Don’t be scared Kanye

I’m continuing the celebrity theme – moving from Beyonce to Kanye West. In one recent silly and pointless twitter feud (is there any other kind?) he was accused of enjoying ass play, a claim which he firmly denied. So amazingly dumb was the whole thing it made Jenny McCarthy look like the smart one. That’s not a phrase I ever thought I’d find myself writing.

If he genuinely keeps partners ‘away from that whole area’ then he’s really missing out. Ass play can be a lot of fun. But I suspect Kanye knows that already. Shame he couldn’t own up to it.

Ass play artwork by Yumine GuoImage is by the brilliant and talented Yumine Guo. The original, inspired by the artwork of Junji Ito, can be found here.

Helpful suspension hints

If you’re interested in playing with suspension, them this article is worth a read. It does a good job of laying out the factors to consider and the associated risks.

Personally I found suspension interesting to try out, but it has a low endorphin to time spent ratio. It looks cool, and it’s fun when you finally get it right, but there’s a lot of faffing around required. If you’re purely looking for sensation rather than aesthetics, them swings achieve a similar rush at lower cost.

Suspension BondageI’m afraid I don’t have an attribution for this artwork. It looks like it has been trimmed on the top and bottom, but I can’t track down a larger version. If anyone can point me at an alternative version or the artist then please leave a comment.

Asexual sex

Cosmopolitan hasn’t got a great track record on sex articles. Occasionally however it does put up something interesting. The latest example of this would be an article on asexuality – ‘Can You Be Asexual, but Also Enjoy Kink?

It’s better than there usual silly sex advice, and treats the subject seriously. That said, I find it odd the way it describes the intersection of kink and asexuality. It seems to treat ‘sex’ as a synonym for PIV/oral/anal and BDSM as something quite distinct from that. Asexuality is therefore cast as a lack of interest in the former (since that’s ‘sex’), but not the latter. What I know about asexuality you could probably write on the back of postage stamp, but this seems kind of odd to me.

I’ve had a lot of intense kinky fun that didn’t resemble regular vaginal/anal/oral sex. Some of that kinky fun resulted in orgasms and some didn’t, but all of it felt sexual to me. It might not have looked much like sex to any observer hiding under the spanking bench, but it was certainly plugging into my sexual circuits. Of course, that’s a personal perspective. I’m not claiming everyone experiences kink in the same way. But I’d be interested to know how many people enjoy D/s or BDSM and feel it doesn’t connect some,how to their sexual wiring, no matter how unusually configured that wiring is. Is someone asexual if they exclusively prefer BDSM as way to express their sexuality? Alternatively, how many people enjoy BDSM in a non-sexual way?

Dude In DistressHere’s someone from Dudes in Distress enjoying some kinky distress. It might not look like sex to most observers, but if I was in that position it’d definitely be pushing a lot of my internal sexual buttons.

AVN Season (cont)

I’ve noted the lack of awards for kink, fetish and BDSM at AVN in the past. I think the last time, in 2013, there were only 3 vaguely relevant awards. This year, based on this list of winners, they’re now down to one. That’s the very generic ‘Best BDSM movie’. They don’t even break out separate awards for maledom and femdom. I doubt it’ll surprise anyone to learn that for the last three years that award has gone to a maledom movie.

Breaking out every kinky niche into an award would probably be unmanageable, but I’d have thought top level awards for best male/female top/bottom would at least have been considered. It is after all a very challenging job. Regular porn stars will often tell interviewers how hard it is to have sex in odd positions on unusual furniture when surrounded by a film crew. BDSM performers have to handle all that, plus whips, gags, ropes, canes, crops, chains, cattle prods, nipple clamps, needles, hoods and anal probes. Although hopefully not all at the same time. When a regular porn performer has an uncomfortable position that’s an unfortunate side-effect of getting the right shot. When a BDSM performer has an uncomfortable positions that’s often the goal of the shot.

Here’s an image of Mika Tan and Danny Wylde earning their money for Men In Pain. He’s either very good at acting or that hurts quite a lot.

Earning their money

AVN Season

The annual AVN awards were announced this weekend in Las Vegas. They style themselves as the ‘Oscars for Porn’ and, having attended them myself many years ago, I can confirm they’re as boring and repetitive as the Oscars and other similar industry award evenings tend to be.

This year they were held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas, which decided it’d be a smart move to harass and expel transgender performers. That’s based on what Lorelei Lee reported on her twitter feed. So someone could get an award on stage one minute and get kicked out of the restroom the next. That’s both incredibly stupid and not at all surprising to me. For a supposed center of hedonism and debauchery, Vegas is incredibly conservative and old fashioned.

The other big story was James Deen and what would be the fallout from the rape accusations. The AVN management didn’t get things off to a great start by cancelling a panel on consent. You’d think that this would be a great time for a conversation about consent in porn, but apparently not. As for the attendees themselves, it seemed that nobody wanted to go on record with an opinion either way. I suspect that means it’ll be business as usual in a few months.

That’s all fairly depressing, but at least mentioning Lorelei Lee does give me an excuse to feature some of her excellent work. This is her pulling a fairly dramatic expression out of David Chase in a shoot for Divine Bitches.


Hard, soft or somewhere in between

I liked Rain DeGrey’s recent post entitled – The secret of the dick. The secret in question is that dicks are not binary. It’s not true that hard equals horny and ready for action, while soft equals disinterested and ready for sleep. Dicks can be all sorts of different degrees of rigidity, and they may or may no correlate to mental state. The answer, for both men and women, is not to focus so much on the dick.

Personally when I’m playing I’ll go through all sorts of different states. Typically light sensation equals hard while more sharp overwhelming pain equals soft. But sometimes, deep in the zone, when it’s getting very intense and the domme leans in close to really hurt me – SPROING! The mind and body combination is a strange one. It’s good to try and understand oneself, but sometimes it’s better just to go with the flow and accept bodies can be unpredictable.

PenisTortureThis is Simone Kross (who looks to have stopped working as a pro-domme) and Deviant Kade shooting for the CBT and Ballbusting site. While the body may be unpredictable, I think what’s about to happen next in this shot is entirely predictable. From the look on Kade’s face, he certainly knows what is coming next.

Neat and tidy

The title of this guardian article certainly doesn’t bury the lead – ‘After cleaning a 91-year-old’s bondage gear, I couldn’t look at him the same way again‘. On one hand I can only hope to emulate the gentleman’s stamina and perseverance. Age should not be an impediment to kink. On the other hand leaving sex toys out for someone else to deal with is a touch skeevy. My mother used to be a cleaner when I was a young boy, and I’ve lots of respect for anyone dealing with other peoples mess. People who embarrasses others unnecessarily, not so much.

I’m afraid don’t have any images of nonagenarian’s in bondage. Oddly enough they’re not a big part of the kinky porn scene. Instead you’ll have to settle for this bondage shot from TS Seduction. I like the combination of ropes, head bondage and torn suit. I’m guessing it wasn’t an Armani black label.

Suit Bondage

Well that was fun

Eagle eyed readers may have spotted that this site wasn’t quite itself over the last few days. There was a distinct lack of dominant women, images shamelessly filched from tumblrs and my random musings on the world. Instead there was a lot of ‘account suspended’ and ‘access forbidden’ nonsense. There were a couple of reasons for this.

The main problem was me being kidnapped by a posse of leather clad dominatrices who spirited me away to endure hours of painful torment and indescribable pleasure. In my absence the site obviously ceased to function and fell into decay. While you were wondering what ‘403 Forbidden’ meant, I was refusing to hand over my webmaster password to a lithe leather clad lady, no matter how vigorously she licked my nipples.

The other problem was of a more mundane technical nature. No leather or ladies involved. Just a hosting service that claimed my site was exceeding its allocated resources. I pay for my hosting, but apparently I wasn’t paying enough. So without any warning or notification it got cut off. It was so cut off that even I couldn’t log in or debug anything. Obviously as a dedicate webmaster who cares for his readers I wasn’t prepared to settle for that, and whipped out my credit card to splurge on an upgraded private server for the site. Unfortunately that took a day or two to set-up and for the DNS changes to propagate across the web. It also involved a lot of me yelling at the hosting company via their crappy ticket system. Fun times it was not.

Apologies to anyone who tried to access the site recently. Believe me, I was trying to fix stuff as rapidly as I could. By way of apology, please accept this rather fun image from Men In Pain. He might be screaming, but it still looks like a more relaxing situation than my last few days.
