I’m sorry about posting this image, I really am. It’s pretty fucked up.
It has been lurking on my hard drive for months now. I could never decide what to do with it. It’s a little like that bottle of viciously strong but heinous tasting liquor that gets left after a party. You can’t image any situation where you’d want to drink it, but also can’t quite bring yourself to throw it away. In this case, having just put up a post about guns and girls, I figured it was now or never. So here it is.
The reason I considered posting it at all was my odd reaction to it. It’s an image where my mental backstory makes a significant difference to how I perceive it. If I imagine that the gun is empty, and it’s all just a massive headtrip they’re running on the slave, then I think it’s a very hot image. The two women engrossed in each other, together with their extreme mental cruelty to the bound man, is arousing. Albeit in a twisted fucked up way (my favorite kind). On the other hand, if I imagine the gun is loaded, and he’s about to be shot in the head, then I hate it with a passion. That’s twisted at a level I just can’t get my head around. I can’t think of any other images that I’ve had such an extreme reaction to, based on how I project into them.
I believe the artist for this goes under the handle of Tink. His (or her) work has featured here in the past (this for example), but I’ve never tracked down any biographical information or a good hosting site for his/her images.