Sad day

I was very sad to read today about the death of author Terry Pratchett. He’d been suffering from early onset Alzheimer’s for some years, so it wasn’t particularly surprising, but that didn’t make it any less upsetting.

I’ve probably never mentioned it here, but his books are a regular part of my self-aftercare when playing and traveling. My vacations to various cities have a regular pattern. I meet and play with an interesting domme on an afternoon. I go for a beautiful meal in the evening. And, while enjoying a glass of wine and spacey on post scene endorphins, I read Terry Pratchett over diner. His gentle blend of humor, parody and witty references can make the end of a great day close to perfect.

His books have a great number of strong female characters (Esme Weatherwax, Gytha Ogg, Angua, Tiffany Aching, Susan Sto Helit, etc), but not a lot of kinky references. The most obvious one I could remember comes from The Light Fantastic. He’s just introduced a female warrior into the storyline…

“Now, there is a tendency at a point like this to look over one’s shoulder at the cover artist and start going on at length about leather, tightboots and naked blades.
Words like ‘full’, ‘round’ and even ‘pert’ creep into the narrative, until the writer has to go and have a cold shower and a lie down.
Which is all rather silly, because any woman setting out to make a living by the sword isn’t about to go around looking like something off the cover of the more advanced kind of lingerie catalogue for the specialized buyer.
Oh well, all right. The point that must be made is that although Herrena the Henna-Haired Harridan would look quite stunning after a good bath, a heavy-duty manicure, and the pick of the leather racks in Woo Hun Ling’s Oriental Exotica and Martial Aids on Heroes Street, she was currently quite sensibly dressed in light chain mail, soft boots, and a short sword.
All right, maybe the boots were leather. But not black.”

Terry Pratchett from the Light Fantastic

I’ll leave you an image of another of Sir Terry’s memorable female characters – Adora Belle Dearheart. She’s forceful, opinionated, sarcastic, dresses severely and has been known to put men in hospital with her spiked heels. Just the kind of woman I think my readers would appreciate.

Adora Belle Dearheart by rubendevelaThis image is by the artist Rubendevela. Her character is a support and aid to Golems, which explains the large hand holding the ashtray behind her.

Learning to boogie with Eric Stanton

I’ll finish the sequence of posts on comic book artists and 50’s fetish with one of my favorite artists of that or any time – Eric Stanton. The image below is from a sequence called ‘Bruised and Battered‘. It’s not often you see a chamber pot and sock suspenders in fetish artwork.  If the text is a little hard to read then let me reproduce his speech bubble – “Karin! Honestly! I don’t know how to boogie! I’m doing the very best that I can do!”

Stanton of course wasn’t a mainstream comic book artist, but in the late 50’s and early 60’s he shared a studio with Steve Ditko, the creator of Spiderman. It’ll never be known how much of a role Eric Stanton played in the creation of the famous wisecracking webslinger, but as this blogpost makes clear, he was definitely involved to some extent.

Eric Stanton - Image from Bruised and Battered series

Nights of Horror

While I’m on the subject of 50’s erotic art (as I was), I recently stumbled across this fascinating article on Joe Shuster. If that name’s not familiar to you then you’re probably not a comic books fan. Along with Jerry Siegel he was the co-creator of Superman. The story of how DC comics paid them $130 for the character and made millions of dollars while leaving the creators destitute is a well known one. What I hadn’t realized was the Joe Shuster went on to do fetish illustrations for a series called Nights of Horror.

The article is a lengthy one but well worth reading if you’re interested in modern American pop culture. It touches on comics, censorship, pornography, murder and the moral culture panics that seem to regularly spasm across the US. There’s also a book which covers the topic in more depth. The illustration below is both Shuster’s work and the cover from this book.


Times Square Smut

I have an odd fondness for the old 1950’s fetish artists and illustrators. The quality of their work is often pretty variable, the sexual politics archaic and the subjects tame by today’s standards. Compared to modern artists like Sardax and Shiniez the work doesn’t do much for more erotically and yet, despite that, I enjoy looking at it. There’s a sense of fun and quirkiness that’s missing in the more explicit work of today. I suspect that’s down to the legal constraints that they had to operate under and the limited fetish material available at the time. There weren’t well defined niches and ready made markets for them. They had to make it up as they went along.

If you share my interest in this period then I’d direct you to this article by Jim Linderman. It describes how he stumbled across artists like Gene Bilbrew and the colorful cast of characters that hung out around 42nd Street in NYC. There’s also a gallery of artwork and a book that he’s put together on the topic.

My absolute favorite drawing of those in the gallery is probably this one. It’s got sci-fi, bondage, fetishism and vintage fashion all mixed into a very bizarre scene. However, it’s not really femdom, so to illustrate the post I’ve gone with a different drawing from the gallery. I’m not really sure what’s going on, but that’s part of the appeal of these one off book covers.

RawDamesI was amused to spot in the comments to the Guardian article somebody complaining that the paper never featured modern artists like Sardax. I’m not going to hold my breath for that to happen but I do agree. Not sure if robbo100 is a reader of this blog but it made me smile to see another femdom artist aficionado pop-up in an unexpected place.

Barbershop Duo

This is my last fan art post for the moment. It’s also the strangest. The two characters below are humanoid personas developed by the Crypton Future Media corporation of Japan. The woman is Hatsune Miku and the man Kagamine Len. They’re both singers voiced by Vocaloid voice synthesizer technology developer by the Yamaha corporation, and have apparently performed on stage as animated projections. If you think that sounds like something from a William Gibson novel, you’re not alone in that.

Mitku is apparently ‘an android diva in the near-future world where songs are lost’ and her name is ‘easily the most recognizable of the vocaloids’. I’m not sure what inspired the artist to depict her shaving the genitals of another virtual persona character, but I’m glad he or she did. It doesn’t do much for me erotically but it’s the kind of oddball find that puts a smile on my face.

Hatsune Miku shaving Kagamine LenI believe the artist for this goes under the handle wokada. I found it on the Felm Cyber tumblr.

Murder Tie

I seem to be on a bit of a fan art kick. This is another fan drawing from a TV series I’ve not seen, and was inspired by a movie I have. In this case the TV series is Hannibal.  The inspiration is the Hannibal Lecter character featured in the novels of Thomas Harris and the movies Manhunter and The Silence of the Lambs. I believe the two characters below are Hannibal himself and his psychiatrist in the TV show Bedelia_Du_Maurier.

There are actually three drawings in this series and you can see them all on the original tumblr post. The tie is apparently a reference to a costume element from the show.

Teen Wolf Fan Art

The artwork below is fan art for the MTV show Teen Wolf. The two characters are Derek Hale and Braeden. I remember seeing the original Michael J Fox movie when I was a kid, but until I started researching this image I’d no idea they’d turned it into a TV show. According to Wikipedia the creators of it were influenced by Joss Whedon’s Buffy, which can never be a bad thing. Sadly I doubt that explicit kinky bondage sex features in the show, but luckily we have creative fans to put that right.

Teen Wolf Fan Art
Despite a lot of hunting around I’ve failed to track down the original artist. It’s unsigned and Google reverse image search just gives me a lot of tumblr reposts. As far as I can tell it first surfaced on this tumblr. If anyone can help me with attribution then please leave a comment.

Financial Domination (alternative version)

Courtesy of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal here are some wise words on choosing role playing scenarios.

Personally I’ve never been much for financial responsibility, as my bank balance will attest. While the tradition approach to financial domination does nothing for me, a strict lady with a cane and good ideas for managing my 401K would be appealing. Fin dommes talk about wallet raping their pay piggies. I wonder if there’s a market for investment dommes who beat clients for not diversifying their pension portfolios?
