There have been a lot of dicks in the news recently. And no, that’s not a set-up for a Donald Trump joke.
Firstly, there was the story with the headline grabbing title – ‘Is your penis really shrinking?‘ Apparently falsely believing your penis to be shrinking is a defined medical phenomena known as Koro. I know men think all sorts of strange things about their dicks on a daily basis, but panicking that it’ll vanish back into the body is a new one on me.
Then there was the story about a penis transplant. A lot of headlines billed it as the ‘first’, where in fact it was only the first in the US and the third in the world. A penis transplant sounds like a set-up for a great porn movie or a terrible horror movie, but in fact it’s a fascinating medical and human interest story. The recipient seems like an interesting guys who has tackled the issue in a very open and honest way.
Finally, in slightly different medical news, there was the English surgeon who wore a chastity device while performing operations. The story is full of lurid details of a penis torture device, but from the description it just sounds like a regular plastic CB device or something similar. He wasn’t discovered because of the bulge in his scrubs, but because he snapped photos in a hospital locker room and emailed them to a ‘professional’ (note quotes) dominatrix. She then turned him into the hospital authorities who suspended him.
I’m in two minds about that last story. On one hand he doesn’t seem to have exhibited great judgement, which isn’t a good sign for a surgeon. On the other hand, I’m really not sure what the big deal is about doing your job in a chastity device. The article talks about hygiene issues, but unless he was doing surgery sans pants, I can’t imagine that would be a problem. If it was a vibrating butt plug or nipple clamps then I’d understand the concern, but some people wear chastity devices 24×7. I’d be more concerned with his bad judgement in snapping photographs and picking a horrible domme than the device itself.
I’m afraid I don’t know where this particular dick pic is from. It has the look of a cropped image from