Another post with a kissing theme. In this case it’s a beautiful single kiss accompanied by some suspension ropework. I found it via the Classy Femdom tumblr, but it was originally taken by JSV Photography. You can see the original shot along with some of the accompanying images in the source blog post.
Tag: Bondage
Turning the screw
After my previous post on Seedfeeder I though a follow-up with some artwork from Rodzo would be appropriate. Their work is stylistically similar, with minimal backgrounds, cleanly drawn figures and simple unfussy lines. They both remind me of illustrators of textbooks or instruction manuals. In Rodzo’s case that would almost certainly be a manual on face sitting and forced oral sex, as his themes are very consistent.
Despite years of looking at erotic images, I’m still intrigued by what pushes my buttons and why. The images below, particularly the first one, really caught my attention, but it’s not entirely clear to me what the trigger factor is. I think it’s the contrast between the serious and brutal metal bondage and her sweet expression. She looks almost demure, and oral sex is such a tender act, yet those clamps and her need to tighten them suggest a different type of interaction.
I found these on the Equally Deep In Your Eyes tumblr.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man
I’ve got a big smile on my face tonight and a lot of marks on my torso. I played with Lydia earlier and she did some rather unusual bondage using thin twine. It was the kind of rough scratchy twine you might use for a craft project and she wrapped me up like a leg of lamb for Sunday dinner. It was an unusual sensation. Definitely not the kind of bondage you can relax into. Very pinchy, itchy and grippy. Uncomfortable with every moment, which was very much her plan.
I was tempted to take some photographs, but it wasn’t a particularly flattering look. I’m generally fairly slim, but I was definitely bulging and spilling out in odd ways between the tight thin strands. On the plus side, I was left with some very cool marks when the bondage came off. It was web like, and reminded me of a spiderman outfit, as I had all these dark lines radiating out across my chest and spaced down my arms.
This gentleman has a more traditional spiderman outfit. His bondage is also a little different to mine, but equally entertaining in its way. I’m afraid I’ve no idea where this is from.
Hanging and kissing
I’m not strictly sure what kind of scene is playing out in these two shots, but I do love the imagery. Combining bondage and tenderness always pushes my buttons. The rope marks on his torso in the second shot are particularly nice. They remind me of the marks I see in my own flesh after playing.
The photographer is Benedetto Dell’ariccia and you can see more of his work at his site.
I found these via the CaliforniaAnge tumblr.
Resplendent astride her captive
This image caught my eye recently, but for a while I couldn’t figure out why. It’s more porny than I typically like and, although I do think it’s kind of hot, it’s also too cliched to really push my buttons. It seemed familiar, and tonight it finally clicked what it reminded me of. It looks just like a gender reversed Swords and Sorcery fantasy novel cover.
The Gor novels are the classic example in the erotic domain, but there are countless other examples in the fantasy genre. Typically they feature some big beefcake with a sword and a comely slave girl at his feet. For example, this and this and this and this. In this case they’ve switched it around, with a dominant Gia DiMarco, who looks like she could give Conan a run for his money.
Doctor, doctor, give me the news
Writing about kink and doctors in yesterday’s post reminded me of an old Max Fisch thread that describes an amazing medical story. It starts with two members of Max’s forum attending a play party. They don’t know each other at all, either in real life or online, and just happen to be at the same event. It ends with one, a doctor, saving the other’s life. And not in a vague ‘that activity looks risky’ way, but in an urgent ‘blood clot in the brain’ way. It’s a cool story and well worth reading. I don’t think the problem arose directly because of kink, but it was certainly lucky that a kinky doctor was around. If you follow the thread to page 2 you can also read her response to the thread (post from SurferDoc).
The medical professional in the image below doesn’t look quite as conscientious or caring as SurferDoc proved to be. I’m not exactly sure what she’s up to, but it doesn’t look good for our helpless and immobilized hero.
I’ve not run across this image before. From the image name it would appear to be an Eric Stanton drawing, and it does look a bit like his style.
Lacking all reason
My previous post featured what I thought was a good article on the positive side of mixing discussion, consent and sex. Today’s post brings you the flipside – a really stupid post on sex and consent. Other bloggers may aim to bring you only good things; I like to go with more of a harmonious yin and yang approach.
The article is (ironically) from Reason magazine and is entitled ‘California’s Sexual Consent Law Will Ruin Good Sex for Women‘. It was prompted by the recent ‘Yes means Yes‘ law passed in California, which aims to shift the emphasis in colleges from an assumption of consent to a need to actively gain consent. There’s an interesting discussion to be had about that law, but the Reason article by Shikha Dalmia certainly isn’t it. The bit that really irked me was this…
…there is usually a difference in tempo between men and women, with women generally requiring more “convincing.” And someone who requires convincing is not yet in a position to offer “affirmative” much less “enthusiastic” consent. That doesn’t mean that the final experience is unsatisfying — but it does mean that initially one has to be coaxed out of one’s comfort zone. Affirmative consent would criminalize that.
The reality is that much of sex is not consensual — but it is also not non-consensual. It resides in a gray area in between, where sexual experimentation and discovery happen.
I’m going to resist the temptation to draw conclusions about Shikha Dalmia’s sex life based on this. I can say it’s pretty piss poor logic with no apparent understanding of what consent means.
One of the great things that exploring kink has done for me is helped me to discuss and negotiate sexual activity. If you grow up watching sex in movies (both mainstream and porn) you get the impression that great sex just happens automatically. One minute the cynical private eye is trading witty barbs and smouldering looks with his femme fatale client, the next minute, just after she’s tried to slap him, they’re having amazing sex without so much as a yes, no or maybe. In reality experimentation, and the discussion that must go along with it, makes everything better. I’ve never yet had a mutual fantasy ruined by talking about it. I’ve had plenty of experiences where misunderstanding and a lack of communication definitely made things worse.
Hopefully the gentleman in this image got all his discussion out of the way up front, as his current options look decidedly limited. The image is of course from Divine Bitches.
Art and reality
One of the things I enjoy about erotic artwork is its ability to portray the strange and fantastic. Artists like Sardax, Namio Harukawa and Augustine do a wonderful job of capturing the extremes of sexual fantasies in a way that still connects with people. Yet the thing I like most about the piece below is it’s realism. I don’t mean that in the visual sense – it’s clearly not a hyperrealistic drawing – but in the mood and style of play it captures. It feels like a moment from a scene I might do or have done. There’s no crazy bondage positions, massive strap-ons or extreme outfits. Just some rope, clothespins and a nice sense of intimacy and connection.
The artist is Tingos and you can see more of his work on his tumblr. I found it via the Lunar Black tumblr.
Put him in the uncomfortable chair!
Here’s my final post of what has turned into a trio featuring male rope bondage. This one shows Bobbi Starr making unconventional but effective use of a chair. Whatever she has in mind for him, it’s a great position for access to all the interesting areas.
This is from the Men in Pain site.
Pulling him close
Here’s another happy man wrapped in some rope. Admittedly I can’t actually see his expression, so unlike yesterday’s shot, I can’t definitely say he’s happy. But I’m willing to wager that he’s feeling pretty good about his situation.
The image is oddly entitled ‘Brutal‘ (free deviant art login needed). Not quite sure about the title, but I do like the image. It’s by Pavel Ryzhenkov, known on Deviant Art as West-Kis, a photographer based in Belarus. I found it on the Femdom Delights tumblr.