Pseuds Kinky Corner

The satirical British magazine Private Eye runs a regular column called Pseuds Corner, containing reader submitted quotes of journalists being particularly pretentious or pompous. It’s normally dominated by art critics, who typically suffer from the biggest gap between their perception of the world (and themselves) and how the rest of us experience it. I couldn’t help thinking that this recent review of a modern dance piece in the Guardian would make a good submission to the column.

In Diaghilev on the Beach, former Boston Ballet dancer Joseph Mercier presents a reworking of Nijinsky’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune, set to Debussy’s score. Mercier locates the piece at a balmy poolside, where two cocktail-sipping, harem-panted Nefertitis (Sarah Cattrall and Natalie Clarke) indulge their slave (Mercier), who is costumed in golden briefs and a jewelled dog collar. As Clarke languidly oils her breasts, Cattrall leads Mercier around, occasionally permitting him to lick her feet, and alternately stroking and slapping him. Nijinsky’s 1912 work ends with the faun shuddering in orgasm over a scarf stolen from a nymph, and a century later Mercier references the critical reaction (“filthy and bestial”, according to Le Figaro) by having Cattrall lubricate a butt plug attached to a jewelled animal tail, and insert it in her slave’s proffered rectum. It’s a startling moment, and even among the too-cool-for-school Chisenhale crowd occasions a quiet intake of breath. But the piece works. It perfectly reproduces the timeless languor of the original, it matches it in provocation, and in Mercier’s assumption of the most abject characteristics of the Faun and the Golden Slave from Schéhérazade (another Diaghilev sex-ballet), pitches reverberant questions about the dominant-submissive relationship of performer and audience.

I’m normally all for exploring questions about dominant-submissive relationships. And some languid breast oiling combined with a little foot worship, slapping and anal play sounds like a pretty good way to spend a Tuesday night. I may even add it to my ‘ideas for sessions’ list. But the idea of sitting in an audience and watching a modern dance interpretation of it? That sounds like the bad kind of humiliation and psychological torture.

Dog boy with mistress in gardenAdmittedly this image is more a garden scene than a  balmy poolside, but there is a collar, leash and tail butt plug involved. It’s an image I like for the stillness and thoughtfulness of it. They’re not heavily involved or interacting. Just sitting for a private moment with their thoughts.

I’ve seen work by this artist before, but I can’t recall his or her name. As usual, I’m sure one of my highly knowledgeable readers will know the answer, so please leave a comment if you can help me attribute it.

Deadly Little Miho

In my last post I mentioned I wasn’t a big comic book fan. As far as the traditional superhero comics go, this is a true statement. I was never a fan of their infinite episodic nature, the endlessly complicated back stories and their clunky expository dialogue style. However, in recent years I have started purchasing the hardback collected editions of some of the more interesting and self-contained comics (or graphic novels). Titles such as Sandman, Hellboy, The Last Man and Fables manage to combine striking artwork with interesting and complex storytelling.

By far my favorite purchase to date has been the Frank Miller library edition of Sin City. The story is ridiculous, the violence excessive and the morality dubious. But I love it. The artwork is both distinctive and beautiful, and the dialog has the staccato brutality of James Ellroy crossed with the romance of Raymond Chandler.

There’s certainly no shortage of characters with a fetish or BDSM slant. But my personal pick would have to be Miho, the sadistic Japanese assassin. Silent, lethal and unstoppable, she toys with each man she fights, before finishing him off in spectacularly violent fashion. She may not be a domme in the commercial sense, but she’s undoubtedly a beautiful dominant woman.

The first image below is taken from the film version, starring Devon Aoki as Miho. The second image is Frank Miller’s drawing of her from the cover of the Family Values story.

Devon Aoki as Miho in Sin CityMiho as drawn by Frank Miller

Super Sub

This image put a smile on my face when I stumbled across in earlier today. Not sure who the mysterious lady is (I was never a big comic book fan), but she seems to have put Superman in his place.

Although as I come to think about it, Superman would probably be a pretty boring slave to own. He’d be able to complete all his tasks and chores very quickly, but that would mean he’d be hanging around waiting for more instructions all the time. And he’d be pretty tough to punish unless you had some kryptonite toys. I guess you could get him to punish himself, but where’s the fun in that? In a genre packed with kinky subtext and power games, he always was one of the most conventional and vanilla characters.

Updated: This is probably carrying my fetish for attribution a little too far, but thanks to sub2mgi I can now add that the mysterious lady is someone called Star Sapphire. I was also hoping to add a couple of terse sentences describing exactly who she is. However, after looking at her wikipedia page, it’s clear she’s one of the many comic characters whose back story requires a supercomputer and a team of nerds to keep track of. As best I can tell, she’s something to do with the Green Lantern.

Superman as a slave

Old School

This is a pretty traditional piece of dominatrix artwork. Tight leather, bulging breasts, a piercing stare and a riding crop. Normally I try and avoid the femdom cliches, but something about this image appealed to me. Maybe it’s her calm and very matter of fact expression. The composition is clever as well. It’s incredibly simple, but the black and white background gives the impression of a doorway or opening, which adds a nice sense of depth to the figure.

Domatrix by Michael BairThe artist is Michael Bair. I came across this on the femdom artist site.

New blogs

I’ve added four new blogs to my blogroll over on the right.

Mrs Kelly’s Playhouse is written by Scott and Emma, and describes their female led marriage. It covers a wide variety of kinky topics, including BDSM, cuckolding, chastity and the all issues that come with integrating them into a full time lifestyle relationship.

The Glow Inside has been created by Steve Mayhew and contains an eclectic mix of artwork, fiction, links and his musings on kinky activities and relationship issues. He also described this blog as ‘looks the goods’, which I’m not completely clear on, but I’m going to take as complimentary.

From Mundane to Mistress is written from the perspective of Mistress L, who has transitioned from being a BDSM photographer to an active participant in the kink scene. I found her posts on her hunt for a new submissive to be particularly interesting. From my perspective as a submissive/masochistic single male it often feels like there are a hundred submissive men for every dominant woman, and that a mistress shouldn’t be able to swing a whip without hitting a dozen eligible slaves. It’s therefore illuminating to see some of the issues from the other end of the leash (so to speak).

Finally, last but definitely not least is A Life as Her ‘Wife’. This is a relatively new blog describing the lifestyle relationship of Paul and Carol, and is heavy on themes of cuckolding, cross-dressing, chastity and service submission.

Niagra Detroit ImageThis funky piece of pop art comes from Niagra Detroit. I discovered it via The Glow Inside blog.

The Femme Bot

This is a nice combination of bondage, sensory deprivation and forced feminization. The female body reminds me a little of the femme bot from the movie Mars Attacks! And I particulary like the silhouetted figure in the control room. The artist has managed to pack a lot of expressive emotion into her outline.

Forced FeminizationI’m afraid I don’t know the artist so, as usual, feel free to leave a comment if you can help with a correct attribution. I found on the snail meilk image board.

Cute Couple

Much as I enjoyed the scene portrayed in my last post, I’d be the first to admit that forced consumption of urine and cigarettes is not going to be to everyone’s taste. So for a change of pace here’s a fun little drawing I stumbled across.

They make a cute couple. Personally I like to imagine that it’s drawn from the perspective of a male slave shackled and caged in a corner of the dungeon. While the mistress plays with her sexy new toy, he’s going to be spending the next few hours in a horrible cramped and uncomfortable position. If he’s lucky he may get to watch, but probably not.

I know Ms Marie has been on the hunt for a female sub to play with. I wish her luck with that. Perhaps one day she’ll be able to post the equivalent image in photographic form from her Sissy’s point of view.

Cute CoupleI found this on the snail meilk site, but it’s originally from sal0’s deviant art page. Sadly the rest of his images don’t share this theme.

Vernice61 Art

This rather wonderful pencil drawing is from an artist known as Vernice61 who, based on the speech bubbles, I assume is Italian. Using the Google translate tool, I can just about figure out what is being said. The woman on the right of the victim is saying something about standing still, while the woman on the left is saying “Now you can see how we treat inept servants.” The woman on the sofa is instructing the maid to join her daughters and apply the electrical device to the balls, while the seated man is pleading “Please ladies, I beg not the electrical tool.”

Vernice61 Femdom ImageThere are a number of his drawings available on this thread on the snail meilk site. That thread also includes the full size version of this image, which is 3MB+ in it’s original form. Unfortunately I can’t find any more permanent sites hosting his work at present. It looks like he had a deviant art site at one time, but that’s now dead. If anyone can point me at a homepage, or any kind of more permanent location for his work than an image board, I’d be very grateful.