Images like this make me smile. They’re obviously going for a relaxing domme with service slave type vibe. The lady has a comfy chair, a book to read and a snack to enjoy. There’s a handy slave with a tray for nibbles attached to his nipples and an open mouth for any odds and ends she needs to dispose of. There’s even a log fire to light should she get chilly. And then we get to the enormous clear heel stripper shoes. How do they fit into this picture? Who settles down in their living room for a relaxing read with those on?
Some people even make the idea of playing in fuzzy slippers a tagline for their blog. I can’t say I’m much of a slipper fan, but I think they would actually make this image hotter. Forget improving the plot lines or sexual chemistry in porn shoots – lets start with just some costuming logic.
This is from the Planet Femdom site.