Reaching In and Around

I hadn’t intended to turn this into a blog of newly discovered artists and artwork, but that has kind of been the theme recently. A lot of new people popping up in my feeds and inbox. In this case the image is from Dutch artist SleinadFlar. His work is a mix of kinks and fetishes, some femdom and some more general BDSM. I particularly liked this one for the contrast between her very composed and elegant appearance and his obvious vulnerability.

You can find more from Flar, including information on commissions, over at his DeviantArt site.

Why not both?

This shot of a domme choosing between bound hunks reminded me of a Sardax sketch he posted late last year. Not the exact same set-up, but a similar concept.

It made me wonder what the gender divide would be on this particular fantasy. I think the appeal to a domme is fairly obvious. The appeal to a submissive is more complex. There’s obviously objectification and CFNM at work. However, I think there’s also a need to feel desirable to make the fantasy work. Maybe you don’t need to be quite as ripped as these guys are, but for the average Dad-bod out there, does it still resonate? Or is imagining being hot and physically desirable another element of the fantasy that people enjoy?

This is actually from a still from an animated gif, which was presumably taken from a film. Not sure what the original source was, but if you like the shot you can see the animated version here.

Yushi Li

I’ve featured the work of Chinese photographer Yushi Li in a prior post. However, it’s so good I feel it deserves revisiting.

The images below are from a series she called ‘Your Reservation is Confirmed‘. They’re funny but also play with the power dynamic in unusual ways. In a porn context these would be CFNM images, but as shot here they have quite a different feel. Typical CFNM shots are still focused on the male gaze, a play acted humiliation for the benefit of the viewer. These flip that around, with Li’s composed presence  and direct stare challenging the viewer.

You can read more about her work in articles here and here. You can find more of her images on her primary web site.


I love this unusual and striking image from Charlotte Douleur. It has quite a painterly feel to it. One could also imagine it as a center spread for country life magazine. Obviously, when taking morning coffee at one’s country cottage getaway, it’s important to always bind the naked slave beneath the table with a hemp rope. It’d be a terrible faux-pas to use a man made fiber.

Charlotte Douleur is a London based pro-domme. I sourced this image via her twitter feed.

The Smothering Dream

This image might not be quite what you’d expect for that title on this blog. It’s by  Chinese photographer Yushi Li and is from a series she’s entitled “Paintings, Dreams and Love”. It was created in reference to a Dutch painting from 1888 entitled The Roses of Heliogabalus.

While the smothering might not be the type normally featured here, I do love the image. It has a particularly dream like quality to it. Yushi Li created the series in response to the eroticism of classical paintings, typically created by men and objectifying women. She places herself in the image for a good reason…

After some mistook her work as being shot by a male photographer, she began inserting herself into the photos — fully clothed alongside naked counterparts, and often the only person looking directly at the camera.

“Instead of being a passive, ‘looked-at’ thing, I want to be the one who is in control, who is creating the story, who is expressing my fantasy,” said Li.

You can see more images from the artist at her main site.


I’ve had an occasional but reoccurring dream since I was a kid. It’s one where I suddenly realize there’s some sort of exam tomorrow and I haven’t studied for it. Fear and panic ensue. Given my last significant exam was for a postgrad degree in my early twenties and I’m now in my early fifties, you’d think my brain might have given up panicking by now. I guess at this stage I’m stuck with it forever.

In the last few years a new dream has started periodically featuring in my mental movie theater. It’s one where I’m naked and just starting an amazing session with a fabulous domme when somebody entirely inappropriate shows up. Dream me never remembers to lock the playspace door. The visitors might be coworkers or friends or relatives. A couple of nights ago it was my Mother. She didn’t look happy about what she found. Fear and panic ensued. Freud would no doubt have a field day.

Amusingly I have a physical record of the effect her unexpected appearance had on me. I’ve been wearing a health tracker that, among other things, records my heartrate. My sleeping rate is fairly steady at 50 bpm. Right around the time of the dream there’s this narrow but very visible spike where my heart rate shoots up to just over 90 bpm. Getting my fight or flight reaction to kick in isn’t unusual in a session, but I don’t think it has ever been triggered quite like that before.

I’ll finish with an image of another dream scenario – inapproiately naked in a public space. I’ve fortunately never had this one but it seems to be a relatively common nightmare. Artwork is by Underling who sadly stopped posting to his site several years ago.

Elegantly Poised in Blue

Here’s some lovely artwork to celebrate the weekend. I’m afraid I’ve no idea who the artist is, but they’ve done a beautiful job with the colors and composition of the scene. It’s both an intense and serene moment.

If anyone can help me attribute this to the artist then please leave a comment. The post title is a nod to an obscure cult movie, but I’d be surprised if anyone guesses which.