Madame in a world of fantasy

I always enjoy stumbling across old BDSM pornography, although not typically for erotic reasons. Some of it does still carry a sexual charge –  Bettie Page shots or Ed Lee’s work spring to mind – but a lot of it is pretty terrible. What I actually enjoy is the time capsule nature of it. Most of it was made in murky legal circumstances, with minimal distribution channels, using a small pool of performers and very little community support. I often get the impression it was being created by people who didn’t really have a clear plan and were forced to make it up as they went along. When I see a modern commercial BDSM porn I tend to focus on the image itself. When I see a vintage BDSM image I wonder who was involved in creating it and what the story behind it was.

The internet changed all that, but it has also made it easier to share this old material. Anyone else who enjoys traveling back in time to the days of mail order magazines in extremely plain envelopes might appreciate this fan site on the ‘Madame in a world of fantasy’ magazine. It’s very well put together and features a lot of scanned covers and snippets from articles and artwork.

I’ve featured two of the covers below. The artwork one is particularly strange. I’m not sure if the men are trying to hold her back or simply prostrating themselves at her feet. Her pose suggests she’s about to wrestle with another enormous woman in a strange underwear/cape combo. In contrast the photograph is far more traditional, with an upward shot of a vaguely stern/condescending lady.

Madame in the world of fantasy

Madame in a world of fantasy

Big things in small places

I thought I’d finish my trio of artwork posts with an image from Kami Tora. On the face of it, with that enormous pink dildo, this looks like a typically stylized and over the top bit of femdom artwork. I really like Kami Tora’s work, but exaggeration is part and parcel of his style. However, the funny thing is, there are probably a few guys out there for whom this would not be a completely crazy insertion. For example, check out this animated gif or this one. I’m constantly amazed what a lot of lube, years of practice and a kinky dedication to stuffing enormous objects up your butt can achieve.

Kami Tora strapon scene

Spanking confessions

There’s a recently published article on Salon about a spanking aficionado coming to terms with and confessing his kink. It’s written from the point of view of a male top and, apart from the inappropriate stock photograph at the top, it’s a good insight into the kind of self-analysis and relationship risks a lot of kinky people have to enter into.

Male submissives often complain, with some justification, about the cultural unacceptability of their kinks. This article is a good reminder that dominants of both genders have their own set of problems to face. Particularly those that enjoy potentially painful activities. Telling someone you like to be hurt in certain specific ways risks them thinking you’re weird. Telling someone you like to hurt people risks them thinking you’re both weird and dangerous, no matter how much you emphasize the consensual nature of the act. Just a quick glance at the article comments will confirm the reactions that this confession can provoke from non-kinky people.

Spanked with a hairbrush

This image is taken from the Endart site, which is no longer maintained. I found it on the Who’s Sorry Now (aka spanked 2 tears) tumblr.

Wrapped in rope

Here’s a fun image to start the week. I have several longer posts lined up, but having spent the evening slicing, dicing and simmering in the kitchen, didn’t get chance to finish any of them off. This is by the artist Barry960 who has featured in a previous post. It captures a nice chemistry between the two of them. She looks happy with all her intricate rope work and he looks as though it has turned out to be a bit more involved and restricting than he was expecting.

Bondage artwork by Barry960


Whizzer on the beach

I couldn’t do a sequence of beach themed posts without featuring some Whizzer Black artwork. That’s not because he typically features beaches in his artwork. The image below is pretty much the only one I know themed that way. Instead it’s because his artwork always reminds me of saucy British postcards from the seaside. There’s a nice sense of fun and absurdity to go along with the sexual suggestion. The latter is always a lot more explicit in Whizzer’s artwork than the kind of thing Brits in the 1930’s were sending from their holidays, but the mix of sex and humor is common. In this image I particularly like the little dog he’s added pulling at the hapless Whizzer’s swimming trunks.

Whizzer Black on the beach

Where dirt meets water

I’m not a big fan of the beach. I tend to subscribe to Bill Hick’s view of it…

What’s the fucking deal with the beach? I don’t get it. It’s where dirt meets water, alright? Is that that fucking amazing to you? I’ve got a bathtub and an imagination, I’m staying indoors this summer. That way I can listen to music that I like. Maybe I’m just jealous man, everyone at the beach is perfect, you know; tanned skin, white teeth, I’ve got white skin, tanned teeth.

Although anyone who has actually been to a beach recently will know that everyone is very much not perfect. There’s a lot of scary skin on display out there. It’s enough to make one thankful for baggy jeans and shapeless shirts.

When I’m not being a curmudgeon about the whole thing, I do enjoy the sound of the surf. And there is something about when dirt meets water that is a touch inspiring. That edge of land touching the apparently limitless ocean does spark a sense of awe. Particularly when viewed from the tiki bar across the street. So in honor of that, here’s a nice beach related image from Old Man Equine.

Old Man Equine Artwork

Lady Merreth

The drawing below is by SYoshiko (free deviant art login required) and is entitled ‘Concept sketch for Lady Merreth the Submission‘ The Lady Merreth character is from an as yet unpublished fantasy fiction tale. You can read more about the fiction here and here, and see more of the associated artwork here.

I’m personally not a big fantasy fiction fan, although the idea of a strong woman in leather who kicks ass is certainly an appealing one. I could even lose the leather and stay happy. I also like this artwork a lot. As the title says, it’s a concept sketch, so it’s not as developed as some of the other drawings of the character, but I love the fluidity and dreamy nature of it.

Concept Sketch of Lady Merrethby SYoshiko

Higher education

I like the idea of making science more interesting to people. I’d certainly be happy to volunteer to dangle over a lecture hall somewhere in academia. Unfortunately, I’m not sure this is all that practical. And I don’t mean the naked slave part, or the bondage, or the professor with a whip. I’m sure those would all be fine. It’s the timing that’d be an issue. I’ve done suspension scenes and they’re not the fastest things in the world to set-up. Getting everything cinched properly in place and the weight balanced right takes time. Doing it three different ways? All your students would be long gone. You’d be better off studying the mathematics of the whip.

Suspension Lecture

The cartoon comes from the very excellent Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. Other fine examples from the same source include this, this and my personal favorite this.

Great evening. Great artwork.

Tonight was a happy resumption of a long running tradition – my sessions with Lydia. Thanks to adjacent travel schedules it has been a month or so since we last got together. It was a very pleasurable (in a painful way) evening. Many clamps, clips and canes were deployed, resulting in much moaning and growling.

The image below isn’t really related to the session, other than both feature beautiful red heads. But right now I just want to relax and enjoy my endorphins rather than write posts. So if you’ll excuse me I have a date with my couch and a fine cocktail originally invented for a Mr. Ernest Hemingway.

Red headed mistress with her submissive

This great image was created by the artist i-have-a-hunger. I found it via Yumine Guo’s Storyland tumblr.

Annoyingly complicated humans

One of the problems when writing about the origin of kinky preferences is the tendency to treat the personal as the universal. It’s human nature to assume individual experiences are widely shared, or even that they are the default experience. That’s particularly problematic with something as complex and multifaceted as kink is.

An interesting comment from Budman reminded me that not everyone traces their preferences back to early childhood. He feels that his triggers came from early adolescence. That’s something I’ve seen reported by others. I’ve also seen posts from people who came to kink even later, years into their adulthood. It was something that they grew into, not an itch that was always lurking under the surface of their sexuality. Humans are annoyingly complicated.

For me however, my kinky nature was in place long before adolescence. How else can I explain me and Penelope Pitstop? As I’ve posted in the past, I loved watching this show as a child. There was something especially tingly about watching Penelope be tied up and placed in peril. Like the magic act I talked about yesterday, it wasn’t a formative experience. There was no traumatic or exciting event that got associated with cartoon bondage. I just loved the idea of control and how it could be taken away. Reaching adolescence just slotted the next piece of the jigsaw in place for me.

I think the fact that people come to different kinks, in so many different ways, and at so many different times, emphasizes the problem in trying to associate particular interests with only single formative events. After all, how many people experienced similar events, and didn’t become kinky? We never hear from the guy who was dressed up as a girl by his sisters, and didn’t become a cross-dresser. Perhaps there’s an underlying predisposition in just a fraction of the population to having a flexible sexuality. One that casts a wider net for stimulus. Some people are always aware of it, some access it via childhood events, some as their sexuality emerges in adolescence, and some discover it via experimentation in later life.

Having mentioned Penelope Pitstop, it seems fitting to close with this image. It has similar feel, with an extravagantly costumed villain, and a helpless well bound victim. Fortunately for the purposes of this blog, it’s a rare reversal of the damsel in distress trope. It’s entitled Fred Stolen by a Villainess and is by the artist Barry960.

'Fred stolen by a villainess' by Barry960