.

Domina Mea

I was planning to write about the latest English political scandal – featuring a goverment minister and a dominatrix. But frankly, I’m tired and the coverage of the story is too depressing. So maybe I’ll save that for the weekend. In the meantime, I’m going old school with this post.

The artwork below, called Domina Mea, is circa 1930 and by the German artist Rudolf Schlichter. I found it via the Pitt Prickel tumblr. There’s a nice write up on the background of the artist at the ‘he stoops to worship’ blog. Unsurprisingly his work was banned by the Nazi’s as degenerate.


How absurd

It looks like someone is regretting lost opportunities from the past. Of course, the key in these situation is not to look backwards, but on the possibilities to come. Pun very definitely intended.

AbsurdThe style is clearly of a Japanese Manga, but I’m afraid I don’t know the artist. I think it’s from a series called Prison School. I found it via the Lunar Black tumblr.

Not so super

The new Batman versus Superman movie is out and by most accounts, it’s fairly poor. I’m not surprised, given how weak the previous Zack Snyder Superman movie was. I’ll wait for the latest example to make it to cable before taking a look.

In the meantime, as a contrast to the crazy special effects and somber plots of today’s superheros, here’s a glimpse of a more lighthearted Superman from the Silver Age of comics (mid 50’s to 1970). The plot apparently involves alien possession which is cured (somehow) by a dummy and a beating. At least that’s the excuse the authors came up with for featuring Superman in bondage and a dominant Lois brandishing a flogger.

Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #73


A couple of weeks ago I featured a scene with someone’s head buried into a table. This hairy gentleman is in pretty much the reverse position to that, with just the head sticking out. It looks relatively comfortable for him but less so for her, which seems like the reverse of how it should be. I can’t imagine balancing like that on a hard wooden table would be all that conducive to orgasmic bliss.

TabletopI’m afraid I have no idea who the original artist for this was. If you can help me attribute it then please leave a comment.

Damned man

Researching the history of the artwork below led me on an interesting trail. It was originally from a 60’s pulp crime novel entitled ‘The Damnation of Adam Blessing‘. That was published under the name of Vin Packer, but was actually written by Marijane Meaker, who went on to write award winning adult fiction and be given the Trailblazer Award for groundbreaking work in lesbian fiction. She also at one pointed dated Patricia Highsmith. The title of the book went on to inspire the name of an acid rock band in the late 60’s.

I’m always a sucker for crime novels from this era as well as the dramatic and lurid artwork they often feature. I may have to hunt this particular one down.

Adam BlessingDespite tracking down a lot of the background on the book, I sadly couldn’t find a name for the cover artist.

Updated: Thanks to a very helpful comment from francois I can now attribute this to Robert McGinnis. He is a prolific illustrator of book and movie covers.

Service spanking

That’s enough posts about politicians. How about some vintage lesbian spanking to cleanse the palette?

What grabs me about this image is the expression of the spankee. She seems particularly poised and satisfied. It almost looks like a case of the rare dominant bottom. She’s in charge and getting what she wants.
