My kind of interrogation

After writing my previous post on extreme interrogations, where I happened to mention sadistic secret policewomen, I thought it be fun to find a couple of suitable images. These come courtesy of Domina Yuki’s tumblr blog, and are much more in line with my idea of an entertaining way to extract a bit more information than simply name, rank and serial number. I like the idea of having her equipment laid out on the table, ready for him to see and anticipate once the bag comes off.

Domina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki - InterrogationDomina Yuki is a pro-domme operating from San Francisco. Her session request form is here. I’m going to be heading down to S.F. in May, so may well try and find out what being on the end of her tortuous tools is actually like!

Buckles and Pegs

This looks like a very intense but interesting predicament to be in. I always find there’s some pleasantly objectifying about using lots of buckles and straps. Rope bondage can often be relaxing and comforting, the rope hugging the body and creating a sense of security. But using straps seems much more business like. A quick and efficient way to completely immobilize the thing in question. Rope bondage can seem like an end in itself. But when you strap someone down it’s because you really don’t want them moving for what’s about to happen next. In this particular case, it looks like a lot of creative placement of clothes pegs and a big metal sound was what happened next.

Buckles And PegsI’m afraid I’ve no attribution for this image.

Fun Furniture

I’m a big fan of original and fun BDSM furniture. There’s a lot of scope available for creating items that facilitate interesting physical and mental torments whilst also being cool pieces of design in themselves. The chance to plan and build a dedicated play space, with this kind of furniture in it, is one thing that might eventually get me out of a downtown condo and into a real house.

There’s a good couple of examples below. The first has been all over various tumblr sites, but I believe it originally came from Sir’s Little One. Obviously custom built for the space, I like the idea, but think it’d be better with more of the cage exposed. It looks just a little too cosy a place to be.

Cage BedIn contrast the next example definitely does not have a warm cosy feel to it. I guess you’d call it a floating board and it can be found in Mistress Annabel’s dungeon. She’s a London based pro-domme, with a fine selection of furniture. I love the heavy industrial look of the buckles and the metal frame. Very utilitarian and no doubt very easy to wipe clean of blood! There’s also a St. George’s chair on the right and a St. Andrew’s cross at the back.

Floating board from Mistress Annabel's dungeonAbove photograph was taken by Peter Felix Kurtz from I found it in the gallery page on Mistress Annabel’s site.

Caught in a web

This elaborate suspension bondage is by Domina Nia (warning – background music), a New York based pro-domme. She famous, or I guess I should say infamous, for being one of more extreme and sadistic dommes currently working. I’ve no personal experience of her, but I do admire and appreciate the skill required to execute this suspension. And it leaves the submissive in a perfect position for torturing.

Bondage and Suspension by Domina Nia

90’s Flashback

I expect that anyone who hung around usenet in the 90’s looking for femdom material will instantly recognize this. It’s from leda, one of the great early producers of heavy spanking and corporal punishment films. The production quality of their work looks pretty poor by today’s hi-def standards, but the material itself still packs a real erotic charge. Any lovers of a more traditional style caning and spanking should certainly seek it out.

This image is taken from a short lived magazine they produced called Ma’am. They only had a handful of issues, but once scanned they circulated for years on the spanking newsgroups. I think this particular shot was also associated with a movie series called something like ‘That dreaded box’. I particularly like the contrast between his intense pained expression and the two women standing calmly at the back waiting for their turn with the strap,

Ma'am Magazine

Added Stig to Femdom Artwork

I’ve re-organized the femdom artwork page into three separate pages. It was getting too big and cumbersome as a single page. Hopefully this new arrangement will allow me to add more artists without the load time bogging down for all my readers.

Stig is the first artist added into this new structure. His work may not be the most sophisticated or visually appealing in the femdom domain, but it does possess a strong underlying sense of sadism, which gives it a certain appeal.


The new bed+chair combo from IKEA

Here’s an intriguing but slightly ominous piece of furniture. It becomes even more ominous when I tell you it’s taken from the same site that I based this previous post on.

As a bed it leaves something to be desired. There’s no padding and it’s not long enough to support the legs fully. But the chair part looks more comfortable. There’s a nicely padded box and a fabric back support.

Bed / Chair / ToiletSure enough, when you get to see it in action, the ladies seem quite happy about their side of the deal. Unfortunately it’s a little tricky to read his expression. The view may make up for the discomfort. But I’m guessing a hard surface to lie on is probably going to be the least of his problems by the time they’ve finished shooting the scene.

Bed / Chair / Toilet in useThis is from the Team-Rinryu site, which is associated in some way (not sure exactly how) with the yapoo market femdom series. Both these sites feature some very intense femdom content with all aspects of toilet play featured. If you’re at all squeamish about that kind of thing I’d suggest extreme caution if you follow those links. There’s some distinctly disturbing images there.

It’s not just for bad breath

Mistress Matisse had an interesting post last year about using Listerine strips in a scene. However, it turns out she’s not quite the original I thought she was. It seems that the artist annmo night had already sketched a few ideas around Listerine as a torture device, as the image below shows. It’s quite an inventive approach, as you’d expect from him. I suspect that there’s no scenario where the submissive wins. It’s just a question of which mistress wins when the submissive loses.

Listerine Roulette by Annmo Night

A punch to the face

It’s rare to see a bare fisted punch in femdom pornography. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, but it’s certainly not as common as slapping or pinching. I’d guess that’s because it’s quite hard to scale gradually. Too soft and it’s not noticeable. Too hard and you could so some serious damage. Not to mention the risk of also hurting the hand of the domme.

I found the image below on the femme fatale tumblr site. There was no background information, but it looked much more like a fashion shot than a porn shot. The magical website tinyeye quickly told me this was the model Rosie Huntington Whiteley, and a bit more digging got me to the entertaining film this image was taken from. It’s an Agent Provocateur advert, and worth checking out if you happen to enjoy gorgeous models with English accents wearing expensive lingerie while tying men up and teasing them. I’m going to guess that covers 99% of my readers.

Rosie Huntington Whiteley in Agent Provocateur Ad