
Over on erosblog Bacchus has a post where he attributes his relatively small number of femdom related posts to a lack of authentic material. This struck me as kind of odd, and I left a comment on the post to that effect. Without a doubt there is a lot of poor femdom porn, mostly consisting of models dressed in leather sneering into the camera. But there’s a huge amount of badly composed inauthentic material in all types of porn. If anything I tend to find a greater degree of authenticity in the femdom genre. The women featured are typically professional dominants who shoot porn but have also make it part of their lifestyle and their daily business. And the men are often lifestyle submissives who are volunteering for the pleasure of the session. These are people playing in very similar way to how they play when the camera isn’t present. If you can’t find interesting femdom images it’s probably because you’re not looking for it, or at least you’re not looking in the right places.

His comment sent me wandering through my image collection to pick out a suitably ‘authentic’ image to post. I was initially looking for a more lifestyle shot, but instead this shot from caught my eye. I think it captures a perfect moment in time. The stretched elastic band, her happy smile and his nervous anticipation. Here are two people very much lost in a kinky moment.

Snap!The domme I recognize as Ms Mona Rogers. She’s featured on this blog a couple of times in the past (see here and here). I found the image on rohosub’s kinks tumblr site, but it’s obviously originally from

A little inflation is a good thing…

…both from an economic and kinky perspective. And while the US economy might still be stuck with low inflation in a liquidity trap, Lady Lydia recently demonstrated to me how much fun could be had in the kinky sense with both liquid and inflation.

Yes, as you might have guessed from that slightly clunky introduction, this is another post featuring details from one of my sessions with Lady Lydia. As usual the style of play is one that some people might consider edge-play. In this case it features scrotal inflation, so if that doesn’t sound like something you might want to read about, then I suggest moving along to another post. The images also include close-ups of male genitalia (namely mine), so don’t click on the image links if you’re not prepared for that.

When I first set this session up I hadn’t planned on any kind of inflation play. My only idea had been to do something in her St. George’s chair, which is an item of furniture I always enjoy due to the close face to face interaction that it promotes with the domme. In fact I’d never done any type of inflation before, so when Lydia suggested it during our pre-session chat, I was very intrigued to see how it would play out.

She stared by lashing me to the chair with a several lengths of rope (from Monk), and then giving my chest and nipples a serious working over by way of a warm up. This image shows some of the markings that resulted from the thin whippy cane she used. With my endorphins and adrenalin now pumping nicely, we then moved onto the main event.

The saline she was using came in bottles of 50ml, and she figured that one bottle would be a good volume for my first attempt. The syringe used could hold 3ml at maximum, so the entire bottle took somewhere between 15 and 20 injections (I didn’t keep an exact count). The was relatively little pain around the injections (it was a pretty thin needle) and the inflation itself was also painless. The main impact is a psychological one. The slow drawing of the fluid into the syringe, the finger flick and squirt to remove air bubbles, the careful positioning of the needle and the slow steady pressure as the liquid enters. It creates a really interesting headspace, making me feel like the subject of a medical experiment. Not an important experiment however, just something the scientist thought might be interesting to try out on some helpless victim.

You can see a close-up of the end result in this image. The bulk of the injections were performed at the base of the scrotum, where a drop of blood is visible in the image. The liquid on the shaft of the cock is not saline, but drool as a result of the ballgag+harness she’d wrapped around my head. There’s another close-up image available here that shows the results from a slightly different angle. The vicious little plastic clips were Lydia’s way of adding some more pain into the scene. Finally, this shot shows a little more of the entire set-up (apologies for the camera phone quality).

There was no discomfort at any point from the inflation itself, just a feeling of heaviness and fullness. And the liquid was pretty quickly absorbed, with everything back to normal by the next morning. It’s something I’d definitely enjoy doing again, although I think the way it’s done is quite important to the headspace it creates. For example, doing it when you couldn’t see properly what was happening would probably be fairly dull. By itself it’s not a particularly painful or uncomfortable sensation (at least in the saline volumes we used), so it needs a little theater to create the right psychological effect. Of course on this occasion I was fortunate enough to get to watch the wonderful Lady Lydia at work in close-up, so there was no lack of theater, and plenty of other torments to make me scream!

Ouch and …. ouch

My earlier post on biting got my hunting for some related images, and here’s the result. I was writing earlier about the fine balance between sensuality and sadism that biting creates. I think this effect is even more magnified when it comes to biting on the cock or balls. It’s so close to a supremely pleasurable sexual act, but it’s also so easy to painfully bite down into that tender delicate flesh.

I actually had a third image to share, that I found on Wonton Art. It’s a piece of artwork, along the same lines as these two images. However, where I find these are erotic and sexy, the artwork is a little more disturbing. I therefore omitted from the front page. If you’re interested and feeling brave, it’s available here. It makes me wince, and I have a pretty high tolerance for these kind of things.

Biting the BallsBiting the Cock


I have a love hate relationship with CBT. Specifically I hate the B and love the C. The cock seems to have very proportional pain sensors, so it’s possible to build the sensations in a manageable way. In contrast the balls go through nothing…nothing…nothing….oh my god that hurts….please please stop.

This is a very compelling image. The latex catsuit is hot. The dynamic nature of the shot, with the descending crop, is great. And the bruised swollen balls, held in place by a humbler, are very attractive (in a strange BDSM sense). The only thing I don’t like is when I project myself into this situation. Because then I picture myself screaming like a stuck pig. And that’s minus several million points on the submissive scoring scale.

Ball Torture

Poetry in motion. Pain on arrival.

This image first caught my eye for its composition. I think it’s beautiful balanced, with the angled and marked slave, the descending whip, the straight whip arm and the side-on posture of the mistress. I’m not entirely sure about that purple and black latex number that she’s sporting, but Cybill Troy typically looks great in pretty much anything.

However, once I’d got past the composition of the image and started examining the action itself, the masochist in me was both impressed and slightly scared. That’s a fairly serious single tail she’s applying at some speed to his cock and balls. Personally, I like being on the receiving end of a single tail. It can be a powerful instrument in a physical and psychological sense, but I can’t imagine how much it’d hurt to get one at speed across the head of the cock. Fortunately, thanks to this image, I no longer have to imagine what the after effects would look like. That has got to smart.

Cybill B Troy whipping scene from K is for KinkImages are taken from this scene on the K is for Kink site.

Five little piggies and a sausage

I think this image is all about sensation. I can just image that foot being dragged slowly backwards. The threads of the stocking pulling and tugging against my skin. Her toes curling and gripping the edges of my nerves. There’s a beautiful sense of balance to it. Pressure means pain. Pulling means pleasure.

Teasing with footI found this image on the Want A Whip tumblr site.


I like the coloring and style of this image. It’s very cleanly drawn, with vivid colors and strong lines. But….ouch!

Stamping on ballsI’m afraid I don’t know the artist. Hunting around for ‘Em’ on the web didn’t get me anywhere. If anyone does know who it is, then please leave a comment and I’ll update the post appropriately.

Updated: Thanks to Underling I now have an attribution. The artist is known as Knave and maintains an active blog called BBToon.


I find hot wax play a confusing mix of sensations. Which isn’t to say I don’t enjoy it. Just that I find it harder to categorize in my pain/pleasure continuum. The initial splash of wax against the skin is obviously painful. Sharp and searing, it makes me catch my breath and twist away from it. But the warmth as it spreads out and dries is curiously comforting and calming. Once I’ve become attuned to the pain I can almost relax in the warmth and drift away. It’s not an endorphin high, like the type I can get with needles or corporal punishment. It’s much more the kind of muscle relaxing heat that you find in a sauna or with certain types of massage.

Of course when it’s being dripped on delicate parts of the anatomy, as in this image, there’s less relaxing and a lot more squirming. Although at least the gentleman below look like he’ll have a relatively easy clean up task. For me wax is a lot like sand at the beach, in that I find myself picking it out of odd nooks and crannies for days after the event itself.

Hot Wax PlayI found this image on the Intelligent Domination tumblr site.

Buckles and Pegs

This looks like a very intense but interesting predicament to be in. I always find there’s some pleasantly objectifying about using lots of buckles and straps. Rope bondage can often be relaxing and comforting, the rope hugging the body and creating a sense of security. But using straps seems much more business like. A quick and efficient way to completely immobilize the thing in question. Rope bondage can seem like an end in itself. But when you strap someone down it’s because you really don’t want them moving for what’s about to happen next. In this particular case, it looks like a lot of creative placement of clothes pegs and a big metal sound was what happened next.

Buckles And PegsI’m afraid I’ve no attribution for this image.