This Kinja article on dry humping made me smile. Not so much for the text, which is a pretty reasonable pitch for the thrills of frottage, but for the headline picture. If you don’t want to click through to the article, you can see it here. It seems like the artist (Tina Mailhot-Roberge) took the thrust of the article in a very different direction. Less mutual rubbing together, and more foot fetishism for Macrophiliacs.
The idea of giant women and tiny men crops up repeatedly in femdom artwork. From vintage pieces like this Eric Stanton one to the artwork of Sardax below. As a fetish it doesn’t do much for me, but I can understand the appeal from an artists perspective. There are all sorts of fun elements to adopt, with toys, puppets and fairy tale references all fair game.
Here’s a well beaten gentleman and an elegant lady for your viewing pleasure. I’ve complained about socks before in femdom imagery, but I think this guys gets a pass. Sock suspenders are a classy touch. The artwork is by Fyodor Pavlov.
Ferns has an interesting post up on the subject of ‘play acting’. By that she doesn’t mean traditional style role playing of the kind where the haughty Lady McFaddleshaw berates and beats Jack, her hapless but handsome stableboy. Instead she’s talking about the traditional dynamic of dominant and submissive and the activities that often go along with that (collars, bondage, kneeling, etc.)
I have some sympathy for the original comment that provoked her post. As an outsider looking in I used to think kink often looked strange. A hot and sexy strange, but still strange. I wondered if it would seem ridiculous in person, and imagined myself bursting into laughter. Luckily that proved not to be the case. Admittedly I have often laughed, but not because I thought we were play acting and it looked ridiculous.
One mistake I think we often make is to divide the world into real versus fake, when in fact what we really mean is familiar versus unfamiliar. In kinky and non-kinky situations we’re constantly projecting different elements of ourselves and censoring our external representation. Yet some situations are so familiar that we do this instinctively, and so begin to think about that as a real representation, when in fact it’s just one we’re very familiar with. Whether we’re at work or hanging out with friends we’re projecting a persona. That changes depends on circumstances and social dynamics, but it’s always there. The dynamics of kink are very different to the typical workplace or home, but that doesn’t make the kinky persona any less real. In fact one might suggest that most people play act their way through their work life, projecting someone quite different to have they actually feel. Yet that projection is so instinctive that it becomes the benchmark for what is ‘real’ and ‘normal’.
The artwork is by Francois Dubeau and you can see more from him on his site and in his store.
Apparently the theory for athletes is based on returning nutrients to the body. Which seems pretty dumb, given the body has just made it pretty clear it wants to be rid of them. However, it does suggest a potential marketing opportunity for pro-dommes who are both good athletes and offer watersports. Not only can clients get their kinky itch scratched, but they might even get healthier in the process! It’d certainly be an interesting line to try at the next physical check-up – “No, I don’t do a lot of exercise, but I do drink the pee of someone who does.”
The artwork below made me smile, although I’m not entirely sure about some of the song choices. A lot of them seem more like standard love songs, with all the usual cliches those entail. For example, ‘That’s a good idea‘ by Otis Redding sounds to me like a guy trying to talk a woman into taking her clothes off rather than being submissive. I did enjoy the lyrics to ‘Honey, I’m Home‘ by Shania Twain. Not my kind of music, but definitely a song from a woman who knows what she wants from her man.
Song choices aside, the artwork is very cute and fun. I like how happy everyone is in it. The creator is the artist Humon and you can see the original full size version here.
As the title so succinctly states, I’ve updated the Femdom Images page. Sites that were either deleted or dormant have been ruthlessly purged. The following additions have been made
Hopefully there’s something interesting in that selection for most of my readers. I found the image below via one of the new additions – Pegging is for Lovers.
I’m afraid I don’t have a reference for the original artist. There is signature that looks something like Callo or Caou, but I haven’t been able to track that down.
While I’m on the subject of sex toys (as I was), Fusion magazine has a good article on the latest generation of them. The main thrust (huh huh) of which is that their designs are moving away from the conventional penis shapes towards whatever works or (in some cases) looks most stylish.
As an engineer I’m a fan of this approach. The optimization should be towards orgasms or aesthetic appeal, not badly replicating nature. After all, we don’t make automobiles in the shape of horses or houses that look like caves. We evolve both form and function.
Of course you don’t necessarily need cleverly designed toys to have fun. Sometimes just a few everyday items from your kitchen will do.
The theory that young blood can reverse the aging process seems to crop up fairly often in the popular press. I featured it last year in a post, I’ve seen it crop up several times since then, and now there’s a longer and more detailed article on it is available. I’m not sure if that’s because there’s been genuine progress, or it’s just a story that ticks all the boxes for a great internet article. It features popular science, an anti-aging breakthrough, an easily understood concept and the opportunity for endless vampire jokes. What’s not to like about that?
If it turns out to be true, it might not only help an aging population, but also fix the student debt problem in America. Rich old fucks might not want to pay more taxes to support education, but they’d certainly pay top dollar for a donated pint of magic youth juice. No need for balconies, billowing curtains and diaphanous nightdresses. Warren Buffet doesn’t need to invest in an opera cape. Just set up a few scholarship funds in return for some regular pints of the red stuff. It’d be a communist metaphor for capitalism come to life.
In the meantime, while I wait for the pesky business of the endless medical trials and tests, it does give me an excuse to feature more hot vampire action. I doubt I’ll ever get tired of that.