
These shots by Mistress An Li made me happy. Not because it’s a great bondage set-up, although it is that. Not because it looks like something I’d want to try, although it’s also that. Not even because Mistress An Li looks so pleased with her creation, although a smiling domme is one of my favorite scenes. No. It’s because I saw the first shot and went “Oooh, that looks like reclined bound angle pose.” And then I felt all unjustifiably smug and pleased with myself that – after 18 months of regular yoga – I’d finally been able to remember and recognize one pose. Admittedly, that might be because it’s got a kinky sounding name, but I don’t care. I’m officially upgrading myself from yoga idiot to yoga novice.

Mistress An Li is a LA based pro-domme. You can find her professional site here and here twitter feed here. She also has a short video shot from this scene tweeted here, with the full video available at her onlyfans site.

Foot Binding

I find this style of rope sexy as hell when used in bondage. Something about the more natural color gives it a rawer edge. I was initially so caught up by the binding, that I didn’t even notice the domme’s leg jammed into his crotch. There are no fancy outfits or tortuous looking toys involved, but this is a lovely and sexy scene.

This is from a tweet by Elise Graves, who also provided the bondage and the foot to the crotch. The man on the receiving end is Kino Payne and the shot was captured by steelwerks.


I’m safely back in Seattle, my East Coast adventures at an end. I’ve family staying with me for the next couple of weeks, so posting may be a bit erratic over that period.

While I’m happy to be home, the place I’d really like to be is Munich for BoundCon. My twitter feed is full of fun images featuring great dommes doing crazy bondage stuff. Some worth checking out are Troy Orleans, Elise Graves, AliceInBondageLand and Lady Chiaki. This image is from an Fm bondage show as featured in this Elise Grave’s tweet. You can see more from the same show, featuring more bound men, in another tweet here.

Foot Torture

I’ve already posted about how much I enjoyed my session with Mistress Tess earlier this week. What I neglected to mention was how educational it was. For example, I learnt that you could use a goat to torture someone’s feet. I should hasten to add that this information was imparted verbally, and not through any kind of practical demonstration. While Mistress Tess may have a wonderfully well equipped studio, she definitely does not keep any goats out back ready in case any really kinky perverts show up.

Apparently the torture method involved coating the victims feet in salt and then encouraging a goat to lick it off. Ticklish at first, as the rough tongue rasped away at the skin, it’d become progressively more agonizing. It seems a somewhat complicated way to hurt someone, rather than say just beating them on the feet, but maybe there were some really lazy medieval torturers who wanted to delegate everything to their four footed friends.

Amazingly I even managed to find a femdom themed advertisement featuring goat tickle torture.  I’m not exactly sure what’s going on or why a goat is needed – my French is limited to reading menus – but it’s kind of hot.

When it comes to tickle torture, there’s one particular artist who comes to mind, and that’s Augustine.  I don’t think he has ever featured goats in a drawing, but there have certainly been plenty of tortured feet.

Apologies for the ugly watermark on this image. I’m sure it has been added after the fact. Unfortunately I can’t track down a clean version of the drawing. You can find plenty more of Augustine’s art on his tumblr.

Bondage Fun in NYC

My East Coast vacation has moved onto New York, and today I was lucky enough to spend some time with Troy Orleans. Much bondage fun was on the menu, featuring chains, open mouth gags, leather straps and plastic wrap mummification. There were also some needles and electricity mixed in there for good measure.

Bondage for me is often the starting point of a session, not the ultimate goal. It’s the thing you have to do before starting the actual kinky activity you’re targeting. But when you’ve got someone with the mad skills of Troy Orleans, not to mention her amazing studio space, it’s nice to turn it around and make bondage itself the focus. It can lead to quite unique headspaces that are somehow stressful and relaxing all at the same time.

This image is Troy in her space, but not with me. This is from her Instagram feed (shot in March) and the domme at the back is Elise Graves. Those metal wires can actually be used to suspend the submissive in space, with that lower bench pulled entirely clear.

Keep in on the hush-hush

This autostraddle article has some good tips on how to subtly soundproof a room for kinky sex. Handy if you have children, roommates or thin walls between you and the neighbors. It’s particularly important for that last one, as explaining strange noises to a house guest can be embarrassing, but explaining that they’re not a sign of domestic abuse to the police is infinitely worse.

Even in professional spaces noise can be a problem. As I covered previously, I was banned from a San Francisco playspace during office hours for fear my vocalizations would disturb the surrounding tech start ups. I was also recently amused when arranging a first session with a new domme to be told, totally out of the blue, that my screams wouldn’t be a problem in her space.  Apparently my references had been particularly descriptive in their feedback!

The two standard approaches to excess noise are either soundproofing the room or gagging the submissive. Lady Chiaki appears to have come up with an interesting alternative here – provide the submissive with his own little soundproofed private room just for his head. There’s even a handy front door on it.

This is from this tweet in Lady Chiaki’s twitter feed. I believe the creator of the box is OSM Works.

Absence of Activity

Sorry for the posting gap. I picked up some bug over the weekend and have spent the last few days curled up under a blanket. I haven’t felt like I could do much of anything, other than watch bad television and sleep. Hopefully, normally service should be resumed from this point on.

Talking of guys unable to do much of anything, here’s one in a similar bind. Although I guess if looking stylish counts, he’s definitely managing to pull that off.

This is from the instagram of kinkbaku (also on twitter). It’s not exactly femdom, but if you like images of bound men, then it’s worth checking out.

How will I explain this?

There’s one thought I regularly have when doing a particularly unusual or extreme activity. It’s not about how much it’ll hurt or if I’ll be able to handle the pain or not. The thought is – ‘If this goes wrong, how am I going to explain it to an ER nurse?’

It’s not stuff like bondage or whipping that triggers this thought. I figure BDSM has penetrated mainstream culture to the point where regular kinky activities will be par for the course in ER. It’s when things like electrified urethral sounds and needles through the scrotum come into the picture that I envision nurses reaching for the emergency straitjacket and number of the hospital psychiatrist.

When I was last down in LA I did a scene with Cynthia Stone where she sutured the inside of my mouth and ran surgical thread between the insides of my cheeks. There was even a shot of it on her twitter feed. Should the worst have happened, I wonder how an ER nurse would have reacted ? She spends all day stitching up people who have injured themselves in accidents, and then gets stuck with this muppet who has injured himself purposefully stitching up a healthy body part.

There’s no watermark on this, but I’d guess it’s from one of the kink.com sites.


With these two images I’m continuing the themes of bondage, suspension and outdoor scenes from my last post. I find these shots have an almost ethereal sense to them. They put me in mind of a scene from a fairytale. Admittedly, Hans Christian Andersen didn’t write a story featuring a sexy naked woodcutter being captured and bound by a forest nymph. Although given some of the fucked up shit he did write about, that story would would seem almost wholesome in comparison.

You can see the full sequence of images from this scene in this tumblr post. The rigger here is Misungui, the model Faun Sencible and it was photographed by Ombilik.

Baptismal Breathplay

There’s a lot going on in this image. Rope bondage, suspension and breathplay just for starters. If there’s such a thing as a kink for being baptized, then one could add that to.  It just needs a confused hiker in an anorak to wander in from frame left and you’d have public humiliation as well.

Regardless of the kinks on display, it’s a beautiful image. I imagine that setting the shot up would be a huge challenge. I just hope for the models sake that it was warmer than it looks.

This is from BDSLR photography and you can see the full sized version in their original post here. The models are Tifereth and Diaemone.