A squeeze and a smile

Continuing the smiling theme from yesterday, here’s someone who looks happy with her particular grip on the situation. He’s getting a squeeze, a smack and a smile.

I have a love/hate relationship with these kind of orgasms, those where the pleasure is cut with some pain. Having sharp clips ripped off delicate body parts at the critical moment is a not uncommon occurrence, and it leads to a lot of writhing and thrashing around on my part. I’m guessing it might also lead to a few smiles like this one, but I’m normally too busy trying to deal with the contradictory nerve signals to pay much attention to that.

Smiling domme inflicting some CBT at moment of orgasmI found this on the darksehnsucht tumblr.

Like the Smithsonian, but with more lube

If you’ve ever wanted to tour the Kink studios in San Francisco then now might be a good time to do it. Groupon has an offer running where you can do the armory tour at a reduced rate. In the offer preview they draw a comparison with the Smithsonian, which seems to be pushing it a bit, but it certainly sounds an interesting thing to try.

For a little added comedy value you can also take pleasure in the fact that you’re annoying the people over at Morality in Media, who are calling for a Groupon boycott because of this offer. This is the same group that equates 19th century slavery with consensual adults filming porn, so they don’t exactly enter the discussion with a huge amount of credibility. That bastion of quality reporting, the World Net Daily, has an article and a video clip with the morality police in question.

“Groupon should be thinking of their wider commercial audience, most of which, unlike Groupon, would not support torture and humiliation of women and girls for the sexual enjoyment of disturbed men,” said Hawkins. “But since Groupon not only seems to support Kink, but is happy to profit from the torture of women, we have called for a national boycott.”
Dawn Hawkins

Quite honestly I’m a little offended. In all the quotes and the lengthy video clip she doesn’t once mention men getting tortured for the sexual enjoyment of disturbed women. I know there has been a lot of discussion about the devaluation of male submission in the femdom community. Now I’m apparently getting devalued by the anti-porn crowd as well. What am I, chopped liver? I want to be a victim to. All those filthy and depraved women out there who want to watch my poor body be tightly bound and viciously tortured by viciously sadistic leather clad *cough* sorry.

Anyway, here’s a shot from Kink’s Men in Pain featuring the aforementioned torture and humiliation of women. Although in this case the lady in question does seem to have a fair sized penis. They might want to re-check their casting guidelines.

CBT shot from Kink's Men in Pain

For Science!

The io9 site recently published an article discussing four fascinating papers on the subject of measuring pain. The studies in question were all done back in the 1940’s with the goal of coming up with a reliable and reproducible method for quantifying levels of pain. The scanned versions of papers can be read online: Paper 1 (1940), Paper 2 (1947), Paper 3 (1947) and Paper 4 (1948). They’re fairly readable and easy to understand, assuming you having a grounding in basic maths and science.

Pain in itself is a curious topic, as it’s such a uniquely subjective experience. We normally build understanding by shared references. Yet, if I tell someone my back hurts, how do we establish a common reference point? With external stimulus, like color or sound, we can measure the spectrum or the loudness irrespective of a person. Something like taste or smell is a little more complex, but there’s at least an external object (the food itself) to breakdown and analyze. It’s also possible in those cases to construct a common language from more primitive elements (sweet, bitter, salt, etc.) Just look at wine tasting notes for an example of that approach in action. But with pain? How do you measure something that’s completely internal, and can manifest at any point in the body, to a huge range of stimulus, or sometimes to no apparent stimulus at all?

The scientists behind these papers tackled the problem by proposing a scale for measuring pain, with a unit called the dol. They created it using controlled doses of heat on volunteers, and measuring when they could detect a difference between the heat intensity levels. They discovered that on average people could distinguish 21 levels of different intensity between nothing and maximum pain. This maximum wasn’t some safety limit set by the scientists. It turns out that there’s an upper limit on pain, a maximum beyond which increased intensity isn’t detected as greater pain. Working with this 0 to 21 detectable level changes, they assigned 1 dol =equals 2 levels, and created a 0 to 10.5 pain scale.

There’s all sorts of interesting bits of data in the papers. For example, mood and fatigue made no difference to the perception of pain, but gripping an iron bar tightly or hearing a very loud sound did. That fits the common intuition that being distracted from pain lessens it. They also showed that pain did not sum over an area. In other words, the intensity of the pain was purely related to the intensity of the heat energy applied, not the size of the area it was applied to. Initially that seems a little count-intuitive, but it does fit to the idea that being distracted can help reduce pain. One thing that can distract you is a different pain. That wouldn’t be true if pain was additive.

The most interesting finding is one that I think the io9 article misunderstands, or at least misrepresents. It says…

The study’s authors concluded that 8 dols of pain equaled four successive two dol experiences. This arithmetic aspect of the dol contrasted existing beliefs of the subjective nature of pain.

That seems to suggest some sort of progression in time, where you can reach very high pain levels by repeatedly applying a low pain stimulus. That’s not what the study found. What they discovered was that the scale is linear. So the increase in intensity between 1 and 2 dols, is perceived as the same increase in intensity when moving from 8 to 9 dols. I think most people would think of a pain scale like the Richter scale for measuring earthquakes. That’s a log scale, and so going from a magnitude 4 to 5 earthquake is basically nothing, where going from a magnitude 7 to 8 is huge. Similarly, you might expect that a 1 to 2 change in pain isn’t much, where going from 8 to 9 is very scary, but it’s actually perceived as the same change in intensity. This also means that the standard 0 to 10 scale doctors often use, where 0 is no pain and 10 is worst pain you can imagine, actually makes sense. There is an upper bound to pain and the scale between zero and that maximum value is a simple linear one.

The io9 article has a sense of ‘Wow, look what these crazy scientists used to be able to get away with.’ To me it didn’t seem that bad. As a masochist I may have a distorted view on this, but it’s only temporary pain. I suspect if they’d hired an attractive female doctor with an authoritative attitude to perform the tests, as in this artwork by Waldo, then they’d have been inundated with volunteers. Although that might have thrown their experimental results off. They claimed mood didn’t make a difference, but I doubt they also considered or induced sexual arousal.

Waldo ArtworkWaldo Artwork

The association game

I often think my posts here are a little like a visual game of word association. The original game is where you say a series of words, letting your subconscious guide the connections, and try to not always end up saying ‘penis’. Although it is possible that this final rule is only a personal (and necessary) addition to the game.

In this blog’s case the image in one post often leads me to another, although the connection might not be at all obvious to my readers. For this image the connection is the expression of the woman on the left, Mistress Sade. The woman on the right, Goddess Brianna, has the look of someone dragged reluctantly into a group photograph at a family gathering (if you’ll excuse the horribly clashing imagery). It’s the “OK. I’m smiling. Hurry up an take the photo. I have stuff to do” look. On the other hand,Mistress Sade looks very relaxed and comfortable to be in the shot. She reminds of the maid from yesterday’s post. There’s a nice blend of amusement and sadistic satisfaction in her expression.

Heavy CBT on slave by two mistresses I originally found a version of this image (minus the watermark) on the Rue Montorgueil tumblr. Google’s reverse image search took me to this gallery, which has the original image and the information that it came from the Club Dom site.

Inappropriate reactions

I was told tonight that my penis was having ‘an inappropriate reaction to pain.’ That’s not a statement you hear every day of the week, no matter how kinky you are. It was a tongue in cheek comment from Lydia after a lot of tiny but sharp wooden clips affixed to the said appendage had increased my arousal. It was a vicious circle. Quite literally vicious in this case. The more they hurt, the more aroused I got, and the more aroused I got, the more the skin was stretched and the more it hurt. Masochism can be very strange.

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your tolerance for scrawny naked English masochists) we didn’t get any photographs. So I was forced to hunt through my image collection and the tumblverse for something appropriate. You’d think that a combination of aroused male and pain inflicting dominant female would be an easy shot to find. After all, that sounds like a pretty fundamental part of femdom porn. It turns out to be far rarer than I’d expected. Lots of aroused guys in gay BDSM porn or solo male shots. A few aroused guys in more soft focus, blindfolds and fuzzy handcuffs type BDSM. Lots of pain and torture shots with a bunch of floppy dicks. But very little combining the two. I realize that as problems go this isn’t one likely to keep people awake at night, but it certainly surprised and temporarily stymied me.

In the end I decided to go with some art from Vernice61. You can always rely on him for a combination of dominant women, aroused males and painful torments. Of course that’s the beauty of artwork. It can always be exactly what the artist wants it to be.

Vernice61 artwork

A cock torture palooza

After yesterday’s slightly off-topic post, I thought we should return to some serious femdom action. And who better to do that with than the talented Mistress Sidonia von Bork from The English Mansion?

Here’s a collection of fun looking CBT shots, along with one of Mistress Sidonia herself (click the images to enlarge them). You might think there’s a whole lot of cock in the shot on the left, but it actually only accounts for 18% of the total in the original blog post. The source photograph is an impressive 5×10 snapshots of heavy CBT torture. Definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for new ways to do horrible things to delicate and sensitive appendages.

Incidentally, does anyone know the name of that wire mesh column device in the shot on the right? I’ve never played with one, but it looks like it might be interesting to try.

CBT from English MansionCBT with Mistress Sidonia von Bork

Fun and hijinks in San Francisco

Today’s post marks the return of one of the less heralded stars of the femdom porn scene. Someone who, despite a fine portfolio of work, has yet to attract the big money bookings. Or any kind of bookings. Yes, it’s that prime specimen of rippling submissive man flesh (stop giggling at the back), your host paltego.

These shots were all taken on my recent trip to San Francisco to see Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li. I mentioned it in a post written while I was there, and you can read my description of a prior visit in this post.

The two shots on the left were taken in my first session with just Mistress Yuki. You can see her reflection in the mirror in the top shot (click to enlarge should you so desire). I always enjoy these custom built bondage chairs, as they’re not particularly uncomfortable to sit in for long periods, but they do make me incredibly vulnerable. Everything is exposed and available for torment. They might not look like much but those plastic clips adorning my chest and genitals were vicious little buggers. Particularly painful when Mistress Yuki chose to grind her knee into them as the bottom left shot shows.

The top right shot was from the double domme session. That’s Mistress Yuki with the camera and Mistress Ai-Li tormenting me in the cage. There was one moment when they were enthusiastically encouraging me to step backwards out the cage, with the only minor drawback being the cords pulling my cock and balls out the front. You can see this from another angle in this image. For a moment or two I was tempted to try the stick plaster approach, and just give it a really good yank to break free. In hindsight I was glad I didn’t, as I might have pulled off a little more than I intended.

The bottom right shot shows me dangling in a harness attached to a powered winch. Like the chair it creates a very exposed position, with both sides of the body as viable targets. It’s particularly ‘interesting’ with two dommes, as they can work you over from front and back simultaneously. Not being able to anticipate where the next blow is coming from creates a very intense and disorientating experience.

We finished off both sessions with some piercing. This shot shows a line of needles created to run down my chest. In the second session the mistresses worked together to create two parallel lines of needles. I always find piercing can be a pleasantly objectifying process, particularly when the decorative aspects of it are emphasized. Having two people talking and working together in a coordinated fashion on my body really helped emphasize that objectifying aspect.

Bound to chair (front view)In the cage with Mistress Yuki and Mistress Ai-Li

Bound to chair (top view)Hanging in harness

Shifting focus

I found this image interesting for how it plays with the focus of interest for the three participants – him, her and me.

She’s holding the weighted handcuff, the key part of the image that creates the tension of the moment, but not looking at it. Instead she’s looking up at him, biding her time, watching for his reaction when she lets go. He’s staring out at the viewer, but I think his gaze is really turned inwards. He’s concentrating on his own physical sensations, that internal submissive focus that often builds as pain becomes imminent. I’m looking back at him, but my gaze is actually drawn down to her hand and those dangling weights. My enjoyment of the image is anticipating what she’s about to do and how she’ll take pleasure in that moment.

So I’m looking at her, she’s looking at him and he’s looking inwards. It’s an interesting shift of focus, while still keeping a sense of connection in the image.

Nyomi Banxxx and Lance Hart in a Divine Bitches shoot

The dominant is Nyomi Banxxx, the submissive Lance Hart and the shot is obviously one from the Divine Bitches site.

Relaxing on a bed

In yesterday’s post I talked a little about how much I enjoy playing on a bed. I like being able to relax into a scene, not having to worry about cramping from strange positions or numbness from extreme bondage. Being bound spread-eagled and have the domme lie alongside me – twisting, tweaking and pinching as she wants – is a great way to play. It creates a sense of intimacy, which I find particularly attractive when mixed with heavy sadism.

Thinking about this type of play sent me scurrying into my picture archives for illustrative shots. Here’s one I particularly like, even though I’m not sure it really shows the kind of intimate and sensual domination I originally had in mind. Maybe it’s the nipple clamps, maybe it’s the tight cock bondage, or maybe it’s the flogger being applied to his balls, but something tells me he’s not all that relaxed, despite the bed. On the other hand it does definitely check the heavy sadism box, so it’s at least partially what I was looking for.

Slave bound to bed being tortured by two dominant womenI found this on The Heart’s Dark Desire tumblr (aka women with whips).