It’s not exactly surprising to come across online articles on sex and fetishes. The internet has many corner and niches stuffed with this material. What does surprise me is how often these articles are making there way onto more mainstream sites. I’m also frequently surprised by the quality of the articles. They’re obviously after clicks and eyeballs, but many of them take the subject seriously rather than playing it for a joke.

Take for example this Gawker peice on Small Penis Humiliation (SPH). The link to it originally caught my eye from a side bar on a random auto site I was scanning with my first coffee of the day. I didn’t expect to end up reading a lengthy article talking about cuckolding, submission and penises stuffed into toilet rolls in a break between my first few meetings. It’s not a fetish of mine, but I’m always happy to see more sensible articles on kinks pop up. Even the comments weren’t too bad, which is something of a miracle in itself.

HumilationI’m afraid I don’t know where this artwork is from. If I was guessing I’d say it’s a trimmed version of a cartoon from a old fashion adult magazine. Unfortunately a reverse image search doesn’t lead me to anything.


I find it slightly disturbing when I make connections between femdom artists, photographers or performers. Being an expert on pre-raphaelite painting or the films of Ingmar Bergman (for example) would typically be seen a source of pride. Recognizing a particular pro-domme from a random tumblr photograph, knowing the dungeon it was taken in and figuring out the publisher from the style of shot, is a somewhat less marketable skill.

The artwork below is entitled ‘Her Kinky Wishes‘ and is by ashfaq-ayon. It’s a lovely drawing, but on seeing it I immediately recognized the inspiration of Rodzo’s work. It’s a very different artistic style, but the composition, text and set-up is pure Rodzo. I like it a lot, although I think the more realistic style makes the male posture look even more impossible than in the original inspiration.

Her Kinky Wishes by ashfaq ayon

Pleasure & Pain

The post title sounds like a lead into something seriously kinky and sexual, but in fact it’s taken from a mainstream exhibition running at the Victoria & Albert Museum – ‘Shoes: Pleasure & Pain‘. There’s a good article on it over at the Guardian, which talks about the history of shoes, and how they’ve been intertwined with culture, fashion, sex and fetishism. This particularly bit made me smile…

For a few decades in the middle of the 17th century, there was a fashion for ladies’ indoor shoes to come attached to a flat panel, which joined the bottom of the high heel to the toe. Not only did this lift the wearer above imaginary dirt and clod-hopping Puritans, it also provided a satisfying sound as the shoe made contact with the floor. Soon that flat-footed slap, which could be heard several beats before the wearer entered the room, became the mark of real lady.

I don’t particularly fetishize footwear, but I can still appreciate the the click of a heel and the sound of a strutting boot on a hard floor. It’s a pretty effective mood setter, particularly when someone is tied down and can’t easily turn to see what’s happening. I often find myself smiling at the cliche of it, but enjoying it all the same.

BootsThis rather beautiful drawing is from the Croquis Nocturne tumblr. From the posts on the tumblr I’d guess that the artist is also the tumblr owner. Worth checking out if you appreciate this image.


Here’s some sushi to finish our tasting menu of food related posts. I’ve seen plenty of articles about eating sushi off naked women, but never anything on using naked men. Apparently it does exist and even has its own name – Nantaimori. Never let it be said this blog isn’t educational.

The artwork below is by the artist Voloh. You can see more of his work at the Hentai Foundry (click through the warning splash screen).

Nantaimori by Voloh

A chance to bare your (tiny) manhood

For the third year in succession the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn Pageant is running. So if you’re in the Brooklyn area, and packing a tiny penis in your pants, and you like the idea of flashing it in front of a bunch of judges, then go sign up. For those who simply like the idea of looking at a bunch of small dicks, then try CSPAN it’s at the Kings County Saloon on June 13th. I realize that this information is probably only useful to 0.1% of my readers, but small penis humiliation and CFNM is definitely a kink that’s out there, so I feel I’d be slacking in my job if I didn’t cover it.

I believe this illustration is by John Cuneo and was featured in this Esquire article.

Whistle while you work

I found this article on the playlists of pro-dommes interesting. Experience has taught me that music in a professional play space is as common to them as leather, ropes and incredibly detailed instructions about how to enter without scaring the neighbors.

In my personal life music and sexual play have a fairly orthogonal relationship. It’s fine if they intersect, but it’s not important if they don’t. In my professional experiences I think I can count on one hand the sessions I’ve done without a soundtrack. And they were probably because the stereo in the play space was broken. I guess the theory is that background music lowers social tension. There’s no silence to fill with forced conversation, but it’s still easy to talk over if necessary.

Dance and electronic music seems to be a common domme choice, which isn’t something I typically enjoy. Lydia likes opera and powerful classical pieces, which adds drama and a sense of theater to the occasion. The article mentions Depeche Mode as a common selection. Personally I think playing to Violator would be great, but I’ve never yet played with a domme who had than on her playlist. I’d love to do a session to Appetite for Destruction followed by Master of Puppets. I think their energy would work great for a good beating.

Domme with guitarI believe this artwork is by Namio Harukawa.

Swinging for the fences

Lydia introduced me to an entirely new sensation tonight. That’s unusual for me. I thought I’d tried most things. That’s certainly not to say I find our play repetitive. The various combinations of dynamics, sensations and predicaments are infinite. It’s just that when it comes to singular sensations of pinchy, stingy, slappy, whacky stuff, I thought I’d experienced most of the possibilities.

The new toy we tried was a Wiffle Bat. It taught me a lot of new things. Firstly, it makes a great noise when it hits. Secondly, it hurts like hell and leaves some impressive bruises. The sensation reminded me a bit of the playground when a kid would try and give a dead arm or dead leg. Painful but also numbing when it catches just the right spot. Finally, a domme looks amazingly hot when wielding and swing a big bat – even if it is made of plastic. Photographs of women flicking whips and flexing canes are ten a penny online. Some of them should try picking up sporting equipment and waving that at the camera. I guarantee it would make for great imagery.

Harley_Quinn_Baseball_BatThe image above is of Harley Quinn from the Batman universe. I believe it’s artwork from the upcoming Batman videogame, which has bonus additional content featuring her.

One last tease

I though I was done with the tease and denial posts, but having stumbled onto this image I couldn’t help but feature it. A contortionist domme is an unusual but appealing concept. I didn’t recognize the characters but Google tells me this is fan art of Ty Lee from The Last Airbender. According to wikipedia she’s an acrobat who can paralyze people by striking their pressure points. It looks like she’s found a pressure point in a particularly critical spot.

Ty Lee from The Last Airbender by Third HorsemanI believe the artist of this works under the handle Third Horseman.

A whizzer double

I’m offering a two for one deal in my final post in this tease and denial mini-sequence. The final featured artist is Whizzer Black. His work, featuring the characters Whizzer and Constance, never takes itself to seriously. No matter how nasty Constance is to Whizzer, he always seems be right on the edge of orgasm. The first image below is one of the rare cases where it looks like Whizzer has finally been granted some relief.

The second image is by Kami Tora, who also featured a couple of posts ago. I’m assuming, based on the text and the characters used, it was done as a tribute to Whizzer Black. The artist style is clearly Kami Tora’s, but the characters, situation and humor is straight out of Whizzer’s playbook. The title on the side suggests this is number two of a sequence but I’ve never managed to track down any other images from it.

Whizzer Black Femdom Art

Kami Tora and Whizzer Black