Flying High

At a quick first glance I thought this was a photograph. My initial reaction was – ‘Wow! What kind of set-up do they have in their bedroom to get him into that position?’ Closer inspection revealed a rendered image that relies on imagination and computer software, not a bedroom with an electrical winch.

In reality I think the submissive would need a lot more body support to be able to handle this position. With that in place, in would be a fun one for some tease and denial. She could leave him high to watch her sleep or pleasure herself, or lower him to touching (and pinching and squeezing and slapping) distance. I assume the device the artist has placed in her hands is the remote control for the winch mechanism.

FlyingHighI’m afraid I don’t know the artist who created this. If you can help me attribute it correctly then please leave a comment.

Vintage femdom

After all this talk of the perils of modern technology I thought a change of pace was called for. This is from the era when all a gentleman had to worry about his housekeeper finding his erotic etchings hidden at the bottom of his study desk drawer. This is entitled ‘Mistress and Slave’ and dates from between 1910 and 1920. The telephone had been invented by that time, but we were still about 60 years away from the internet and 80 years from the smartphone.

MistressAndSlaveI found this via the History of BDSM tumblr.

Presentation anxiety

Last week at work was a busy one for me. Most of it was spent preparing a presentation for a senior company executive on Friday afternoon. This process wasn’t helped by a very vivid dream I had on the Thursday night featuring a powerpoint deck that started with an image of me being fisted. It was a slow motion car crash of a dream. Nobody in the meeting appeared to notice what had flashed up, but I somehow couldn’t get the laptop to advance to the next slide. There’s a close-up of my naked ass and a lady’s wrist up on a big screen, but everyone’s still making pre-meeting small talk while I frantically hammer at the keyboard. The sense of dread that would someone notice before I could fix it was intense.

In the event the actual presentation went fine. No fisting or naked me was involved. However, I did check and re-check the presentation at least 6 or 7 times before sending it out. I’m not sure whether the dream was a simple presentation anxiety about being unprepared or a deeper one about about the real me being ‘found out’. Possibly it was the latter manifesting itself via the stress of the former.

femdom-anal-fisting-6These two images are from the Kinky Mistresses site. She looks to be having fun with the situation.

Interior design

Here’s a final post in my short series featuring fancy playspaces. It’s back to our old friend and specifically an article in a architecture magazine on their Armory building space. There’s no particularly striking revelations in there, but it has got some interesting shots of the empty sets and the building space. If you ever wanted to see the ‘creepy bedroom’ set or the ‘dirty showers’ set without being distracted by the naked people, here’s your chance.

Alternatively, for those of us who like some naked people in their kinky playspaces, here’s Lorelei Lee and Vince Ferelli in what looks like the padded cell set. This is obviously a shot for Divine Bitches.

Lorelei Lee in the padded cell

Comfy shoes

After all the high tech VR posts, I’m going old school with this one. A naked person, some nipple play and a traditional St. Andrews cross.

Clearly the gentleman is enjoying the situation and, quite frankly I can’t blame him for that. But what really caught my eye was the shoes they’re wearing. BDSM imagery is full of ridiculous high heels and boots sporting a hundred and one straps and buckles. It make me smile to see someone wearing comfortable shoes and socks. Their might be some bondage and nipple torture going on, but there’s no reason anyone’s toes should get cold.

ComfyShoesThis is from the specimen01 tumblr aka ‘A Journey into Utopian Femdom’. It has a lot of good images on it from the same couple. I particularly liked this one featuring the comfy shoes and a great smirk.

Wonky wires

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last few days. My internet connection failed me for an extended period. After much cursing, rebooting of routers, fiddling with settings and calls to my internet provider, I finally fixed it. Combining my degree in electrical engineering and many years of experience as a software engineer, I skillfully unscrewed the wallplate and randomly wiggled the sockets wires around until some lights came on. You can’t learn stuff like that in college.

In other internet news, of the slightly more significant kind, it looks like Yahoo is up for sale. Normally I wouldn’t care about this, but Yahoo own tumblr, a prime source for finding great material to post here. To Yahoo’s credit they seem to have left tumblr to do its thing, despite the worries expressed when the original deal went through. There’s no guarantee a new owner would continue that. Even more worryingly, one of the names in the frame is the Daily Mail. For those that don’t know it, this is a horrible right wing UK tabloid that hypocritically loves to rail against sex, kink and alternative culture while simultaneously featuring it to attract eyeballs. I can’t imagine a worse site to control something like tumblr.

Here are a couple of images that illustrate the kind of excellent material that can currently pop up there. I stumbled on these at ‘A Gentle Mistress‘ via this post. I believe this is the photographers site and the extended sequence of images can be seen here.


Where do they get those wonderful toys?

The Kink studios may not quite be Batman (ref here), but they do seem to have a greater array of fancy bondage furniture than anyone else out there. Maybe there are some Japanese studios that rival them, but I’d be surprised. Great gear of course doesn’t necessarily make a great scene, but I think it’s always fun to see a fancy new toy and imagine playing with it. I’ve been in some very well equipment dungeons, but none of them had a full body dunk tank.

This is from Men in Pain and features Miss Brooke, Lucy Lee and Diablo. I was amazed to see it’s from back in 2004.




Another image to add to the WTF category. I love their smiles, the plastic wrap bondage and her happy ‘ta-da’ pose. I’d like to think she just did a backflip and landed perfectly in penetrative position. It looks like the kind of pose a gymnast takes at the end of a routine. Except in this case I guess it’d be 9/10 for the mount rather than the dismount.

However, what’s with the weird room and that thing on the butcher’s hook at the back? I know butcher fetishes exist, but this doesn’t seem like that kind of scene. It’s such a strange contrast between their playful attitude and the environment.

Ta-daThis is Sebastian Keys (who has other excellent images on his twitter feed) shooting with Cherry Torn for Divine Bitches. I found it via the Happy BDSM tumblr.

No Safeword

I’m not a big podcast listener. I like the idea, I just don’t get the time or the opportunity to listen to them. That said, this Stranger article on the No Safeword podcast did catch me eye. I have to respect a podcast conducted from within a dungeon with a guy tied to the table in front of the mics. That’s really immersing yourself into the spirit of things.

It’s got a M/m focus, but they do have domme guests like Midori and Mistress Fyre, as well as well known names like Dan Savage. Plus, when it comes to toys and tips for submissive men, a lot of stuff applies no matter who is on the dominant end of the whip/sound/dildo. Some of the best gear for femdom comes from M/m targeted sites like Mr S Leather.

Mentioning Midori gives me an excuse to feature a shot of her in action. This is from a workshop she did on predicament bondage with Tony Buff at Seattle’s Center for Sex Positive Culture back in 2008.

Tony Buff with Midori