Just a rat in a cage

Fans of playing in cages will probably be interested in this article. Alternatively, if cages don’t do it for you, how about accommodation in New York for $1 a night? The cage in question, owned by an artist, looks a lot nicer and bigger than a lot of New York hotel rooms that cost hundreds of dollars more. There are a lot of rules associated with it, but violating them only costs $100 per day, which would still make it an incredibly cheap place to stay.

Sadly it doesn’t come with any guards willing to do deliciously evil things to the prisoner. So if you want to reenact this kind of scene, you’ll have to bring your own. And keep in mind that the whole thing is live streamed 24/7.


The image features Jasmine Byrne and Phantom in a Men in Pain scene. I found it via the Seductive Domme tumblr.

Trouble for the Duke

When someone fitting the description of ‘evil fairytale queen’ calls for her guards, you know trouble is in store for a hapless hero. When said queen has their genitalia in her hands at that moment, things are really looking bad.

Trouble For The Duke

This artwork is in the distinctive style of Hanz Kovacq, and is taken from his Hilda series. I originally spotted it on the Lunar Black tumblr.

Artwork, video and an apology

Apologies for the lack of posts in the last couple of days. It turns out that while I can usually balance blogging, work and a social life, I can’t also squeeze watching the World Cup into that schedule. Hopefully normal service will now be resumed.

While I’m on the subject of the World Cup, I feel I should point my readers at this Kia advertisement for it starring Adriana Lima. It’s not strictly femdom, but I’m fairly certain a decent percentage of my audience will enjoy it.

If Ms Lima in high heels doesn’t do anything for you, let me offer this drawing as an alternative. It’s by the artist Blacksmith. If you like it then you’ll be happy to know there are a number of similar pieces on the artist’s tumblr.

Artwork by Blacksmith

Cock of the wall

This struck me as a very surreal image when I first spotted it. For a moment or two I wondered if it had been Photoshopped after the fact by an amateur pornographer, until this second shot suggested otherwise. There’s such an odd sense of disconnect and contrast between the two sides of it.

I can’t say I’m turned on by it. I like an emotional connection in my scenes. A normal glory hole is anonymizing and dehumanizing . A glory hole with a mechanical fucking device is perversely so. Yet it is an interesting shot. I wonder if it was actually someone’s fantasy? Or was it created as a kinky mad lib? If you give infinite kinksters unlimited toys and endless film footage, will they eventually publish every possible kinky fantasy?

Glory Hole scene

This is Claire Adams with Rick Hunt performing for Men in Pain. I originally found it on the Felm Cyber tumblr.

Rope and smiles

After a long week, here’s something sexy and happy for the weekend. It’s by Heat.Hawk13 and features Honey and JackPotMatt. You can find other equally appealing images by him over at the Digital Silver tumblr.

It’s an image that puts me in mind of a Simpsons quote. They’re wistfully watching the Hibberts race snowmobiles, and Homer tries to reassure them “That’s not as fun as it looks”. Lisa’s deadpan response is that “Nothing could be as fun as that looks.”

Image by Heat.Hawk13

Riding the horse

The tumblr comment on this picture gets it exactly right when it says it’s an uncommon picture of a male riding the wooden horse. This particular torture device crops up fairly often in both artwork and photographs with female submissives, yet almost never with males. I’m not really sure why that is, given that the device was historically used on men, including soldiers in the US civil war. It does seem particularly common in Japanese erotic artwork, so perhaps modern BDSM has taken its cultural cue from there rather than from Western history.

WoodenHorseThis is originally from Divine Bitches.

The person in pink

I generally love unusual kinks, even when they are not my own. There’s something quite cheering about seeing people put the effort into getting off in unusual ways. A couple of years ago I wouldn’t even have added the ‘generally’ qualifier to that opening statement. Sadly time brings wisdom. I once mentioned my pleasure in other peoples unusual kinks to a domme, which prompted her to put me straight by relating a fantasy involving defecation and chickens that a client had shared with her. That might not have been the most unpleasant mental image I’ve ever had, but it was certainly in my top five.

Fortunately the image below is from the fun and cheerful side of kink. Heavy bondage can often be portrayed very seriously, so this body cast shot makes a nice change. I particularly like the drawn in eyes, hair bow and bright pink color. An all white cast would be too medical, putting me in mind of the soldier in white from Catch 22. Pink gives it a more playful air. Even the site name has a fun twist – Cast Your Enthusiasm. That’s much more appealing than crudeness like Divine Bitches or Ballbusting Chicks.

Pink Body Cast


Normally when a famous person is mentioned in connection with the word dominatrix it’s because they wore a vaguely fetishistic outfit (a phenomena I’ve commented on in the past). This short article on Courtney Love is a little different. Apparently she considered being a dominatrix because “it’s just learning how to tie knots” but then quit when “the first client picked me as a submissive and wanted to spank me.” I’m not sure which statement is more clueless, but it certainly indicates she was wise to stick to her music career.

Of course while tying knots is one of the least important parts of being a domme, that doesn’t mean you can’t do fun things with knots. Rigging is an art form all of it’s own, and here’s a particularly nice example from Men in Pain.

Suspended over the bed

Coming out or getting caught

I’m always nervous that this blog will be discovered by a friend, relative or co-worker. There’s certainly enough information on it to make that identification possible by a regular reader who also happened to know me in daily life. It’s not that I’m ashamed out it. I’m actually very proud of what I’ve put together here. But in that curious inversion that’s unique to sex blogging, what I’m happy to share with internet strangers would definitely be TMI to share with friends.

Adult star Jesse Jackman recently wrote about his experience with the scariest version of this scenario – his mother stumbling across his blog. Fortunately it turns out to be a heart warming story of acceptance and understanding. In a world where the line ‘How would you feel if your son/daughter did it?’ is often stated as if it’s the definitive case against sex work, it’s nice to see a family showing love and understanding when dealing with the issue. Although I can’t say that it has inspired me to the extent that I’m going to email my mother a link to this blog.

Ideally I’d have a great shot of Jesse Jackman to finish this post with, but as far as I can tell he’s exclusive a gay performer, which doesn’t align with this blogs theme. Instead I’ll use a great example of image I love and I’m happy to post, yet would hate to explain to me friends and family exactly why.

Nipple TormentThis is from the CBT and Ballbusting site.

Getting that perfect pegging position

There are many helpful guides to pegging lurking around on the web. For example, there’s this one from Tickleberry and this one from Lazy Domme. However, I’ve never seen any of them suggesting that many feet of rope should be used to bind the boy and then bend him like a pretzel for the perfect angle of penetration. It probably should at least get mentioned as an option. It’s not all that practical unless you have lots of open space with handy tie points to fasten him to, but it does look awfully fun.

Perfect pegging positionThis is Clair Adams, looking very sexy with her red hair and a nicely color coordinated strap-on. I believe it’s from a Men in Pain shoot. I found it on the Beg for some pegging tumblr.