80’s Flashback

Coming across this image sent me flashing back down memory lane. For most of my US readers this won’t mean much, but the ZX Spectrum (along with the Commodore 64) was a pretty huge part of my childhood. I don’t remember this particular magazine issue, but I do remember a lot of similar editions that were equally enticing, featuring many large breasted warrior queens. Whoever crafted this one (and I’m willing to bet significant money it was a man) clearly had a good appreciation for dominant women.

It’s funny to look back at these old games. This page has the original Crash review of the game featured in this cover, with actual screenshots. As a child I was never bothered by the promise of the artwork and the sharply diverging reality of the game itself. I’m not sure I even saw a difference. In my mind it all looked equally exciting. Now I look back and think “Wow, my parent were right. Those games were just a bunch of blobs and squiggles.”

Femdom scene from Crash magazine

Pucker up froggy…

I would normally drawn the line at bestiality on this blog, but here’s a little princess on frog action that made me smile. No captions or subtitles needed, those two expressions tell it all. That’s one enchanted prince who’ll be sticking to catching flies. And it’s nice to see a variation on the common princess archetypes. She doesn’t look like she’ll be singing to birds or cracking jokes whilst kicking ass.

The Frog and the PrincessThe artist is Serge Birault. You can see a lot more of his work on his blog. I found it via this Mistress Fantasy post.


Here’s another piece of artwork that caught my eye, with once again a distinct shift in style and color from the previous days post.

The depiction of a submissive wearing a chastity device while simultaneously being penetrated by a strap-on is a fairly commonly one. The additional emphasis it places on the dominants sexual control and power has an obvious appeal. However, this image struck me as showing an usually tender scene. Despite the manacles, fetish wear and padlocked cock cage, there’s a real sense of tenderness and vulnerability. She looks like she’s more likely to whisper sweet nothings in his ear than call him a slut. Which I personally think would be a definite improvement from the usual cliched domme pillow talk that often gets scripted in these scenarios.

Strap-on and chastity deviceI found this on the True Servitude tumblr site, which contains a lot of hentai images of various fetishes


Here’s an image chosen to very deliberately contrast with yesterday’s post. While that was all blacks and greys, this has a real sense of warmth and happiness. The artist hasn’t used a bright vivid palette but there’s a rich earthy feel to it. I like her smile and the way he’s hugging a pillow for comfort.


I’m afraid I don’t know the painter, but I do feel like I should know. I found it on the Women Supremacy tumblr site.

A chance for a flutter on the gee-gee’s

While I’m on record as not being a big pony play fan, I did like the level of fine detail in this drawing. The artist is Ironwood and he’s really put a lot of thought into those outfits. I think it’s from a series entitled ‘Spanish Leather’ but I haven’t managed to track down the complete sequence of drawings from it yet. Oh, and for anyone wondering about the post title, it’s old British slang for betting on horses. My money would be on the one on the right, he looks a little more lively and his rider a touch more lithe.

Ironwood Pony Boy Drawing

Avast, ye mateys!

In the last couple of days an old post of mine on the recently popular subject of the devaluation of male submissives sparked to life. Maymay added some thoughts, as did Alisa. That triggered some blog browsing on my part, and led me to a post by Alisa which made me laugh out loud. I’ll quote the relevant part…

If we’re playing pirates and wenches, you’ve captured me off a British vessel and have had your way with me, perhaps you’ve tied me up and left me in a corner while you await ransom, but eventually we tire and we go out and we get dinner. And when we put on our clothes and walk out the front door you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are not a 15th century pirate* because if you don’t, we’ve got problems. There is no confusion, I will not be mistaken for a captured wench at the corner diner, neither of us will have period dialects or accents, there is no risk of scurvy.

I think that’s a very visual and illustrative way to highlight an important point – submission is a negotiated state with very defined boundaries. A dominant who can’t handle those kind of transitions and state changes is not someone to play with. But the importance of the underlying point aside, it was the mental picture that made me laugh. I can just imagine a nonplussed wait staff staring at each other while a big macho dom in a white shirt and leather pants curses them as spineless landlubbers. He’d be ordering grog while his erstwhile play partner holds her head in her hands and regrets the day she decided to fool around with Captain Rum (who doesn’t even know the way to France).

Given this is a femdom blog, I thought I’d pick some suitable female pirates to illustrate the post. These two come courtesy of the Femdom Artists site and pulpy 1960’s magazines.

Pirate Queen of the China SeasSex Crazed Pirate Female SadistsYou can see the original two posts here and here.

* The anally retentive history nerd in me feels the need to point out that pirates and the British Navy was mainly an 18th Century phenomena, not 15th Century. The Royal Navy wasn’t actually founded until the 16th Century. OK. End of annoying nerd moment.

Beating a jackass

I really should post more Stanton artwork. He was a tremendous illustrator and produced a huge amount of exciting drawings. His work is always very energetic and physical. I’m not a big over the knee spanking fan (it’s fun, just not a major kink of mine), but this drawing still got my attention. It really communicates the speed and force of that paddle blow. I can almost hear the splat of the wood on flesh.

Eric Stanton spanking artwork

CBT done properly

Today’s image comes courtesy of kinky delight by way of eros blog. It’s a nice combo of chains, clamps, brushes and electroshock.

I’ve posted in the past that I’m not sure Bacchus from eros blog really gets femdom. That’s not a crime of course. There’s no reason he should have to understand or enjoy every form of sexuality or porn in the world. In this case his comment that goes along with the image reinforces my previous impression.

I’ve always figured that the men who enjoy cock and ball torture (CBT for short) have bought in (a bit more seriously than most of us) to the old adage “There’s no such thing as bad attention.”

I know he’s kind of joking, but at the same time that seems to miss the mark fairly significantly. There are many easier ways to get attention. And if it was as simple as this, then there would be no such thing as bad CBT. Anyone who has been on the end of CBT that was too much too soon will know that’s not the case. Ramping up the intensity too fast can leave me faint and nauseous, and a long way from my happy subspace.

Really good CBT is, by way of contrast, one of the best and most involving D/s experiences I can have. In many ways it’s a little like the flip side of edging. There you’re trying to keep a pleasurable sensation just the right side of a shifting line, stopping the sensation spilling over into the ultimate pleasure. Great CBT for me does a similar thing, building the pain, taking it to the very edge of what I can take, and then inching forward as the endorphins flow and I drift into a submissive trance.

In a CBT session I did fairly recently the mistress used sharp vicious little clips. Starting with the safer (slightly) less painful areas, she slowly worked towards the most sensitive spots, the nerve clusters at the end of the cock. Long before she got there I was spacing out, trapped and unable to avoid what I knew she was going to do to me. And then when the dozen or so clips were in place, my body squirming as the last oh so painful ones were attached, she began to gradually retrace her steps. Each clip was ripped free, the jaws still pinching my flesh. Even in my zoned state the anticipation I felt as she slowly built back towards those last few clips was incredible.

CBT with clamp, brush and electroshockI’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution for the image. Stylistically it looks a little like Annmo Night, but I don’t recognize it from the image sets I have of his. Anyone have any ideas?

Update: Once again my readers come through for me. As I suspected it is an Anmo (or Annmo) Night image, taken from Comic For Masochist Only 3. Thanks to clitlicksluttyworm for the pointer!

Explicit Japanese Artwork

There’s an awful lot of M/f Japanese bondage artwork available, but the F/m dynamic seems to be far less common. I came across this one originally on homer’s blog and then tracked down another source for him at the Mistress Fantasy blog. The artist is Akira Kito (1925-1994) and his work seems to be done in a traditional style, whilst incorporating some very explicit activity.

Akira Kito Femdom Artwork