After yesterday’s post on Perfect Villainess – a commercial site targeting a specific porn niche – it seemed appropriate to link to a recent post of Mistress T’s. In it she writes about kinks she will no longer cover. One of those was the giantess fetish, about which she said…
I used to love this fetish. The vids were fun to create, but 2 things happened: 1. Piracy. The market for Giantess is small so they ban together to share content really effectively. 1 guy buys the vid & shares it with hundreds of others which means that I don’t make enough money off the vid ….. So I don’t film them anymore
Piracy often gets talked about in the abstract. People understand it hurts content providers, but the effect is intangible to them. Here’s a very clear illustration of its impact on all sides of the equation. A niche fetish with a small number of fans lost a top creator who loved making videos for them. Good job guys. Not only do existing creators quit, but there’s the hidden cost of discouraging new entrants to the market.
I doubt posts like this are going to stop piracy dead in its tracks but, if you do consume kinky commercial material via the various tube and torrent sites, maybe consider a Christmas present to yourself of a subscription in a site (or two) that you particularly like? Or if there’s a domme that really pushes your buttons, buy some of her online clips? Maybe put something back into the system for all those creators who have given you many happy moments?
I’m afraid I don’t know the name of this artist. There’s a handful of his or her drawings floating around online – all in a similar style and feature the giantess fetish. Unfortunately I’ve not seen them pulled together in a single gallery with a useful attribution. Obviously if you can help me out there, please leave a comment.
Update: Thanks to an expert on tracking down image provenance, I can now attribute the image to the artist Enka Boots. You can see more of the artists work here.