
Here’s the final entry in my trio of punching/beating posts. This is of course by the great Namio Harukawa.

Fans of his art may be interested to know there’s a relatively recent book of his work available – Garden of Domina. While he’s well known in Femdom circles, he’s not exactly a mainstream artist, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover the book was available in the US and featured an English translation.

I was also amused to see Amazon advertising to me the “Prime Book Box For Kids” right below a product description featuring the sentence “Kana loves to abuse men with her tremendous buttocks, and they explore the cruel joys found beneath her stunning endowment.” I’m all for expanding children’s imaginations via literature, but maybe not to this extent. Amazon’s AI is clearly not smart enough for world domination just yet.

A little something for everyone

Much as I appreciate Wikipedia, I’ve always been a bit disappointed with its list of paraphilias (fetishes). It only has around 100, which seems low. You can probably find more than that in an afternoon of browsing tumblr porn.

For anyone else who feels a more comprehensive list is required, then may I suggest this collection of scanned pages that gives 547 different paraphilias. It includes things like Melissophilia (arousal from bees), Pecattiphilia (arousal from sinning) and Soceraphilia (arousal from one’s parents in law). I have to say, when it comes to that last one, I’ve seen plenty of stepmom porn out there (technically Novercamania), but not a lot of mother-in-law porn. A potential market being missed perhaps?

While it general seems like a good list, there are a couple of inclusions that make me question its scientific veracity. For example, right between Placophilia (arousal from tombstones) and Plushophilia (arousal from stuffed toys) it lists ‘Playing the Bagpipes’ (intercourse under the armpits). That sounds more like a joke punchline than a scientific category. They could at least have gone with Bagpipeaphilia.

Despite have 547 entries, I couldn’t find anything about a fetish for sitting on people or being sat upon. It doesn’t even list Forniphilia. So I guess the world is still waiting for the truly definitive list of fetishes.

I think this is from the infamous Kitan Club magazine of Japan. You can read more about the history of Kitan Club here.

Gone but not forgotten

Spotting this image on tumblr brought a wry smile to my face. Those that have been around the femdom blogverse a while may recognize it. For those that don’t, this is Ms Marie with her husband in their basement. She wrote an excellent femdom blog 7 or so years ago, and I still occasionally see photographs from it surface on tumblr and twitter. One day her blog just vanished. As far as I know, she never posted or commented again.

Sex blogging is a strange form of interaction. With casual acquaintances we typically share a narrow and very shallow view of ourselves. It’s a personality puddle. With good friends we deepen and also broaden that sharing. Maybe a lake or sea rather than a puddle. By contrast, sex blogging is a dark water filled mine shaft. We share intimate personal details and yet retain this incredibly narrow focus. Readers know things that our closest friends aren’t aware of, but also don’t know things we’d casually drop into a conversation with a slightly annoying work colleague. It makes the transitions – when life changes and bloggers stop or move on –  all the more strange.

I often think of bloggers I used to read and (in some cases) swap comments with – Ms Marie, hmp, scott & Em, D from Dumb Domme, Saratoga, Suzanne, Axe, Bitchy Jones, Disheveled Domina and many others that have currently slipped my mind. In some cases I know a little bit of the context around why they stopped. In most I’ve no idea. I hope they’re OK and don’t regret what they shared with the world. I hope they know that at least one of their readers appreciated their posts and still reflect back fondly on them.


After years spent in some of the stranger parts of the internet, I thought I knew pretty much all the sexual and kinky inclinations that were out there. This Broadly article on ecosexuality showed me how wrong I was, as it’s a kink I’d never previously encountered.

If I’m doing a BDSM scene in the ecofetishist or Sacred Sadism style, I’ll be the master gardener, and the slave may be the sapling. This configuration switches up the entire dynamic of what the BDSM scene looks like: I plant my sapling in the soil, take care of it, tend it, prune it, and tie it to a stake if it needs to stay up, or whatever.
– Genevieve Belleveau

While I’m all for respecting consent and doing effective scene negotiation, the authors concern for consensual interaction with a tree seems a little silly. There are many good reasons to take care of and respect trees in general, but unless there’s a Dryad around, I’m pretty certain negotiating consent isn’t possible.

Despite growing up in the English countryside, I’m an urban creature at heart, so I can’t say it appeals to me. Although I did have a domme use stinging nettles on my nipples and cock a few weeks back. That felt like a fine use of nature’s bounty.

In the femdom realm, I’d guess Poison Ivy would represent the definitive ecosexual domme. This artwork of her capturing both Batman and Superman is by artist taguiar.

Say it with Flowers

I’ve been decorated before in sessions, but never anything quite like this beautiful shot. It’s by Asha Luna, a Melbourne based domme, using flowers her submissive brought to the session.

Being used as a canvas is not something I ever particularly fantasize about, but it’s always very hot when it happens. The submissive is simultaneously the focus while also being objectified. An essential part of the art but also just a mechanism for the domme to express herself. For that reason I never really request it as a style of play, as it seems too personal to do so. It has to be something triggered by the domme and her creative spark.

Mistress Asha Luna’s professional site is here and her twitter feed here.

Tea for Two

This is one of those strange fashion shots where I can think of only two explanations. Either the photographer isn’t kinky at all, but wanted to shoot something that was, and so just threw a bunch of random kinky stuff into a scene. Or the photographer is extremely kinky, with a very specialized niche taste, and is therefore shooting on a frequency I just can’t pick up on. Whichever of those it is, I do like the china and her beautiful red corset.

This was shot by Aleksandar Alek Živković for Vice Serbia. I found it on labstrakt’s tumblr.


I’d always assumed that pretty much every human behavior was associated with a kink of some sort, along with a fancy sounding -philia label. After all, there are kinks for things like crying (dacryphilia), amputation (acrotomophilia) and noses (nasophilia). Yet apparently, there’s no official name for an attraction to blushing. At least I haven’t managed to find one after an extensive 10 minutes of Googling. The best I came up with was Erythrophilia – which is apparently an attraction to the color red. That amazes me, given that blushing is a sexual response, which would seem to make it prime fodder for kinking on. Embarrassment and humiliation are major kinks, and blushing is very closely associated with those emotions, yet there’s no official label? Maybe it’s too subtle an effect to get people hooked on?

What sent me down this wikipedia rabbit hole was the image below. It’s from The Smutty Rogue, features blushing and is sexy as hell. If you like it then you might want to check out more from his tumblr.

Changing of the Guard

The site has a new CEO. As covered in this Vice article, Alison Boden has replaced Peter Acworth. I’m happy to see a woman get the top job at a very high profile kinky porn producer and, an engineer myself, I’m particularly happy to see that she got there via a technology background. She started as a software engineer and was their VP of technology prior to the CEO job. It’s frequently the finance, marketing or product management people who get the fast track to the top job. Given the lack of female software engineers in general, and in top positions in particular, it’s great to see one heading a company like

These images feature Lorilei Lee shooting for Kink’s Divine Bitches site.

Two Emails

I had a couple of different emails recently. One was sadly all too common, the other sadly all too rare.

The first was someone asking me to set them up with the Goddess of their dreams. Apparently they thought I had hot and cold running Goddesses on tap and I’d be willing to divert a few of them to a random internet person on the basis of a one line email. As emails go, it’s about as effective as emailing Bill Gates with the line ‘Give me the job of my dreams!” and then signing it with a smiley face. On second thoughts, it’s actually less effective than that because, unlike me and the Goddesses, Bill at least has the theoretical ability to actually deliver.

The second email was someone thanking me for running this site and saying that reading it had played a part in them reaching out to a domme to set up their first ever play session. That gave me the warm fuzzies. Even better was the fact that they’d had a great time and they were planning to play more in the future. If there’s one single thing I’d want this site to achieve, it’d be to encourage people to get physically involved in kink. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to a munch, visiting a pro-domme or  exploring something new with a partner. Just venture out there and try it. The only lasting regret I’ve ever had about my kinky experiences is not starting them years earlier. If I can encourage others to avoid that same mistake, I’ll be a happy bunny. Just don’t expect this particular bunny to fix you up with a Goddess. That parts on you.

As for which email is the common one and which the rare one, I’ll leave that for you to guess. Absolutely no prizes for guessing right.

Here’s an example of the kind of kinky fun that’s out there to be explored. I believe this is Lady Hinako and Mistress Kawa with human thing from this tweet. Even better than one happy domme, is two happy dommes.