The Big Boot

This is one for fans of boots and bondage – two things that aren’t normally combined in this way. I’ve heard of thigh highs, but never armpit highs. Now I come to think of it, I’m surprised no enterprising fetish manufacturer has produced a leather bondage sack that’s shaped like a boot. I can’t think it’d be to hard to modify a standard sleep sack to look like one. The intersection between bondage lover and boot lover is probably a decent size market.

I found this via Pitt Prickel’s twitter feed, where it’s attributed to Rudolf Schlichter.

Knees and Elbows

What do you think is the least fetishized part of the body? It’s a question that this image got me thinking about and, if I had to hazard I’d guess, I’d go with knees and elbows. Those joints really don’t get much love.

Obviously things like breasts, legs and buttocks are widely fetishized even in mainstream sexuality. Feet, lips and armpits pop up fairly regularly in kinky porn. I’ve personally got a bit of thing for long hair, and I know that’s another common kink. Yet, despite a vast amount of wasted time on the internet, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any elbow or knee porn. It obviously must exist because internet porn is much like the multiverse – if it’s a physical possibility then it will exist. And it it’s not a physical possibility, then it’ll exist in erotic fiction. But knees and elbows must be a very well hidden niche interest.

I’m afraid I don’t have an original attribution for this. I’d guess it’s actually from a sequence of boot, leg or foot porn that just happened to have an image where he’s licking the knee. But maybe I’m wrong, and there’s a thriving knee licking community out there that this was targeted at.

Playing Dead

This image made me laugh. His posture and expression are unusual for this kind of shot. Has he collapsed, exhausted after a vigorous rogering? Did it take her so long to put on all that fancy fetish gear that he dozed off? Or is he playing dead, in the hope that the scary lady with the enormous strap-on will get bored and leave him alone?

This is originally from the StrapOn Dreamer site.

Dancers and Dommes

In a classic case of ‘why did nobody think of this before’, the artist Natalie Frank has done a series of painting featuring both professional dancers and professional dommes. I think that’s a very smart juxtaposition, given the physical, artistic and collaborative aspects that both professions share. That said, while I appreciate the paintings she’s created, it feels like a great idea that needs further development. There’s a sense of movement and rhythm inherent in both, and which comes through in her dancer paintings, but is less obvious in the domme ones. That set of pictures seem oddly static, which is strange given her underlying concept. I feel she captures the dynamic of the participants, without capturing the physical energy of a typical scene.

The exhibition is on display at the Rhona Hoffman Gallery in Chicago.

Trying too hard

It’s time for another post where I rag on celebrities for getting BDSM outfits wrong. Normally I’m complaining that wearing a leather jacket or a pair of boots does not constitute a BDSM outfit. In this case the problem is the opposite one.

Nobody could accuse Nicki Minaj of being subtle at the recent Billboard Music Awards. She’s got latex, chains and leather everywhere. There’s even backing dancers in pink gas masks. I’m just not sure what the hell’s going on with this outfit. It’s like she went drunk shopping at a fetish store closing down sale, and then decided to wear everything at once. Although I guess it does succeed in one respect. If I saw a domme coming at me in this outfit, I might not think it was sexy, but I’d definitely be scared.

Undesired desires

Metro recently published an interview with Goddess Avivia that made me laugh. For the most part it’s a pretty standard mainstream magazine interview with a pro-domme. That is to say, it’s generally positive with an minor undercurrent of sneering and sensationalism. It also has the requisite reference to submissions all being rich alpha types that always bugs me. The bit that made me laugh was this…

Most of my clients are privileged white men: 6-feet tall, fit, in their 30s, usually working in a high-powered position. These men are used to being in control, getting what they want and having women cater to their desires. It’s exciting for them to experience the polar opposite of their day-to-day.

As regular readers will be aware, I’m huge fan of pro-dommes and always enjoy playing with them. And I’m sure that Goddess Aviva is a lovely person and an excellent domme. However, I’m also pretty certain that all her 6 foot tall clients are getting exactly what they want and are still having a woman cater to their desire. That is, after all, what they pay for. It might be unusual to desire to be beaten or humiliated or peed on by an attractive woman, but it’s still a desire. Unless of course they have been prescribed invigorating beatings  for the good of their health, and really don’t enjoy them at all.

I understand what she’s getting at, but the wording did make me smile. I’ll leave you with an old image of Mistress Madeline apparently refusing to give her slave what he desires.

Behind the fantasy

Courtesy of linking from Mistress T I found this article on the rewards and challenges of being both a sex worker and a parent. I’ll admit it doesn’t really have a femdom angle to it. However, this blog relies heavily on the fantasies that sex workers help create. I feature beautiful photographs of sex workers, articles by them and descriptions of amazing scenes they help create. I therefore always appreciate the chance to acknowledge and humanize the people behind the fantasy.

I’ll add an entirely anecdotal observation of my own to the story. A lot of the pro-dommes I’ve interacted with have been very caring people and very pro-animal. They’ve kept animals, or fostered animals, or volunteered at shelters or contributed (and encouraged others to contribute) to animal charities. Obviously this is based on a very limited data set, but it does seem to me that pro-dommes at least, tend to care about animals and their welfare far more than the average person on the street does.

Of course there are always exceptions. There’s one type of animal they tend to do some really horrible things to.

This artwork is of course by the great Sardax.

Order of Indomitus

While I might not be into organized matriarchal societies crossed with femdom kinky fun (as discussed in yesterday’s post), I do recognize it as a button pushing fantasy for some. Probably the most well known example of it was the Other World Kingdom, more commonly known as OWK. Although it eventually closed down in 2008, it did run successfully for over a decade, attracting a wide variety of dommes and slaves over that period. This old post of mine has some interesting links on it for those curious about the background story. Mistress Troy of NYC has also posted some thoughts and articles on it.

Sadly for OWK fans there has never been an obvious successor with the same kind of scope and vision. However, some femdom organizations have tried to capture the spirit of OWK, with one of the most recent being The Order of Indomitus. Based on their FAQ and this article it seems like they’ve captured the outdoor play, multi-mistress and immersive femdom fantasy environment that OWK targeted.

Every woman brings something different to the event. 100% of your time is being spent in a non-stop femdom environment with a small undertone of fear, a bit of laughs, a certain amount of comfort, a certain amount of unknown, and depending on what turns you on, a dash to an over-dose of eroticism.

It’s not really my thing, but for anyone out there who really regrets never visiting OWK, it might well be worth checking out.

These images are from the Order of Indomitus web site.

Whips, boots and marks

I normally dislike shots featuring a domme reduced to just her boots or a torso. Faces and a sense of connection between participants is normally important to me. Yet there are always exceptions, and this is one of them. The composition fits both his perspective and the psychology of the scene.

I love the marks on his back, the simplicity of the room and the arrayed selection of implements.  I like to imagine he has been told to maintain that position no matter what, and she has been prowling around him, picking and choosing whips as her whims take her. For almost an hour now the only sound has been her heels, his stifled cries and the occasional self satisfied sigh from her as she inspects the whip marks.

I’m afraid I don’t know the original source for this. You see a larger version on the tumblr that originally posted it.

A big problem

After yesterday’s post on Perfect Villainess – a commercial site targeting a specific porn niche – it seemed appropriate to link to a recent post of Mistress T’s. In it she writes about kinks she will no longer cover. One of those was the giantess fetish, about which she said…

I used to love this fetish. The vids were fun to create, but 2 things happened: 1. Piracy. The market for Giantess is small so they ban together to share content really effectively. 1 guy buys the vid & shares it with hundreds of others which means that I don’t make enough money off the vid ….. So I don’t film them anymore

Piracy often gets talked about in the abstract. People understand it hurts content providers, but the effect is intangible to them. Here’s a very clear illustration of its impact on all sides of the equation. A niche fetish with a small number of fans lost a top creator who loved making videos for them. Good job guys. Not only do existing creators quit, but there’s the hidden cost of discouraging new entrants to the market.

I doubt posts like this are going to stop piracy dead in its tracks but, if you do consume kinky commercial material via the various tube and torrent sites, maybe consider a Christmas present to yourself of a subscription in a site (or two) that you particularly like? Or if there’s a domme that really pushes your buttons, buy some of her online clips? Maybe put something back into the system for all those creators who have given you many happy moments?

I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this artist. There’s a handful of his or her drawings floating around online – all in a similar style and feature the giantess fetish. Unfortunately I’ve not seen them pulled together in a single gallery with a useful attribution. Obviously if you can help me out there, please leave a comment.

Update: Thanks to an expert on tracking down image provenance, I can now attribute the image to the artist Enka Boots. You can see more of the artists work here.