More Pet Play

Continuing the theme from my last post, here’s a more extreme form of pet play. It’s from a tweet by a Japanese artist – ひややっこ:穀物の雨が降る、土砂降りの雨が

I like a lot of the cute details in this image, like the short arm stilts, the big toe bondage and the remote zapper it looks like she’s carrying. It’s very sexy objectification and dehumanization.

Tip of the Moon

Today’s post brings you a new (at least to me) artist – Tip of the Moon. Their work tends to focus on submissives and the tricky bondage predicaments they find themselves in. I’m sure that will be an appealing focus for some of my domme readers. If you like what you see, then they have very reasonably priced commissions open.

You can see more from Tip of the Moon on Twitter, on Deviant Art and on SubscribeStar.

Modern Marriage

The Guardian has a short but fun article on the sex life of a married pro-domme and her not particularly kinky husband. As you might expect the gap between internet fantasy and reality is a large one. They come across as a sweet couple.

While it’s nice to see a positive story about a sex worker and her happy home life, it does highlight an ongoing problem for the femdom community. Pro-dommes are the very public face of femdom, but many of them may choose to not make it part of their personal lives. That reinforces the idea that femdom is really all about male desires and for women it’s purely a performative act. That’s not the fault of pro-dommes, but it does lead to a skewed perception. I’ve enjoyed the Guardian’s series on couple’s sex lives, but it’s a shame the first femdom mentioned plays yet further into that perception. Fingers crossed there’ll be a regular non-professional domme featured at some point.

This very sexy artwork is by artist Soushiyo. Can find more of their work via their Twitter feed and their comic series Familiar.


I’m continuing the Barbie theme from my previous post with a post on her origin story. Apparently, while Barbie was named for it’s creators daughter, the original inspiration came from a German doll called Bild Lilli. That in turn was inspired by a German comic strip from the 1950’s.

The exact nature of the original Lilli seems to be open to some question. Descriptions online vary from a sassy and aggressive party girl, through sugar baby to straight out escort. She was obviously a male fantasy figure, but seems to have been portrayed with a lot of character and agency. There’s probably a PHD or two to be had in tracing and analyzing the lineage of the character from the original Lilli to the modern movie incarnation.

The caption apparently reads “Do you have time, Hugo? I’m in a horribly bad mood and I have no one to let off steam on.”

Boring Lady Cafe

Continuing the theme of outdoor cafés and ladies taking an afternoon aperetif, here’s some fun artwork by Amlensky. I’m not quite sure why he chose to call it the Boring Lady Cafe – it looks anything but boring – but I like the playfulness of it. The tip or spank option is a nice touch for the waiters.

You can find more of Amlensky’s femdom artwork on DeviantArt or at his Patreon.

A Worried Look

I dug into the archives for this one. It’s from an old tumblr dump I took some years back. I’ve no idea who the original artist is, but it looks to be set in the 50’s, judging by their clothes and appearance. Inspired perhaps by the pulp novels of that time? I love their expressions. He looks worried. She looks both predatory and scornful. The clothes being neatly folded on the chair is another nice touch for setting the scene.

Mr. and Mrs. Stokes

This 1897 portrait, by the famous American artist John Sargent, is of a Mr. and Mrs. Stokes. It’s unusual for the era, with Edith Stokes front and center in casual street clothes, while her husband Newton takes a more passive background position.

I love the dynamic, with the wife full of life and confidence in the center, while he adopts a neutral, almost servant like position. The same dynamic and energy captured in a modern photograph wouldn’t look out of place on my femdom social media feed.

According to this article it was originally supposed to be a more traditional painting, featuring her in an evening gown standing alone near a small table.  It was Sargent’s idea to switch to street clothes and pose her petting a Great Dane.

But when the dog became unavailable the day Sargent went to fetch it, it was Newton himself who, as he writes, “had a sudden inspiration, and offered to assume the role of the Great Dane in the picture”

Given the dynamic of the picture, and the fact the husband was inspired to take the role of a dog / supporting accessory in the picture, one can’t help but wonder if there was a hint of femdom in their relationship. This article on the pictures expresses the view…

Newton was ahead of his time, confident and secure enough to be relegated to the literal shadow of his wife.

Which may well be true, but it might also be true that he actively enjoyed that role.

Concentrated Kink

Here’s an image with a very high density of kinks. There’s all sorts of fun stuff going on – bondage, leashes, feet, heels, whips and crushing. It’s extreme, yet somehow it captures the sense of a real life play session.

Sadly, I’ve no idea where it’s from or who the creator is. I found it lurking in a obscure folder on my hard drive. I suspect I got it from a tumblr years ago. Reverse image search didn’t turn up any useful leads.

Loviante Artwork

Today’s post features an artist I’ve not covered here before – Loviante. Their work is often quite extreme and explicit, but also has a surreal, dreamy feel to it. Or maybe a nightmarish feel if your kinks don’t happen to run the same way! I like it a lot, while also sometimes finding it a touch disturbing, which is quite something considering all the kinky art I’ve seen over the years.

The work below, sourced via Twitter, is entitled ‘Temple on Madison Street.’ It’s a lovely variation on the theme of worship, with the detail in the Temple’s frieze being particularly beautiful.

You can find more art from Loviante via their Twitter feed and at their DeviantArt site.