Searching for a little inspiration

The last few days have found me hunting through my archives of femdom art and erotic fiction in search of a little creative inspiration. I’m trying to carve out time to do some more femdom fiction writing, which for me is an enjoyable but slow process. Normally I just start bashing away at whatever random theme comes to mind, typically without any prepared plan or structure. Occasionally that turns into something worth publishing, but more often than not it bogs down and ends up being left to rot in my unfinished ideas folder. This time I’m trying to be a little more scientific. I’ve been analyzing some of my favorite authors (e.g. Tyjord, drkfetyshnyghts and Anne Gray) to see what parts of their stories really push my buttons. It has been interesting and educational to try and deconstruct why certain passages really grab me. For example, I liked this a lot.

Jason panicked as he felt the tugging on the front of his collar as Victoria pulled the chain through the ring on the ceiling. For a moment he thought they were going to hang him as he choked from both the gag and the pressure on his collar.

Seeing the distress in his eyes, Kristi leaned over his ear and whispered to him, “you can ease off the pressure a bit if you lift yourself up on your toes.” Gratefully he did so, putting all of his weight on the rubber encased balls of his feet. Immediately, Victoria took up the slack in the chain and hooked the taught metal to another ring in the wall near her. Kristi then grabbed another strap and buckled it around his newly exposed instep.
From ‘Jason’s Vacation’ by Tyjord

The apparent concern, the whispered words of apparent comfort and advice, and then the cruel betrayal. That’s hot.

I’m thinking of setting a story inside a medical establishment, so I’ve been browsing artwork along those lines. The piece below is one that particularly grabbed me. I know from personal experience that a little Icy Hot or VapoRub can be pretty painful when applied to delicate tissues. I can’t imagine what it’d be like when slathered on liberally with a painters brush.

It’s not signed but from the style I believe it’s from Tink2001. His work has featured here in the past (for example here, here and here). He has a personal site with a small collection of images located here.

Patient being treated with VapoRubOn an entertaining side note I tried putting this into Google’s image search to see what it would come back with. That’s often a good way to find other sites that have featured particular artists. In this case it came back with “Best guess for this image: 3d animal porn”. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

Uppity Submissives

Here’s a couple of submissives taking charge for once. The text isn’t all that clear, so in case you can’t read it the one of the left is saying “Don’t worry Mistress. We called in sick for you. Today you don’t need to go to work. Instead, we’re gonna have a nice little birthday party.” And the one on the right is saying “That’s right mistress! Now, come on, make a wish!” I’m not entirely sure of the exact backstory, but I’m guessing this is only a temporary rebellion that they may well regret further down the road.

The art comes courtesy of Shiniez from his site on deviant art. You’ll need to register to view anything, which is annoying, but it’s free and well worth it. There are a lot of good artists featured on the deviant art site in general. In this case you can see the original of this image in its original 1600×993 glory, plus a lot of really well drawn F/f and M/f BDSM artwork. Shiniez strikes me as unusual in that he actually tries to develop emotional and nuanced BDSM artwork. This piece is a good example. Note that it’s really big and long, so you may need to right click, select view image and then zoom to see it properly, or see original here. That’s an example from an ongoing series, taken just after a hot play session between the two women. It obviously lacks context when presented alone like this, but it’s also very clearly different to the simple ‘single snapshot of an extreme scene’ that’s so common in BDSM artwork. When was the last time you saw artwork showing a dom/sub couple unwinding and indulging in aftercare?

Happy Birthday to Mistress

A study in contrasts

When browsing tumbrs there’s so much pornographic content available that it can begin to blur together. The endless sweaty naked bodies all start to look the same. Occasionally however, something will stop me dead in my browsing tracks. Here’s an image that did exactly that when I came across it on Wonton Art.

There’s the obvious use of color contrast, with the submissive bright, cheerful and fleshy, while the dominant is grey and forbidding. More significantly, there’s also the stylistic contrast. The submissive is male but feminine, lithe and sensuous. He reminds me a little of a Japanese videogame character, something from a role-playing series that features an angst ridden and sensitive male lead. In contrast the dominant is unambiguously female, but imposing and serious. She’s striding away, her point clearly made. If he’s from a modern videogame, then she’s from a Victorian melodrama, possibly featuring orphans and a cruel governess.

ContrastsI’m afraid I don’t know the artist, but I would love to see more works from him or her. Please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.

Bringing up the rear

Here’s the last of my field of three horse related posts. It’s a little more artwork from Robert Bishop, this time featuring a nicely costumed bucking horse. Unlike the previous animals, this one seems a bit feisty, but she doesn’t look like she’ll have any problems keeping him under control. I suspect she might even enjoy a little intransigence from her mount.

Robert Bishop artwork of woman riding man dressed as horse

The bad old days

Bondage blog pointed me at a long but fascinating interview with John Blakemore. He was one of the very early producers of bondage movies back in the 70’s, shooting stuff for HOM and Cal-Star. The original material was before my time, but various stills and fuzzy video clips have been floating around on usenet for years.

All his movies are M/f and a world away from any kind of female dominant aesthetic. However, for anyone interested in the history of porn and BDSM, it’s an informative glimpse behind the scenes and back in time. As he makes clear, he was operating in isolation, in very murky legal territory and with old fashioned technology.

At the time, the laws in the United States prohibited any form of penetration, or sex with bondage, or actual torture and so I made these films expressly for the European market, to be taken out of the country. They were not even edited here. I had to hand deliver the raw footage. It was never out of my possession. I put it in Barbara’s hands; she in turn put it in the hands of someone from Europe. And even then, it was probably risky, although the film had not yet even been developed. It was raw footage that had not yet been developed. And it went out of the country and it did not come back. I was rather shocked to find out a couple years ago that some of this stuff is available.

While I do find it fascinating, it’s not an interview that makes me warm to the man. His approach and attitude comes across as pretty disturbing. He’s not big on concepts like SSC (Safe, Sane and Consensual) and some of his views are fairly ludicrous.

The simple fact of the matter is that in the Western world for the last 2000 years, if you take a young man that’s full of testosterone…and you put him in a situation where he has the place, the equipment and the ability to do anything to a gorgeous young woman that he wants to, with absolutely no repercussions of any kind, he will torture her and rape her.

Clearly technical issues areas like picture quality and the production values aren’t the only things that have improved since the bad old days of BDSM porn.

Given his work is all male dominant, I’m not going to feature any shots from it here. Fortunately he mentions the artist Bishop in the interview, who also used to do work for HOM. That therefore gives me an excuse to feature some of his wonderful artwork.

Femdom by BishopFemdom by Bishop

Organic bondage

I’ve featured Catwoman in the past (here and here for example), and now here’s another of Batman’s female foes, Poison Ivy. I’m no expert on the Batman backstory, but according to her wikipedia page she’s a powerful villainess who prefers to kill her enemies with a poisonous kiss. As a fan of blending the sensuous with the sadistic I kind of like that. Much better than riddles or freeze rays.

This image is by the Italian artist Gabriele Dell’Otto. In a nice kinky crossover the original Poison Ivy was apparently modeled on fetish star Bettie Page. This rendering doesn’t really carry that across, but it’s still a very beautiful sexy image.

Poison Ivy with Batman bound in vinesI found this via the XombieDIRGE tumblr.

Screw the roses

I really hate Valentines Day. This is not because I’m a miserable curmudgeon (that’s just a coincidence), and I certainly don’t dislike a romantic gesture at the right time. But Valentines Day is amateur hour. If you need a special day as a reminder to buy some flowers, or champagne or whatever tickles the fancy of your romantic significant other, then you probably have other issues to address. What’s particularly annoying from my personal perspective is the restaurant situation. They cram in extra tables, only offer a fixed menu and charge extra. Add in harried waitstaff and a lot of new customers who expect special treatment on their rare night out, and you’ve got a real zoo. I never go out on Valentines Day if I can avoid it, whatever my relationship status.

Unfortunately this week I’m traveling and solo. I’m therefore going to be forced into my starring role of bitter grumpy man in restaurant. This will be swiftly followed by my encore presentation of drunk grumpy man in restaurant. In the meantime I’ll leave you with the least romantic image I could find on my computer. This is from the always extreme EmmaS.

Fun in the family by EmmaS

With apologies to my readers

I’m sorry about posting this image, I really am. It’s pretty fucked up.

It has been lurking on my hard drive for months now. I could never decide what to do with it. It’s a little like that bottle of viciously strong but heinous tasting liquor that gets left after a party. You can’t image any situation where you’d want to drink it, but also can’t quite bring yourself to throw it away. In this case, having just put up a post about guns and girls, I figured it was now or never. So here it is.

The reason I considered posting it at all was my odd reaction to it. It’s an image where my mental backstory makes a significant difference to how I perceive it. If I imagine that the gun is empty, and it’s all just a massive headtrip they’re running on the slave, then I think it’s a very hot image. The two women engrossed in each other, together with their extreme mental cruelty to the bound man, is arousing. Albeit in a twisted fucked up way (my favorite kind). On the other hand, if I imagine the gun is loaded, and he’s about to be shot in the head, then I hate it with a passion. That’s twisted at a level I just can’t get my head around. I can’t think of any other images that I’ve had such an extreme reaction to, based on how I project into them.

Tink image of naked slave with gun in mouthI believe the artist for this goes under the handle of Tink. His (or her) work has featured here in the past (this for example), but I’ve never tracked down any biographical information or a good hosting site for his/her images.

Why so serious?

Just a short post tonight. I’m packing for a trip, and posting may be a little erratic over the coming week.

In the meantime I’ll leave you to ponder this picture and what exactly the young gentleman is so concerned about. Most men confronted by an attractive young lady taking her pants off would be somewhat enthralled. Clearly the evening is not unfolding as he was expecting. Perhaps he has a purity ring? I’m going to guess it might be about to get a little tarnished.

Young man bound and attacked by two young ladiesI’m afraid I don’t know the artist. Feel free to leave a comment if you can help with attribution.

Put her in the comfy chair!

I’m continuing the F/f theme from yesterday’s post. However, while I called yesterday’s image ‘sweet’, I’m not sure many people would apply the same description here. It’s more a case of turning her into the comfy chair, rather than putting her in it.

For most people I expect it’s the severity of the bondage that stands out, but for me it’s the expressions. One is icy calm, unflustered. The other is emotional and flushed, even a little tearful. That contrast really makes the image work for me.

Papermania artwork showing female submissive turned into a chairThe artist goes under the handle of papermania. I’ve seen his work floating around in a lot of different places but I’ve never managed to track down any biographical details or a homepage. The majority of his work is M/f but there’s also some F/f and F/m. If you’d like to browse more there’s a g-e.hentai gallery here and a couple of imagefap galleries here and here. Be aware that some of his images are fairly strong fantasy BDSM.