Caught in a rope web

I enjoyed some rope bondage with Lydia tonight and now I’m left with some beautiful rope marks across my torso. I was positioned on my back, but rather than simple anchor me at the wrists and ankles, Lydia used a number of ropes to enmesh by whole body. Everything was in tension, the ropes working against each other so I could constantly feel them hugging me. Typically I don’t struggle much in bondage, so I can sometimes almost forget that I’m tied up. There was no danger of that tonight, as every breath and twitch pulled against the web that held me.

The image below is obviously a suspension scene, which is a little different to mine, but I’m guessing he’ll also be left with some nice rope marks afterwards. The domme and rigger is Ms Tytania of London. You can see more image from the same session in this post. Suspension is always fun, but I particularly like the little teasing touch on his cock in this shot.

Suspension scene with Ms Tytania

If you’d like the chance to enjoy some of Ms Tytania skills in person, her contact information is available here.

Another moment

Continuing the theme from yesterday, here’s another example of two people taking a timeout and enjoying a little moment at some point during a scene. I particularly like the follow-up shot that looks like it was snapped just a few seconds later.

The image is from this sequence shot for Pandora Blake’s spanking site and features Amelia Jane Rutherford. I found it via the Happy BDSM tumblr.

A moment for smiles

Altered states

This article has been popping up all over the web in the last few days, both on mainstream and kinky blogs. It describes research done on BDSM participants, testing their cognitive response to something called a Stroop task both before and after playing.

The results showed that people playing the pain-receiving role showed poorer Stroop task scores, which are seen with short-term reductions of functions in a part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortexAmbler said. This region is linked to executive control, working memory and other higher-level functions.

The pain that comes with sadomasochistic sex may cause the brain to shunt blood flow away from this region, causing a subjectively altered state of consciousness — and the appeal of SM, Ambler said.

My initial response on reading this was on the lines of “Well duh!” Anyone who has experienced subspace and the discombobulation that comes along with that will attest to the altered states that kinky play can produce. I’m incredibly spacey and buzzy after my sessions, and can barely talk during them. I’d probably have difficult spelling my name during an intense play experience, let alone doing a Stroop test. However, I do like the fact that somebody is doing real clinical studies in this area. There’s lot of anecdotal commentary flying around about subspace (see this blog for one), but precious little that is grounded in quantifiable data. Even if those quantifiable measurements only involve 14 people in this particular case.

I’ll finish with a shot of a very kind and helpful lady guiding a gentleman towards his own particular altered state. I like the fact they’ve both sticking out their tongues, but for very different reasons.


I believe this is a shot, but I’ve no actual proof of that. I found it on the Superioridad Femenina tumblr.

Tumblr Egotism

I like this image from the Men in Pain site. I like (a lot) the Work is Never Over tumblr where I found it. I intensely dislike the fact the tumblr owner felt the need to stamp their watermark on the top right corner. I also hate the fact they felt the need to move the very clear MiP attribution from the bottom left to right edge, where it’s easily missed (the original image can be seen here).

Screwing around in an image editing package for a few minutes doesn’t confer a creative credit. I enjoy seeing tweaked images on tumblr (the Alternative Female Domination tumblr does a good job in that respect), but nobody should fool themselves that somehow that’s equivalent to hiring professional models, and then lighting, rigging and shooting a scene. Please leave original watermarks alone and don’t add new ones. Even if you have worked hard and spent literally seconds of your life shoving the file through an image filter or two.


More wax play

I always knew the internet and my readers wouldn’t let me down. No sooner had I put up yesterday’s post about Leonardo DiCaprio, the dominatrix and the candle, than Vista had come through for me with an animated gif of the scene in question. Seeing it makes me wonder if they consulted anyone about the right type of candle to use. There are a lot of good guides to wax play out there (for example this one), but how many movie props departments know about them? I hope Leonardo was just doing a great acting job, because hot wax really shouldn’t be that painful.

I’ll finish with a shot of a quite different wax play scene. There’s a lot less screaming and a lot more smiling in this shot.

Happy Wax Play

I found this on the Happy BDSM tumblr. I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution.

Ball, balls and ball

I can’t claim to be a huge an of this ladies outfit – it smacks too much of motorbike magazine cover girl for me – but I do like what she’s done with this suspension. He’s been tied into a tight ball, then she has tied his balls up, and then she’s hung a metal ball from his balls. It’s a ball trifecta.

I’m also thinking that the soles of his feet are going to be awfully vulnerable in this position, and she still has that cane lying on the floor. Bastinado on top of suspension and CBT would be wonderfully evil.

Suspension and ball torture

This is originally from the Men in Pain site. I found it on the written in the water tumblr.

Letting her hair down (and twisting it around)

This image is a nice take on the Rapunzel fairy tale, with an obvious influence from Tangled, the recent Disney version. It’s by the artist iesnoth.

I have to admit that I’ve got a minor kink for long hair, although it’s a relatively recent interest. A few years ago it wouldn’t have been a blip on my kinky radar, but playing with Lydia changed that. She has beautiful long red hair, and tends to incorporate it in subtle ways into a session. She’ll let the edges just brush my skin, let it fold against me, or drift it gently across my face. When I’m in bondage and in pain, that sensual touch, the subtle scent of it, really creates a strong emotional response. It’s a great example of a developed kink, almost a Pavlovian response.


Bound on a bed, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

I’ve really nothing clever to say about this image. It’s very cute and makes me sigh in a wistful manner. There’s some expertly done rope bondage and a couple clearly enjoying their moment. What’s not to like?

Kissing and Bondage

I found it on the Wet Beehive tumblr. I’ve no original source and Google image search doesn’t help at all. If anyone can help me attribute it correctly then feel free to leave a comment.

Carpet Guy

Danielle Lindemann’s book Dominatrix contains an amusing description of a guy with a fetish for bondage in carpets…

I approach the bar and put my foot on what I assume is a step, when I hear a faint “Oof!” The man is laid out in front of the bar, fully submerged in the rug, his face peering out of a roughly cut hole. I step off and apologize, but I am immediately “corrected” by a nearby domme.

“That’s okay, sweetie—he likes it!” She proceeds to kick the carpet repeatedly and with great force in her platform boots, while the other people at the bar look on with a mixture of nonchalance and delight. The man in the rug beams the whole time. I return to the table where I’ve been sitting.

“I just accidentally stepped on a guy rolled in a rug,” I tell the group of people who’ve brought me to the party.

“Carpet Guy’s here?” one responds.

I was entertained by this scene when I first read it, but never thought I’d have chance to quote it. As fetishes go it sounded like a fairy unusual one. Then I ran across the image below. I think it’s targeted more to foot fetishists, but there’s clearly a rolled up carpet being used as a method of restraint. Either carpet guy is now doing fetish modelling or it’s not as unique an interest as I first thought.

Slave in a rolled carpet

The image is originally from the Foot on Face site. I found it via the Femdom Chronicles tumblr.