Not so super

The new Batman versus Superman movie is out and by most accounts, it’s fairly poor. I’m not surprised, given how weak the previous Zack Snyder Superman movie was. I’ll wait for the latest example to make it to cable before taking a look.

In the meantime, as a contrast to the crazy special effects and somber plots of today’s superheros, here’s a glimpse of a more lighthearted Superman from the Silver Age of comics (mid 50’s to 1970). The plot apparently involves alien possession which is cured (somehow) by a dummy and a beating. At least that’s the excuse the authors came up with for featuring Superman in bondage and a dominant Lois brandishing a flogger.

Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #73

Don’t try this in your derelict barn

A suitable image to follow-up yesterday’s post. This is another elaborate rope suspension with a high difficulty/risk factor. It looks very cool for a photograph, but I can’t imagine it being sustainable for any kind of extended play.

BarnSuspensionI’m afraid I’ve no idea of the original source for this. Happy to credit appropriately if someone can help with an attribution.

Don’t try this at home*

A rope suspension alone is challenging. Adding wax play into it ups the intensity somewhat. Having the domme sit on the back of the suspended submissive? Definitely into expert territory.

DommeSuspensionThe image is from this gallery.

* Of course if your home happens to contain an expert on rope suspension, along with relevant equipment and hard points, then maybe you can try this at home. Just be doubly sure all those elements are present first!

Shibari Suspension

This lovely suspension scene is from woodenpunk, rigged by EbiMcKnotty and photographed by Bendy_Dude. It’s probably an odd thing to pick up on, but I also like the color of their rope. I’ve no idea where they sourced this particular one from, but for anyone interested in well made and nicely colored rope, I suggest checking out Twisted Monk. I’m a long way from a rope expert, but I know a lot of dommes use and like his product. I’ve certainly been tied up in plenty of it over the years.



A couple of weeks ago I featured a scene with someone’s head buried into a table. This hairy gentleman is in pretty much the reverse position to that, with just the head sticking out. It looks relatively comfortable for him but less so for her, which seems like the reverse of how it should be. I can’t imagine balancing like that on a hard wooden table would be all that conducive to orgasmic bliss.

TabletopI’m afraid I have no idea who the original artist for this was. If you can help me attribute it then please leave a comment.

Elaborate arrangement

The bondage here isn’t elaborate, but the arrangement she has come up with certainly is. It looks like his head is held under the chair, and then there’s a pulley apparatus to connect her footrest to his testicles. I can’t say I’d want to give it a try myself, but I do admire the ingenuity. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this exact set-up before.

Elaborate ArrangementThis image was sent to me by a reader – thanks Marga! It’s on a bunch of tumblr’s (for example) but I’m afraid I couldn’t find an original attribution.


This image continues the theme of heavy and elaborate bondage. Although in this case it seems possibly a little too elaborate. There’s a latex outfit, a tight hood, chains, cuffs, plastic wrap and some fairly intense CBT. All that seems like a fun time, but what’s with the stockings? Did they think it’d all be too pedestrian with throwing some cross dressing in there? I’m all for exploring and layering kinks, but how many can you really enjoy at any one time?

LayeredKinksThis is from Femme Fatale Films.

Elaborate bondage

I’ve enjoyed two recent posts from Mistress Sidonia – Mansels in Distress Part 1 and Part 2. In general I find that there’s a lot more fancy bondage and interesting predicaments in M/f and M/m porn than in F/m. Probably that’s due to the fact that the first two tend to focus more on the submissive, where femdom porn often puts the dominant center stage. That’s not to say there’s not plenty of bondage in femdom material, it just often seems to be a means to an end, rather than the end itself.

Whatever the reason, it’s a pity, because heavy bondage can be hot to look at and experience. I’ve had some amazing and intense experiences with mummification, heavy leather sacks and vacuum beds over the years. Where activities like corporal and piercing are often about the dynamic between me and the dominant, heavy bondage can turn me inward and create a more reflective headspace.

Mistress Sidonia demonstrating some extreme bondageImage is of Mistress Sidonia and slave from The English Mansion

Kinky Kitchen

While I’m on the topic of slightly odd kinky scenes in unusual places – here’s some rope bondage in the kitchen. Again, I’ve no idea what the idea behind this shot is but, unlike the last post, I do kind of like this scene. The smartly dressed guys and the play on the 50’s style housewife with a wink and a whip makes me smile.

Kinky KitchenI found this on the Gentle Mistress tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have any idea where it’s originally from.