The tragic destruction of the environment

It’s a sad and familiar story. A beautiful natural environment is ripped up and defoliated, resulting in the loss of the native species and an ecosystem out of balance. However, in this particular case, I’m not sure the World Wildlife Fund is going to be able to muster a great deal of public sympathy for the creatures under threat. Apparently pubic lice are on the decline, and the blame is being directed towards everyone hacking and slashing at their personal undergrowth. It turns out that when you wax or trim your pubic hair you destroy the lice’s natural habitation and push them onto the endangered species list. What a shame.

The women in the image below seems to be someone at the forefront of the fight against these pesky critters. Not only has she insisted on a very clean shave for him, she’s also beating the area just to ensure any still lurking around are killed. That’s a sign of a particularly caring mistress. He must be very grateful.

Beating his shaved balls

I found this on the Thoughts of a Dork tumblr.

The top ways we injure our genitals

Picking titles for posts is always tricky. When I have time, I like to come up with something a little more than a simple description of the post itself. Ideally it’d be a joke or cultural reference that raises a smile. However, in this particular case, I didn’t think I could beat the title of this article in the Atlantic.

Apparently around 16,000 people in the U.S. injure their genitals every year, 69% of them men. The top risk is cycling, followed by trimming/shaving and then zippers. I know there are a lot of people out there that enjoy CBT, but sex/BDSM related injuries don’t feature in the top risk categories. So it looks like most people are playing safety. Just steer clear of those bicycles.

I’ll leave you with a couple of shots of Mistress Madeline risking making Rico one of the sixteen thousand. Not content with swinging the whip, she also tries a stun baton on him.

CBT Whipping
Mistress Madeline with Rico
All shots are from this shoot at Divine Bitches.

Slap happy

I recently stumbled across a news article on the ancient art of Thai face slapping. Allegedly it’s a traditional beauty treatment for removing facial wrinkles, and it’s now being offered at a San Francisco massage and beauty parlor. I have to admit to a degree of skepticism. Hunting around on-line I couldn’t find any web pages dedicated to this ‘traditional art’, although there were a rash of articles last year on how it was being used to enlarge breast sizes in Thailand. One wonders if it’s a different type of slap in that case? It would be terrible to get the two techniques mixed up and end up with a much bigger face than you started with.

Whichever the case, it would appear the gentleman below is in luck. He’s either going to end up with bigger balls, or much smoother prettier balls. Sounds like a no-lose situation. I just hope the lady applying the treatment has done all the required training courses. You wouldn’t want an unlicensed therapist slapping away down there.

Ball slappingI found this on the Pure Beauty tumblr.

The only thing we have to fear…

When I was catching up on my blog reading over the weekend I came across an interesting sequence of posts by Lady Anna List. They described a heavy imprisonment scenario, featuring bondage, isolation and sensory deprivation. You can read them in part 1, part 2 and part 3 of a series entitled Incarceration. What particularly caught my eye was the comment about a panic attack during the scene.

He’d fallen asleep and woken up before feeling the entire world closing in around him. Experience has helped him before to talk himself out of his impending attack…
…I’m not sure I would rescue him because this is something he has to get through so he knows he can get through it again in future extreme bondage situations.

That got me thinking about the nature of panic and how we experience it, which in turn led me to this fascinating paper on the subject. It’s fairly readable for a scientific paper and it contends that panic is an evolutionary response to dangerous situations. There’s first a tendency to freeze (so a predator won’t spot us), and then a physical response to divert blood, suck in more oxygen, release cooling sweat and tension muscles before fleeing for home and safety. The paper also talks about agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder where panic attacks can strike out of the blue in everyday life. These panic attacks typical occur in certain locations (wide open or enclosed spaces), or in certain situations (being in crowds of strange people or being far from home). These are scenarios which from an evolutionary perspective represented specific threats, such as being exposed with nowhere to hide, or encountering a number of strangers from outside your tribe.

I found it fascinating because there’s a tendency to think about panic as being purely a mental process, as something you can think your way around. And it’s true that you can condition yourself against it by repeated exposure and positive reinforcement. But the basic response itself is a very deeply embedded one, with real physical manifestations. Nobody would think of telling an agoraphobic to simply snap out of it and think themselves better. And yet I find there’s sometimes a tendency to see panic as a weakness or mental failure in a submissive. In fact it’s really just a million years of evolution doing it’s thing. Like the primitive drives for sex or food, it’s all about maximizing the chances of passing the genes on.

The other interesting takeaway from the paper was in the final section, where the author talks about the difficulty of studying panic in the laboratory. He should get out the lab and into his local BDSM playspaces. I can guarantee his local dommes will have a wide collection of experimental subjects they can push into carefully controlled panic situations!

I’ll leave you with a shot of an item that is great for pushing my panic buttons – a hood. That tight enclosed feeling gets me every time.

Hood in vintage BDSM shot

I found this via the clitlickslut tumblr.

Happy anniversary to me

I was so busy last week dealing with various travel and family issues I didn’t notice this site had reached its two year anniversary. The first post was September 23rd 2010. Since that time I’ve published 738 posts, received 1,607 approved comments and 10,520 spam ones. In the first month of the sites life I had a grand total of 153 unique visitors drop by. By way of contrast, just in the last month I saw 100,000 unique visitors come by for around 200,000 visits. I find those numbers pretty astonishing, particularly given the random nonsense from my brain that gets posted here every day.

When I started the site I wasn’t exactly sure what I’d get out of it or how long it’d last. I really just wanted an outlet for a side of myself that got very limited expression in my daily life. But what has really inspired me to keep the posts flowing is the interaction I’ve had with all my great kinky readers. I’ve received a fantastic collection of comments and emails from sources such as femdom artists, pro-dommes, equipment makers, BDSM writers, fellow bloggers and loads of people out there just looking for some kinky fun in their lives. So a big thank you to all my readers and everyone who I’ve interacted with over the past couple of years. You’ve made creating this site a real pleasure.

I’ll leave you with a suitably appropriate image from Kami Tora. It was done originally for the one year anniversary of his fan site. Hopefully he won’t object to its re-use here.

Happy Anniversary by Kami Tora


Oh, that works!

I like this image because her expression is one that I know well. I suspect it’s familiar to a lot of submissives. It’s the expression of “Oh, that works, excellent! Let’s do more of that.”

There’s often a lot of improvisation in a scene. As Helmuth von Moltke (the elder) famously said “No plan survives contact with the enemy”. Most BDSM scenes start with a master strategy but degenerate (or evolve) as physics and sweaty bodies get involved. However, I’ve noticed that as the improvisation unfolds there’s often an ‘Aha!’ moment. It’s that key moment the dominant discovers which of her ideas work really well. From a submissive point of view, its a little bittersweet. There’s a shared happiness that the scene is coming together, but a sense of dread that things are only going to get significantly more painful from here on out.

Mistress puts clothepins on penisThis image is from the Divine Bitches site.

Let’s hope it’s firmly attached

The internet is awash in fake pills and dangerous devices that claim to help enlarge a penis. These ladies appear to be taking a more direct approach. Grab one end and pull, hard. Either that, or it’s a new exercise routine they’re working on. Squeeze, pull, twist, and repeat. Ignore the screams.

Two women at the gym torturing a manI found this on the Gustos Extremos tumblr. I think (although I’m not entirely sure) that it’s from the Strapon Dreamer site.

Happiness is the moment before impact

I have a bone to pick with you guys and girls. I just discovered that on my Femdom Images page the link to the Geek Domme tumblr was incorrectly pointing at the Following Blindly Again tumblr. Now technically speaking I realize that this was entirely my mistake. And the following blindly tumblr is a jolly fine one in it’s own right. But come on people. Thousands of you are looking at that page everyday (I know because my server logs tell me so) and nobody spotted that mistake? We’re collaborating here, don’t leave it all to this idiot.

I’ll make my apologies by featuring an image I found and enjoyed on the Geek Domme tumblr. There’s a lot to like here. The simplicity of her outfit. The marks already on his body. The expression on his face. The minimalism of the shot, and the tension of the impending impact. It’s a great image, courtesy of Smutty Productions.

Mistress about to strike contented slave

Spikes and heels

Continuing the CBT theme, here’s a nice combination. There’s the brutal force of a high heel bearing the full weight of the mistress. And then there’s the precise, delicate but oh so painful spikes of the wartenberg wheel. I like the idea of layering the sensations in this way. It’s not nice then nasty. It’s nasty and then different nasty.

I’ve played with this kind of cock trample box before, and they’re a lot of fun. In one way you feel kind of safe. The box is taking the weight and there’s no careless trampling and crushing of the body going on. On the other hand, the very deliberate and careful trampling that does happen, really tends to catch the attention!

Cock trampling and wartenberg wheelI found this on Krazy’s CBT tumblr. It is originally from Mistress Jennifer’s site.

Punished with the hairbrush

I’m sure everyone seeing that post title had the same thought – this is going to be a standard OTK spanking shot. It turns out there are other ways to employ a hairbrush in a disciplinary capacity. This approach looks like it might be even more painful than a blistered bottom.

Hairbrush bristles applied to head of penisI came across this on the Adore Femdom tumblr. There’s no watermark on it but I think it probably originates on the Woman Spanking Men site.