Fans of playing in cages will probably be interested in this article. Alternatively, if cages don’t do it for you, how about accommodation in New York for $1 a night? The cage in question, owned by an artist, looks a lot nicer and bigger than a lot of New York hotel rooms that cost hundreds of dollars more. There are a lot of rules associated with it, but violating them only costs $100 per day, which would still make it an incredibly cheap place to stay.
Sadly it doesn’t come with any guards willing to do deliciously evil things to the prisoner. So if you want to reenact this kind of scene, you’ll have to bring your own. And keep in mind that the whole thing is live streamed 24/7.
The image features Jasmine Byrne and Phantom in a Men in Pain scene. I found it via the Seductive Domme tumblr.