Fans of domestic style discipline, cross-dressing and foot/leg worship may appreciate the artwork of Juan Puyal.
Tag: Artwork
Tis but a scratch
Lady Annisa has an interesting new post up that prompted a little reflection and thought on my part.
I enjoyed the post for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the temporary role reversal, with the medically inclined domme ending up in the local A&E unit is an unusual ending to a session! Obviously getting gashed on the scalp isn’t exactly amusing, but the picture she paints of the scene with the fresh faced registrar certainly is. Secondly, I also appreciated it as an illustration of just how into a scene a domme, and specifically a pro-domme, can get. Here’s someone so into playing with a particular submissive they don’t even notice a suture worthy head wound. It’s not until the blood starts splattering around that they figure out what’s going on.
There is a school of thought, often expressed by lifestyle female dominants, that a pro-domme can never be a real domme. She’s just doing a job. She’s being paid, so she’s not really in control. It’s all a bunch of smoke and mirrors, and really she’s bored/submissive/exploited/powerless.
Possessors of this kind of viewpoint always bemuses me, as it seems so incredibly simple minded. It’s as if they can’t deal with multiple simultaneous concepts. It can both be a job and enjoyable. A session can involve financial exchange without precluding power exchange. She can offer a service without automatically giving up control of the situation, or how, when and who can experience it. People can be friends and have intense meaningful interactions whilst still retaining a professional relationship.
Personally if I’m doing something I don’t enjoy, then any minor issue turns into a distraction I’ll make use of. Forget blood gushing head wounds. I’ll take a stubbed toe or a tight muscle as a reason to give-up and go do something else. In contrast when I’m immersed in a situation then a small bomb blast may go unnoticed. As Lady Annisa says…
That’s what happens when you’re enjoying yourself, you just don’t notice the pain or you process it differently
Clearly, while she might have been getting paid for her time, she was also very much enjoying herself.
For an image to illustrate this post my thoughts turned to medical play and then in turn to Kami Tora. He’s always a good source for images of sadistic medical torments.
Waiting for a customer
There’s a niche porn genre that focuses on men being turned into feminized depersonalized sex toys. Bruce Baker tends to specialize in that kind of art, and I’ve featured other illustrations of it in the past, for example here and here. Normally the art in this area tends to be fairly explicit, with lots of whimpering sissys, cruel dommes and big macho bulls.
This image therefore makes for an interesting contrast to that norm. It struck me as being quite clever. The room is depicted as being very ordinary, and yet there’s the ominous locking bars across the door and a complete lack of furniture. The feminized toy isn’t reacting with horror to her new appearance, or being brutally buggered by a bull, s/he’s just drinking a coffee and reading the only printed material they’ve left for her. It seems kind of ludicrous to describe such an over-the-top idea as ‘realistic’, particularly given her sex doll mask and large jutting cock, but the artist has managed to impart a disturbing sense of normality to the scene. She’s just killing time, waiting to be summoned for her next customer.
It put me in mind of an old DX story called the ‘Perfect Bride’. It doesn’t look like there’s a live copy online these days, but using my mad porn tracking skills, I found a version using the way back machine.
I believe the artist is called Tink. I’ve several examples of his work, but I’ve failed to track down any details about him or a homepage for his renderings. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any information on him I can add.
Added Vernice61 to Femdom Artwork
Vernice61 has featured on this site several times in the past, in posts like this one and this one. I thought it was time he had a permanent place in the artwork section, and here it is. I think fans of intense femdom artwork, featuring all manner of devilish torments, will appreciate his excellent drawings.
The example shown below is a particularly good example, with bondage, forced consumption, whips, cattle prods and nipple/cock stimulation all thrown into the the mix. Not to mention a nice hint of it being institutional torture.
Happy childhood memories
I love the strange covers of the trashy erotic novels and fiction magazines that appeared from the 1950’s through to the 1970’s. They’re often very lurid and melodramatic, with weird sexual ideas. This one is a particularly good example of their what-the-fuck strangeness, with its newly minted lesbian castratrix. I found this on the femdom artists site, and Her Majestys Plaything also featured some similar covers in a recent post.
The reason for the post title is not because I was almost emasculated by a strangely large lesbian archer as a child. Although that might explain a few things if it were true. In fact, oddly enough, the title is due to my Uncle. He was an ordained Methodist minister by profession, politically active in the local community and highly literate. As you’d expect with that kind of resume, his study was crammed with dense complex books relating to religion, philosophy, sociology and politics. But one enormous bookcase, almost covering an entire wall, was packed with erotic novels. He had all the classics (Delta of Venus, The story of O, Fanny Hill, etc.) but the majority were kinky and explicit works of a more recent vintage. They featured everything from vicious female Nazi doctors through naughty British schoolgirls to seductive French countesses. Sometimes all in the same book.
As you might expect for a horny teenager with kinky tendencies, that bookcase was my holy grail. I planned my visits to his house like an Oceans 11 style heist caper. How could I sneak into the study, dodge the various family members, acquire a book and escape for some private time, before replacing it undetected? Unfortunately I was less George Clooney and more Groucho Marx when it came to the smooth execution of complex plans, and usually ended up being forced to ‘borrow’ one of his conventional books as cover. It’s hard pretty hard to jerk off to the life and works of Catholic philosopher Thomas Aquinas unless you’re a real sicko. Finally, one happy summer, we traded houses with his family for a few days, and I spent every night sneaking his sleaziest nastiest books back to my room. I think I probably slept five or six hours in total over 4 very onanistic nights.
So embarrassing. So good.
There are some images I post that I feel almost proud of. They’re erotic, artistic and intellectually satisfying. I know I’ve done nothing but re-post somebody else’s creative expression, but it makes me happy that I can share it with others. They’re the kind of images you’d be proud to stick on a poster for a BDSM protest march and say ‘This is who we are.’
Today’s post is not one of those images.
I’m not really sure why I like it as much as I do. The submissive looks so embarrassed and so guilty about what she’s doing. Those are not normally appealing traits for me. And yet at the same time, she’s also lost in the moment. That dirty sock is filling her senses. Just looking at this makes me want to go and write a highly pornographic story featuring these two young ladies. I think it’d feature a sadistic college room mate, guilty secrets, suppressed emotions and lots of dirty laundry. Look out for it as a future Hallmark channel movie of the week.I found this on the Mistress Hana site.
Y: The Last Man
I’m part way through reading a really excellent graphic novel entitled “Y: The Last Man.” I’ve never been a fan of the more traditional style comic books, but this steers clear of superhero cliches and the traditional clunky expository style speeches. Instead it reads more like a clever hip TV show, with funny snappy dialog and sly cultural references.
The premise is that every man (and male animal) drops dead at exactly the same time, leaving only those people without a Y chromosome alive. The only exception is a single young man named Yorick and his pet male monkey. What follows is the story of his quest to find his girlfriend (he’s in the US, she’s in Australia), while the 3B remaining women in the world try and deal with the aftermath of this cataclysmic event.
The author has obviously had a lot of fun thinking about some of the less obvious effects of such a societal shift. The obvious male dominated fields like engineering and law enforcement are clearly going to be a problem. But what about politics? There are comparatively few female politicians, and most of those are from the Democratic party (in the US). So by default the Democrats end up in charge, which doesn’t sit well with the surviving wives of the Republican politicians. The military is another male dominated area, with the exception of Israel, which conscripts and trains women and men. Israel is therefore vaulted into the forefront as a military power, something they’re not slow to take advantage of. There series is full of such intriguing ideas, most of which are great illustrations of just how unequally divided the world still is.
For the most part the books do a good job of subverting the obvious sexual expectations of being the only man on a planet full of women. Yorick spends most of his time hiding and trying not to be killed or kidnapped, rather than trying to repopulate the planet. But there’s one interesting sub-plot where he has an encounter with an aggressive and apparently dominant woman. Things don’t play out exactly as you might expect from these two front page shots, but it adds an entertaining erotic twist into a plot that’s already fairly unusual from a gender and sexual point of view.
Twiddling with the blogroll
I’ve made a few changes to the blogroll over on the right. Specifically, I’ve carved out a new section for femdom art blogs. The definition of what’ll go in here is kind of fuzzy, but it’ll include active artists blogs (e.g. RedRump, Underling), blogs writing about and featuring femdom artwork (e.g. he stoops to worship and Femdom Artists) and odd but related stuff I like (e.g. contemplating the divine). The femdom images page will still be the home for more tumblr style blogs that feature a lot of photographs and re-posted images.
For an accompanying image for this post I picked an artist who recently featured both in this post on ‘he stoops to worship‘ and in this post on ‘Femdom Artists’ – Laurent Lebeau. I thought this image was a particularly cute one. No extreme punishment. No ice queen mistress. No beaten and bruised slave. Just a happy and excited guy taking his pants off while the mistress patiently (and slightly nervously in my eyes) waits for him. It looks like the beginning of a very enjoyable scene.
The showing of the implements
I did a session last week where, once I’d been initially shackled to a St. Andrews cross, the domme started pulling out various implements from her bag of tricks. She described each of them as she did so, and laid them out on the bench in front of her. It made for a interesting opening few minutes, setting the scene for what was to come.
I was reminded of that when I saw this image. Judging by his pained expression and hand position, this is obviously not right at the start of the activity. But I like to think it’s capturing a moment mid-way through. She’s giving him a moment to collect himself, offer him a little bit of manual encouragement, and to show him what implements she still needs to use on him. It’s the arm around his shoulder and her focused but caring expression that really makes this image work for me.
I was sent this by a reader who thought I might appreciate it. He’d enjoyed one of my earlier posts, and wanted to share some art that he felt had a similar sense of emotion and intimacy. So my thanks to him for pointing me at this particular piece.
Happy Birthday to Me
Just a couple of days ago this blog turned one year old. It feels like I’ve been writing it for much longer, but the post dates don’t lie. 12 pages, 378 posts and 544 approved comments equals one year of blogging.
Looking back at my statistics for the first month I had around 100 visitors. Twelve months later and I’m serving in excess of 60,000 visitors a month with over half a million page views. I originally purchased a small site web hosting package, I’ve since upgraded through medium to large, and I’m heading towards the super size. All those figures are kind of amazing to me, given this is just a random collection of re-posted images and links accompanied by whatever thoughts are currently floating to the front of my brain.
I have to thank a lot of other established bloggers that linked to me and sent traffic in my direction. This includes (but isn’t limited to) Saratoga, Ms Marie, Suzanne and Her Majesty’s Plaything, who were all important linkers in the very early days. However, I have a special place in my heart for Shohei Yamashiro, who provided me with my very first incoming link from his site Slug on Leather. It therefore seems only fitting to illustrate this anniversary post with one of his fine pieces of artwork.