Pleasure & Pain

The post title sounds like a lead into something seriously kinky and sexual, but in fact it’s taken from a mainstream exhibition running at the Victoria & Albert Museum – ‘Shoes: Pleasure & Pain‘. There’s a good article on it over at the Guardian, which talks about the history of shoes, and how they’ve been intertwined with culture, fashion, sex and fetishism. This particularly bit made me smile…

For a few decades in the middle of the 17th century, there was a fashion for ladies’ indoor shoes to come attached to a flat panel, which joined the bottom of the high heel to the toe. Not only did this lift the wearer above imaginary dirt and clod-hopping Puritans, it also provided a satisfying sound as the shoe made contact with the floor. Soon that flat-footed slap, which could be heard several beats before the wearer entered the room, became the mark of real lady.

I don’t particularly fetishize footwear, but I can still appreciate the the click of a heel and the sound of a strutting boot on a hard floor. It’s a pretty effective mood setter, particularly when someone is tied down and can’t easily turn to see what’s happening. I often find myself smiling at the cliche of it, but enjoying it all the same.

BootsThis rather beautiful drawing is from the Croquis Nocturne tumblr. From the posts on the tumblr I’d guess that the artist is also the tumblr owner. Worth checking out if you appreciate this image.

Blog page housekeeping

I’ve finally got around to do some tidying up on my blog page and blogroll. Dead blogs have been expunged, dormant blogs moved to the dormant section and tweaks made to any that moved. I’ve also added some new blogs both to the page and to the blog roll on the right.

Under the general femdom sections I’ve added…

Under the pro-domme section…

Under femdom art…

A couple of new non-English femdom blogs…

Finally, under general sex and kink…

If anyone has a blog they think I should consider then please leave a comment or fire me an email. I can’t guarantee I’ll include it or respond particularly promptly, but I’ll normally take the time to look at any interesting links I’m sent.

Adding Sardax’s blog gives me the perfect excuse to feature some more of his excellent artwork. This piece seems particularly appropriate as it features Mistress Sidonia, whose blog also occupies a popular spot on my blogroll. This is from a series of drawings called The Sardax Circus.

Circus Ring Mistress by Sardax


While I’m on a horsey theme, here’s a nice shot of couple indulging in some horseplay. It’s probably a really odd thing to say, but I like the understated fetishistic elements in the scene. Horse and pony play often lends itself to really ornate leather gear and fancy equestrian costumes. This has some very sexy but sensible clothes and a worn but solid looking leather saddle. It’s hot without sliding into fetish flamboyance.

Pony PlayI’m afraid I don’t know the source of this image. If anyone can help with that please leave a comment.

Learning to boogie with Eric Stanton

I’ll finish the sequence of posts on comic book artists and 50’s fetish with one of my favorite artists of that or any time – Eric Stanton. The image below is from a sequence called ‘Bruised and Battered‘. It’s not often you see a chamber pot and sock suspenders in fetish artwork.  If the text is a little hard to read then let me reproduce his speech bubble – “Karin! Honestly! I don’t know how to boogie! I’m doing the very best that I can do!”

Stanton of course wasn’t a mainstream comic book artist, but in the late 50’s and early 60’s he shared a studio with Steve Ditko, the creator of Spiderman. It’ll never be known how much of a role Eric Stanton played in the creation of the famous wisecracking webslinger, but as this blogpost makes clear, he was definitely involved to some extent.

Eric Stanton - Image from Bruised and Battered series

Keeping it real

After a vacation in the land of the rich, famous and ostentatious, a post featuring this article on financial domination seems appropriate. It’s one of the better ones I’ve seen from the mainstream press on the subject, involving interviews with both fin dommes and their clients.

The bit of this article that made me smile was about one of the clients – Dennis a 38 year old professor.

For him, the appeal of financial domination is that it’s a “very real” form of humiliation and power exchange. “BDSM role-play with whips, chains, bondage is one thing, but at the end of the day those are just games, which focus around male fantasy,” he says. “But handing over your hard-earned money to a beautiful woman while being denied any sexual and/or romantic reciprocation is about as real as female domination gets.”

Generally, he prefers Fin Doms between 18 and 27, athletic women who shop at stores like Lululemon, women with “pretty, innocent-looking faces and sparkling eyes that hide greedy, sadistic and narcissistic personalities.”

I spot a significant amount of self-delusion there. I’m all for Dennis getting his kicks in a consensual fashion. He’s clearly got a very particular interest and fantasy. But it makes me laugh to think that it’s ‘real femdom’ where all that stuff with bondage and whips is just games. At the end of the day it’s all fantasy and it’s all real. Nobody would bother with kink if it didn’t fulfill some sort of fantasy. And as long as cash is being handed over, welts are being raised and knots are being tied, then it’s all equally real.

ShoppingI believe this is another image from the London based pro-domme Miss Antonia Davenshaw. I found it somewhere on tumblr, but detective works leads me back to her twitter feed.


Users of Google’s Blogger service just received a rather nasty surprise. From March 23rd they’re going to eliminate all adult blogs. If you purely have text content you might escape the purge, but almost all blogs I know and enjoy feature the occasional photograph or video clip (hmp, servitor, Victoria Vista, RedRump, etc.). That puts them directly in Google’s firing line. As Bacchus has written in the past the pornocalypse comes for us all.

It’s a horrible act of vandalism. There’s millions of pages of pages out there that people have poured millions of hours of work and thought into. Some fraction of them might get relocated, but huge chunks will be lost and all the links that have been established between sites will be trashed. In the past I’ve written sympathetically about how adult content gets treated in large technology companies. I often think it’s a lot of small bad decisions and subtle social pressures that leads to adult content getting treated as a second class citizen of the web. However, in this case it seems to be a single and deliberate decision. A particularly poor, thoughtless and cruel decision.

Of course the important thing to remember when you’re using a service like blogspot (or facebook, or gmail, or yahoo or any ‘free’ offering) is that you’re not the customer. You’re the product. And companies kill product lines all the time.

I’m sure many bloggers will be cursing the person responsible for this over the coming months. Perhaps it’ll help to imagine it’s the gentleman in the image below and he gets a stripe for every blog killed. This image is particularly suitable to feature here as I found it on the Femdom Times site, which has now been suspended for violating the WordPress TOS. Originally it’s from the Femme Fatale Films site.


The dividends of distraction

Scientists have found that being distracted helps people deal with pain. The only surprising thing to me is that they’re only just discovering this fact. Masochists could have told them this long ago.

The fact that pain is only experienced in the brain is the kind of thing movie super villains like to purr while they’re heating up the red hot coals for the hero. Yet it happens to be true. I’m frequently astonished how non-absolute pain can be. What seems horrible early in a play session can be easily tolerated later. Similarly a steady strong stimulus (say from an electro-stim device) can quickly become unnoticeable when overwhelmed by a suddenly intense sensation (like nipple clamps being ripped off). Lots of things can act as a distraction. In the original article they tried stress balls. I’ve also found that my screaming, ladies in tight outfits and sticking needles in delicate body parts (by aforementioned ladies) works equally well.

The image below shows a great set-up for the converse situation. It’s really hard to tolerate pain when you’re very focused on it, and this bondage set-up will enforce that. He can’t relax, zone out or shift focus. He has to try and maintain his balance will anticipating the blows. That creates an interesting but really intense head space.

Intense SceneThis is from the Divine Bitches site.

Miss Peel

I was sad to read of the recent passing of Brian Clemens. He wasn’t exactly a household name, but as the man behind the 60’s TV series The Avengers, I’m sure a lot of my readers have enjoyed his work. It featured two wonderful British actresses in Honor Blackman and Dianna Rigg, both of whom sported some fine fetishistic outfits. Aggressive women in catsuits with guns – what’s not to like about that?

Emma PeelThis is Diana Rigg as Emma Peel. She went on to play Contessa Teresa di Vicenzo in the Bond movie On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.

Putting the boot on

Here’s a third and final post on my recent shoe theme. It’s another fashion one, but this time showing a little love to practical footwear rather than fancy heels. Short boots like this are a very different kind of aesthetic, almost the exact flip side to fancy heels. Their aggressive, utilitarian, with a possible hint of punk. As is so often in kink and fetish, the big visual appeal exists on the extreme ends of the spectrum of choices.

Meghan Collison and Yuri PleskunThe models are Meghan Collison and Yuri Pleskun, in a shoot by Michael Donovan for Vision China magazine. This was from a series of outtakes. You can see more here.

Resplendent astride her captive

This image caught my eye recently, but for a while I couldn’t figure out why. It’s more porny than I typically like and, although I do think it’s kind of hot, it’s also too cliched to really push my buttons. It seemed familiar, and tonight it finally clicked what it reminded me of. It looks just like a gender reversed Swords and Sorcery fantasy novel cover.

The Gor novels are the classic example in the erotic domain, but there are countless other examples in the fantasy genre. Typically they feature some big beefcake with a sword and a comely slave girl at his feet. For example, this and this and this and this. In this case they’ve switched it around, with a dominant Gia DiMarco, who looks like she could give Conan a run for his money.
