The A to Z of sissification

Humor and sex are common bedfellows. The pairing crops up in everything from saucy seaside postcards to bedroom farce, and from coming of age comedies to clever social commentaries. Humor and kink is a rarer combination. It’s certainly not unheard of, but the darker nature of BDSM doesn’t seem to sit quite so easily with comedy.

I’m therefore always happy when I come across something in the kinky realm that makes my smile. The artwork below is from an artist known as DovSherman on the deviant art site. It manages to be funny, cute and strangely kind of hot (at least in my twisted mind).

The Sissy Alphabet by DovShermanHe has a much larger version available at his site, along with a number of similar sissification drawings. Well worth browsing through if you like the above piece.

Added Stig to Femdom Artwork

I’ve re-organized the femdom artwork page into three separate pages. It was getting too big and cumbersome as a single page. Hopefully this new arrangement will allow me to add more artists without the load time bogging down for all my readers.

Stig is the first artist added into this new structure. His work may not be the most sophisticated or visually appealing in the femdom domain, but it does possess a strong underlying sense of sadism, which gives it a certain appeal.



I’m always slightly annoyed when I post a drawing and can’t credit the artist accurately. It somehow feels rude. So I was happy to stumble across this gallery at the femdom wiki site and discover the source for a previously unattributed image in one of my posts. It turns out to be (as I suspected) a British artist, going under the name of Rubex.

The image below is another one of his works. It reminded me a little of Rodzo in its composition, albeit in a different style and with a medical slant.

Nurse and patient by Rubex


I think this is a great drawing, although I’ve no real idea what the artist was originally trying to convey. The rod and apple have fairly obvious symbology, but the collared chrome pig and the initialed dog dish are a little more puzzling. At first I thought it was a fetishized femdom version of a political cartoon. It feels like there should be a caption about decadent fat bankers in thrall to cruel Mistress Capitalism. But as far as I can tell from the artist’s comments, it’s just a drawing of and for a friend, in a style inspired by the famous Hajime Sorayama.

Fuchsia by PapaNinja (Serge Birault)The artist is Serge Birault. He goes under the handle PapaNinja at his deviant art site, and he has a gallery site where you can purchase his work.

It’s not just for bad breath

Mistress Matisse had an interesting post last year about using Listerine strips in a scene. However, it turns out she’s not quite the original I thought she was. It seems that the artist annmo night had already sketched a few ideas around Listerine as a torture device, as the image below shows. It’s quite an inventive approach, as you’d expect from him. I suspect that there’s no scenario where the submissive wins. It’s just a question of which mistress wins when the submissive loses.

Listerine Roulette by Annmo Night

Hanna and Barbera would not have approved

On seeing the image below I couldn’t help but think of this quote.

Garth: Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?
Wayne: [Laughing] No.
Garth: Neither did I. I was just asking.

Waynes World (1992)

And while transvestism seemed to be a frequent feature of Bugs Bunny cartoons, I’ve never thought of Tom and Jerry being into S&M. Although Tom as a masochist does make some kind of sense. He always seems suspiciously ineffectual at dodging Jerry’s painful plans for him.

Tom and JerryThe domme in this case is Toodles Galore, a minor character who occasionally played the love interest for Tom.

Human Pets (part 5)

My last post on the human pet topic, for a while at least.

This image is obviously from Michael Manning, of the Spider Garden and Tranceptor series fame. I always enjoy his work on an artistic and aesthetic level, but I also often find it a little cold and abstract. I don’t often get an emotional connection with it. This image on the other hand, manages to both be beautifully drawn and very hot.

I think it’s the clever dog costume that makes it work so well. The bondage is believable but extremely strict, and it enforces a nicely composed and balanced dog shape. The two little drips from the muzzle and his cock are a nice touch.

Mistress and Dog by Michael Manning