Short and sweet

After all the verbiage in the last three posts I thought something simple and to the point was called for today. I don’t know the original artist for this image or anything about it. I just like it. She manages to look both a little tentative and yet still commanding all at the same time.

Standing woman teasing seated man with her footI found this on the lifes beauty (aka django mango) tumblr. If anyone does have any background on the image or can attribute it for me then please leave a comment and I’ll update the post.

Dirty dirty boy

Here’s a little artwork I came across on my random ramblings through Japanese BDSM blogs. I believe the artist is Haru Kano and he has a blog featuring his femdom and fetish artwork. There’s also a thread containing more of his work available at this image board. His style is quite distinctive and in some cases reminds me a little of Namio Harukawa. For example, this face sitting shot definitely puts me in mind of some of Namio’s work.

The image below of a slave getting a good wash and scrub down isn’t something that would normally appeal to me. I’m typically not a fan of humiliation type play. However, I do like his bound kneeling posture, and it’s very hard to not be taken with a trio of attractive aggressive Japanese nurses.

Haru Kano's artwork

Keeping it in the family

Eric Stanton produced a large amount of high quality femdom artwork over his career. Some of it was a little strange. For example, these drawings are taken from a series entitled ‘Family Affair’ which pits mother and daughter against father and son. As you’d expect given the context, the women win out and beat the hell out of the helpless males. In the drawings below it’s the sister taking charge of her brother with a little helpful advice from her mother. Some people might find the incest storyline a little but squicky, but I think the drawings themselves are classic Stanton, with lots of energy and very physical forceful women. From the introduction page I believe these were drawn in 1974.

Eric Stanton artwork from 'Family Affair'

Eric Stanton artwork from 'Family Affair'

Happy New Year!

Hope all my readers out there have a fabulous 2012. I wish you all the kinky fun you can handle for the coming 12 months.

I have no idea what femdom image is suitable for a celebration of the changing of calendar, so here’s just a fun one that was lurking on my hard drive. Hopefully everyone will have as good a time as it looks like these two are.

Bound male being teased by female

Dreaming of a white christmas…

I’m typically not a fan of the holiday season blog posts that feature well known festive figures in out of character fetish gear (e.g. Sissy Santa’s). I normally get enough off the holiday spirit without also needing to encounter it via my favorite sex blogs. However, I’ll give myself a pass on this image. Disney only has a loose association with Christmas in my mind, and Snow White really does work well as a domme. I can just imagine her whipping the dwarfs into line.

Snow White as DominatrixI encountered this via the Loves Bright Women tumblr. It’s originally from Cartoon Girls on DeviantArt.

Medical Artwork

In the last few days, as I’ve hunted around for interesting medical style femdom images, I’ve been surprised by the numerical differences between photographs and artwork. There’s a relatively limited amount of interesting medical photographs. The English Mansion has a pretty extensive clinic section and there are some dommes that specialize in medical shots (like Lady Anna’s clips), but it’s generally not a common theme. In contrast it seems to be a very popular subject for artists. Just looking through my Femdom Artwork section, artists such as Augustine, Dmitrys, Namio Harukawa, Rubex, Sardax, Kami Tora, Vernice61 and Waldo have all done non-trivial amounts of medical themed work.

I suspect that’s partly because suitable equipped spaces are hard to find, where dungeon and domestic interiors are a dime a dozen. I also suspect it’s something to do with balancing the harder reality a photograph presents to the viewer. A domme in a Halloween style nurses uniform and a toy stethoscope just looks kind of silly. But a fully equipped and realistic medical space (like this German one) is probably too much for all but the most hardcore medical fetishist. Balancing between those two seems difficult. I’d guess a lot of submissives want to take some of the themes of control, invasion of personal space and helplessness from medical procedures but recast them slightly. This kind of fantasy projection seems easier in artwork, where more is left to the viewers imagination.

Obviously to illustrate this I needed a medically themed image that illustrates this flexibility of fantasy. So here’s something from the obscure artist known as German. There’s a lot going on, with a feminized young man, some oral worship and a nurse with an enema in progress.

I found this image on a new site dedicated to this artists work that someone was kind enough to email me. If you like this image then I’d suggest taking a look at the site, as there’s a huge number of similar drawings there. Here’s another one from there that I particularly liked.

Nurse with enema and feminized boy


It never fails. I take a nice long vacation from work for the holiday season. I get a bunch of dinners and parties lined up. And then I get sick with some stupid bug.

Updates and comment replies might therefore be a little erratic over the next few days as I try and shake off whatever the hell is attacking my throat and sinuses right now. In the meantime I’m predicting a medical theme for the next set of posts. I sadly don’t have a nurse in a crisp white uniform to sooth my feverish brow with a cooling cloth but it doesn’t hurt to dream.

This image does feature a nurse, but there doesn’t appear to be a lot of soothing going on. I’m not sure of the exact medial procedure she’s planning to use, but I’d predicting he’s going to feel particularly well cleansed when she’s done. It was of course created by the great Namio Harukawa.

Nurse and patient in Namio Harukawa artwork

The happy couple

Well at least one of them looks happy. He’s not looking entirely overjoyed at the idea of getting his flower plucked.

I know traditionally a newly married couple should be eager to retire to the matrimonial bed, but these two seem particularly hasty. He has still got his bow tie on. That’s surely not a common thing to wear while being rogered from the rear by your young new wife.

Wedding scene with strap-on by Camille

I found this on the Awesome Femdom tumblr site. I think it’s by Camille MM. It’s not signed but it looks very much like her style.

Updated: Via a comment Camille confirmed it was one of her images. Now I have the original image I’ve updated the post with it. At least if anyone copies it from here the signature will be now be present.

No pleasing some people

I’m not exactly sure who Ken is, or if there’s any backstory to this cartoon, but he strikes me as a bit of a whiner. He’s managed to get a little threesome action, some bondage fun and a night of strap-on pleasure with a gorgeous woman. And now he’s regretting it? Some guys would sell their immortal soul for such a thing. He needs to man up and take it like a champ.

Ken And Lucy in some strap-on actionThe artists is Jaxtraw and he has a commercial site here. It looks like this came from a free site he published that has a lot of similar cartoons on it (mostly not femdom however). I came across it on the Me tumblr site.