It makes a change to see femdom with actual PIV sex involved. There are a lot of pictures of fucking, and a lot of pictures of whips and bondage, but they’re so rarely combined. This particular picture is by OtherworldSam and entitled Interrogation II (full size here).
Tag: Bondage
Conservation of sexy
I don’t spend a lot of time looking at my blog visitor statistics. I used to check them religiously when I started blogging, but now I just check occasionally to make sure nothing weird is going on.
I glanced at them today and was amused to spot the change in traffic over the holiday period. Over the 24th and 25th of December the visit rate dipped significantly. Presumably this was because people were busy with relatives, cooking big dinners and exchanging presents. Then on the 26th and 27th there was a big upswing, which was almost exactly the same size as the dip had been. I assume that everyone who’d temporarily stopped browsing naughty pictures and sex blogs decided to do their post-holiday catch-up.
I wonder if there is some rule of the internet at work there? Just as energy is never created or destroy, only transformed, perhaps the overall amount of sex related browsing is never increased or decreased, only displaced? It’s the conversation of energy, just with less maths and more naked people.
If you were one of those people displacing their browsing of kinky blogs, then allow me to welcome you back with a rather lovely kinky picture. This is from Amaury Grisel.
Simple fun
Fixing the blogroll is still on my to do list. I’m going to blame time spent Christmas shopping for slacking in the blog department. By way of apologies let me share this happy looking shot. It’s pretty simple stuff compared to some of the crazy shots I’ve featured in the past. Just some cuffs, a blindfold and a big bed. But it looks like fun all the same.
Roped predicament
Continuing the theme of awkward predicament male bondage, here’s a lovely rope based example. I always think that any position that ties something to the cock and balls while putting the man off balance is a real head trip. The heavy shifting bodyweight and a delicate attachment point creates a really unusual contrast. It takes away something we’re very familiar with (balancing on two legs) and adds in something that’s normally tucked safely away. Of course it’s also critical that the domme involved can set it up safely and not risk anything actually being yanked too hard!
This is from the Fetish Models tumblr. It features GiannaMonticello with DetroitDouglas. Rope is by -Malak- and the CBT device created by Tampaman1.
Leather for him and her
I’m sure the reason this was originally posted (I think on this tumblr) was the because of the attractive lady in leather. The image cropping would certainly suggest that. However, I actually really like his outfit and predicament. His black outfit makes him anonymous and objectified. The wall fasteners are functional, efficient and positioned so as to make his posture very uncomfortable. I particularly like the one on top of the hood. It doesn’t look like much, but having the head held like that is quite an intense experience. Fancy ropework across naked flesh is all very well, but sometimes you can’t beat a functional leather and metal combination.
I’m afraid I don’t know who this is. She clearly has an interesting playspace to go with the outfits, although I’m not entirely sure that lamp is a good match for the walls. If anyone can help with the attribution then please leave me a comment.
Update: Thanks to a comment I believe this is Jacqueline The-ripper. Her instagram feed is here.
Decisions, decisions
She looks like someone who, when faced with many good choices, can’t quite decide what to do first. He might not know exactly what’s coming next but, judging by his smile, he’s looking forward to whatever it is. As multiple choice scenarios go, this certainly isn’t a bad one to be facing.
I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist for this is. If you can help me attribute it correctly then please leave a comment.
Dark Decadence
Happy Halloween
Las Vegas at Halloween is less crazy than you might imagine. A friend of mine joked that you could start a tumblr called Halloween versus Las Vegas. The game would be to spot the difference between standard Las Vegas wackiness and unusual Halloween outfits. When you’re a place the specializes in nightlife and parties, there’s less room for extravagance when it comes to special events.
This image seems like a good one to finish my Halloween themed posts on. It’s from the Kinky Mistresses site. Personally I’m not a fan of hoods at the best of times. I think a pumpkin hood would be particularly traumatic.
Zippering and Whipping
My San Francisco trip is coming to a close. Courtesy of Mistress Yuki I got to enjoy an intense clothespin zipper. Courtesy of Mistress Ai-Li I gained some vivid red whip marks across my torso. This image – featuring both those things – therefore seems like a good one to feature. I believe the lady is Aiden Starr and it was obviously shot for the Divine Bitches site.
Weirdly wired on wood
Axe over at UnspeakableAxe has an amusing post on subliminal signals and manufactured triggers. Given his partner is Mistress Sade and the triggers are all about having sex, then I don’t feel to bad for him. At least he’s not trying to kill the president when flashed the queen of diamonds.
I had my own odd encounter with subliminal signals and rewritten kinky wiring the other day. I walked into a sake store in one of the old buildings in downtown Seattle and after a few minutes browsing bottles realized I was strangely aroused. As much as I love great food and drink, I’ve never been excited by it in quite such a direct way. I don’t browse the Robert Parker site with my pants around my ankles, or feel the need to leave restaurants in an awkward doubled over posture. I love sake, but I don’t love it.
I had a few puzzled minutes before inspiration struck – it was the smell of the building. The shop was in an old warehouse type space with lots of old exposed wood. It’s exactly the kind of space that a lot of West coast play spaces occupy. They typically need large open spaces at a reasonable cost in an area without a lot of neighbors. That means industrial districts, old converted buildings and a rich aroma of aged wood. After years of hot kinky fun surrounded by the smell of old wooden industrial buildings I now have a mild sexual response to it. That wasn’t something I ever anticipated when I started playing.
The space in the image below looks like it might have a similar scent. Lots of wooden flooring and framing. This is from the Dudes in Distress tumblr.