Yumine Guo added to Femdom Artwork

It has been a while since I updated my Femdom Artwork pages. I’m very happy to break that lengthy hiatus with one of my favorite working artists – Yumine Guo. A lot of femdom artwork is very fetishistic and based on the male gaze. A lot like most femdom porn in fact. In contrast, I find Yumine’s work really captures the spirit of happy D/s play from both sides of the slash. There’s a sense of warmth and fun to it that’s often lacking in other femdom art.

The piece below was labeled ‘My boyfriend is so fucking cute…I just want to fuck him until he screams.’ You can see the original post here, and more at Yumine’s tumblr or blog.

Yumine Guo

We apologize for the interruption

Sorry about the lack of posts over the last few days. Inevitably I got sick after coming back from a trip. Flu season is bad enough, but flying in flu season is the kiss of death. Or at least the kiss of snuffly noses and annoying coughs.

I’m still in recovery mode, so while I go off to curl up under a blanket, let me leave you with some nice artwork. I’m not particularly a foot fetishist but I still thought this was kind of cute drawing. I’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for it, so if you do then please let me know via a comment. I found it via the Elegant Femdom Art tumblr.


Relax with a bitch

I said I was finished with vintage themed posts, and that remains true (sort of). This looks vintage, but is actually a more recent piece by the artist Vince Ray. It’s not signed but I managed to track its origin down via this post by my blogging pal hmp. You can see more of Vince Ray’s femdom work on the Femdom Artist site.

Amusingly when I did a reverse image search on this, the results were a mixture of femdom posts and pinterest pages on genuine vintage advertisements. I’d have though it was fairly obvious that this wasn’t a real ad, but apparently not. Even in those unenlightened male dominated times I think people would have balked at a a product called ‘Bitch Cigarettes’.

Bitch Cigarettes

Under the feet of the beloved

I’ll finish my trio of vintage themed posts with something from the German artist Paul Kamm (also known as C. Soulier). As you can probably tell from the style of this piece, it predates the 50’s images I featured previously. I’ve no exact date, but it’s most likely from the 1920’s or even early 1930’s.

I can’t say it does much for me erotically, but I do love the history it represents. Here’s a German artist born in the nineteenth century, drawing between the World Wars, working in a distinctive style of his time, creating a scene that wouldn’t look out of place on the latest kink.com shoots.

Paul Kamm artworkIf you’re interested in more of his art, the Femdom Artists site has a number of his images.

Virtual Spanking

Fans of spanking and videogames might want to take a look at this article. It describes a game called Hurt Me Plenty which allows the player to spank (via a Leap Motion device) a half naked virtual dude.

This isn’t the first virtual spanking simulator. There was a strange arcade game that used the idea (in an ethically dubious way) and no doubt there are any number of wacky (whacky?) spanking flash games on the web. However, this is a little different, as the creator obviously tried to do more than simply bolt a physics simulator onto some gratuitous ass shots.

This a short game where you spank the heck out of a dude and learn about how BDSM communities attempt to formalize consent / caring. I was really interested in how we can make games about intimacy without a “kindness coins = sex cutscene” trope, and how we can use expressive gestures to roleplay / think about pain and intimacy.
Robert Yang on his game Hurt Me Plenty

I’ve not tried it, so can’t comment on the consent / caring aspect. From the video in the Kotaku piece, I’d say that the physical simulation needs a little work. The guy looks pretty hefty, but the character model bends way too fast and too far when he’s spanked. I’m not a big guy and I’ve never moved like that from a hand spanking. If any of my readers have given it a go, I’d love to hear via a comment what they thought.

Bullseye by Red Rump

The artwork is by the ever creative Red Rump. If the game creator needs a talented artistic collaborator with a deep understanding of spanking, he couldn’t go far wrong giving Red Rump a call!

Brandishing the implement

Mistress Scarlet recently published a post musing on the classic shot of a domme demonstrating that her cane is indeed bendy. I’m sure you’ve all seen the shot – she’s typically glaring into the camera and flexing the cane with both hands. Something like this or this. In her opinion it’s an odd pose that’s not typically seen in actual kinky play.

I have to admit that as a neophyte kinkster, that pose did push my buttons. I have no idea why. I’ve never been caned outside of consensual play, so I’ve got no particular framework for it. There was just something about the visual tension of the shot and the sense of purpose that made it work. I think I mentally categorized it as the standard warm-up position before taking a swing, much as a tennis player positions themselves to serve or a runner limbers up in front of the blocks.

Now I’ve had few cane stripes quite literally under my belt, I tend to agree with Mistress Scarlet. It’s not a pose that I really see people ever do. The most common resting position is with the cane straight down parallel to the domme’s leg, possible accompanied by a gentle tapping against ankle or her boot. Now what pushes my buttons is to see a domme purposely move into position behind me, cane pointing down but just swishing sideways oh so slightly. It’s like a conductor loosening her wrist before launching the orchestra into the symphony.

Yumine Guo Artwork

The artwork above is by the artist Yumine Guo. She has a wonderful collection of her artwork available on her tumblr. She also has a deviant art site and a blog worth visiting. The photograph was the original inspiration for the artwork as mentioned in her tumblr post. I’m afraid I haven’t managed to track down an original attribution for the photograph.

Screening out the schmucks

Jezebel has a story about a new dating app that’s designed to detect idiotic or unsavory users and boot them out. If you ignore messages, type incoherently or send inappropriate content (which I assume means dick shots), then you get expelled. I like the idea, although I question how accurately they’ll be able to automatically classify users based on the signals they mention. It’s very hard with these kind of systems to not open yourself to be gamed by bad users or unintentionally create perverse incentives. And I don’t mean the kind of perverse incentive that involves fucking someone with a strap-on if they help you out.

I’ve long thought that there was a gap in the market for a femdom focused dating site. It would present asymmetric information, giving women far more control than men, and kinky interests would be a sub-category, rather than the primary category. Women would also have the power to vote men off it if they acted like assholes. It wouldn’t be a popularity contest or hotness score. Just a vote to indicate if a man treats potential partners like human beings or fetish delivery systems. Potentially there could also be an endorsement system which would indicate that although someone wasn’t a romantic match for the endorser, they are socially well adjusted and potentially interesting to talk to. Add in a billing model that excludes timewasters but is cheap enough for a wide variety of people, and I think you’d have a winner.

Man kneeling to kiss woman's hand

This vintage artwork fits nicely into both a dating theme and my recent kissing theme. I’m afraid I don’t know where it’s from originally. I found it on the Femdom Artists site.

Turning the screw

After my previous post on Seedfeeder I though a follow-up with some artwork from Rodzo would be appropriate. Their work is stylistically similar, with minimal backgrounds, cleanly drawn figures and simple unfussy lines. They both remind me of illustrators of textbooks or instruction manuals. In Rodzo’s case that would almost certainly be a manual on face sitting and forced oral sex, as his themes are very consistent.

Despite years of looking at erotic images, I’m still intrigued by what pushes my buttons and why. The images below, particularly the first one, really caught my attention, but it’s not entirely clear to me what the trigger factor is. I think it’s the contrast between the serious and brutal metal bondage and her sweet expression. She looks almost demure, and oral sex is such a tender act, yet those clamps and her need to tighten them suggest a different type of interaction.

Rodzo artwork
Rodzo artworkI found these on the Equally Deep In Your Eyes tumblr.

It’s educational, honest

Fans of odd bits of internet culture may enjoy this article on a chap called Seedfeeder. If you don’t recognize the name, you might recognize his work. He’s the artist responsible for a lot of the sexually explicit illustrations on Wikipedia. For example, this article on Sexual Positions features several of his drawings.

As a child growing up pre-internet, I remember sniggering at ‘rude’ words in the dictionary and hunting through encyclopedias with school friends for sexual topics. I think that’s a phase that lasts from about age 7 through to around age 74. Even now, with literally millions upon millions of pornographic images freely available, these drawings still make me smile and prompt classic Wikipedia browsing syndrome. There’s just something about the juxtaposition of titillating topics, straight laced writing and educational drawings that catches the eye and gives my inner schoolboy an elbow in the ribs.

Pegging by Seedfeeder

The image is by Seedfeeder and is used to illustrate the topic of Pegging on Wikipedia.

Gamergate and Wonder Woman

The Colbert Report finishes its run later this year. That makes me sad. Not just because it’s one of the funniest and cleverest shows on television, but also because Stephen has featured a lot of smart, assertive female guests who can happily trade shots with him. I’ve long harbored a crush on Emily Bazelon, who has covered a lot of legal issues with him. On Wednesday’s show he gave us a duo of brilliant guests.

First there was Anita Sarkeesian who educated him on the toxic clusterfuck that is Gamergate (other good coverage of that here and here). She has done a whole series of thought provoking articles on Tropes vs Women in Video Games, which is well worth checking out for anyone interested in gaming. Then he talked to Jill Lepore, a history professor from Harvard University who has just written a book on ‘The Secret History of Wonder Woman‘. I can’t say I’ve ever been a big Wonder Woman fan (apart from enjoy the TV show as a kid), but apparently her creation had links to the woman’s suffragette movement, early supporters of birth control and the political activism of the 1920’s. Despite being the first and most famous female superhero, I’ve never really thought of her as a feminist icon, but that’s what the book apparently claims. I’m looking forward to getting a copy to review.

Of course all this talk of Wonder Woman and feminism is really just an excuse to feature some fun femdom artwork. This is entitled ‘WHAP!’ and is by the artist godstaff.

Whap! by godstaff