Caging the devil

The idea of chastity definitely pops up in the bible, but I don’t remember any actual devices featuring anywhere. Although I guess the book of Revelations did talk about “…an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.” The angel then goes on to use the chain to bind a serpent, so I guess this could be one creative interpretation of that.

The image makes me smile, but I can’t help thinking it’d be better switched around, with a male angel in chastity and a devilish lady in control. I know some people love long term denial and control, but with an angel for a keyholder you could be looking at a thousand years of blue balls.

devilandangelI’m afraid I’ve absolutely no idea who the artist is.

Cosmo recommends

This Cosmos article entitled 7 Kinds of Porn You Don’t Watch — But Might Love is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a pointer to porn that women might enjoy but hadn’t considered trying. The good news is that both femdom and pegging are on the list. The bad news is that it doesn’t really given any suggestions how to experience them. The only link is to the site, and I don’t think that’s a great starting point. You have to pay to play and it has a lot of intense scenes, neither of which are good if you’re a tiny bit curious but not convinced.

That got me thinking – what actually what would be a good recommendation in this case? Are there sites that portray femdom in a positive light, that aren’t awash in porn cliches and won’t scare a newbie off? It’s a tricky question. I can think of some tumblrs I’d recommend, but tumblrs tend to come and go and are often hard to find. If you’re curious about spanking then I think Pandora Blake’s Dreams of Spanking hits the spot. It shows a positive side to kink and manages to be professional without being porn-y. Outside of that, I’m kind of stuck. Any other suggestions from readers?

This image is from the Tickleberry site, which actually would be a fairly good one to point newcomers at. It’s not porn, but it has got a bunch of articles explaining a lot of basic stuff like pegging, chastity, domination, etc. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it has been updated in the last year or so.


Growth industry

While I’m talking about cuckolding (as I was), I’ll make an entirely anecdotal observations: It’s a rapidly growing area of porn. Based purely on my random browsing, I seem to be seeing a lot more of it. A decade ago it was rare, but now it pops up all over the place. At least all over the places I frequent, which are, admittedly, not your usual kind of places.

In many ways it seems the easiest kind of kinky porn to shoot. You don’t expensive outfits, specialist riggers, a dungeon full of toys or a submissive who can take a beating. It’s just a regular porn threesome, except with one of the participants pulling a funny expression and looking aghast at what’s going on. At the same time, it’s also one of the hardest types of scenes to pull off in real life. Persuading a life partner to indulge in a little bondage or spanking is one thing, but it’s quite something to bring a third into a relationship. Similarly, it’s easy to set-up a regular BDSM session with a pro-domme, but very few of them offer a genuine cuckold type experience.

Of course, when it comes to a genuine cuckold experience, the porn productions aren’t much better. They do however have some of the most amusing porn images. This image is a classic of the type. The cuckold is doing something completely ridiculous, the hot blonde is wearing heels and staring at the camera and the black bull is reduced to a disembodied big penis. That’s most cuckolding porn in a nutshell.

cs04This is from the Cuckold Sessions site. You can see more images from the scene at this blog post.

There’s always something new to learn

I thought that after years of writing this blog and hanging out on kinky sites, that I’d seen pretty much every kink there was. In hindsight that seems somewhat naive, given the complexity of human sexuality. For example, I’d never heard of a kink based on being a human statue, yet here we have it. Given I’ve featured people being lamps in the past, I guess being a statue isn’t so strange. If you’re into CFNM and mental bondage then it makes some sort of sense.

I used to think that cleaning up after hot wax play was the most annoying post-session chore, but this body paint is probably worse. At least he’s indoors and doesn’t have to worry about pigeons.

Statue1I found this shot at the Brat Princess tumblr (you can see another shot from the same scene here). There’s no watermark, but I assume it’s from the original Brat Princess site.

AVN Season

The annual AVN awards were announced this weekend in Las Vegas. They style themselves as the ‘Oscars for Porn’ and, having attended them myself many years ago, I can confirm they’re as boring and repetitive as the Oscars and other similar industry award evenings tend to be.

This year they were held at the Hard Rock Hotel in Vegas, which decided it’d be a smart move to harass and expel transgender performers. That’s based on what Lorelei Lee reported on her twitter feed. So someone could get an award on stage one minute and get kicked out of the restroom the next. That’s both incredibly stupid and not at all surprising to me. For a supposed center of hedonism and debauchery, Vegas is incredibly conservative and old fashioned.

The other big story was James Deen and what would be the fallout from the rape accusations. The AVN management didn’t get things off to a great start by cancelling a panel on consent. You’d think that this would be a great time for a conversation about consent in porn, but apparently not. As for the attendees themselves, it seemed that nobody wanted to go on record with an opinion either way. I suspect that means it’ll be business as usual in a few months.

That’s all fairly depressing, but at least mentioning Lorelei Lee does give me an excuse to feature some of her excellent work. This is her pulling a fairly dramatic expression out of David Chase in a shoot for Divine Bitches.


Schroedinger’s muff

The only reason this post exists is so I can use that most excellent title. It’s stolen from this very amusing post by the Girl on the Net mocking a Marie Claire article. Apparently real women have certain pre-sex rituals. So if you’re a man sleeping with a woman, it’s probably worth checking the article to make sure you haven’t been fobbed off with a facsimile of a real woman. If you’re a woman reading this, then I’d suggest avoiding the article all together. Otherwise you risk being thrown into the kind of metaphysical crisis the Girl on the Net alludes to.

Real women shave their bikini lines, and simultaneously do not shave their bikini lines, like Schroedinger’s muff.

Cats are one thing, but nobody wants to be messing around with quantum waveforms in the genital region.
MuffThe image above is from the Submissive Cuckolds site. In this case I’m not sure the muff is actually being observed, but it’s certainly being interacted with. I think from a philosophical perspective that collapse the superposition of states and doesn’t result in a quantum mechanical paradox. I’m sure her boyfriend on the other end of the phone will be relieved to hear that.

6 Colors or 7 Colours?

Interesting cultural difference of the day: British rainbows are more colourful than American ones. It seems there are only 6 colors in the new world rainbows, where good traditional British ones have 7 – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. There’s even a rhyme that British children use to help remember them – Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain. Richard in this case being Richard III, the last Plantagenet king of England. When I mentioned this to my American friends the general response was “What the hell is this Indigo bullshit?” Despite moving here 15 years ago I only just discovered how shabbily Indigo is treated here. That discovery is another thing to thank pride week for.

I mention all this random nonsense because of this colorful new chastity toy, which clearly follows the American convention for colors. The British one would obviously be just that bit longer. It’s nice to see a BDSM toy that isn’t in the usual shades of black, red and chrome. Kink is often fun and why not use a cheerful toy that can put a smile on your face?

The device worn below is in the more traditional design. It still seems to be putting a smile on his face however.

Gates Of Hell deviceI’m afraid I don’t know where this photograph is from.

Anal terrorists

I couldn’t mention pride festivals without touching on the single funniest story of the weekend. Pride parades are happy occasions, but nothing made me smile as wide as CNN inadvertently did this weekend. They managed to spend 7 minutes of airtime confusing a flag covered in butt plugs and dildos with the flag of a terrorist organization. John Oliver does a far better job of mocking them than I ever could, and you can see his take on it here.

Should any CNN journalist or terrorism ‘expert’ still be confused, I’m sure people would be happy to arrange a demonstration for them. Here for example, is Mistress Eleise De Lacy about to employ a particularly large example. It’s not terrorism, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the gentleman involved had a moment or two of terror when seeing that in her hand.

Mistress Eleise De Lacy and a big butt plug

T & D

Mistress T has a nice post up on the joy of not fucking her. It’s all about the pleasure (from her perspective at least) of tease and denial. I like it because it’s a topic that pushes my buttons. I’m not a fan of the humiliation slant it can take (the ‘not worthy to fuck’) but I do like the teasing aspect (the ‘oh you’re so close’).

It got me thinking about why sexual denial and frustration can be so hot. Generally speaking I’m not someone known for his patience. As a kid reading instructions and getting the right tools was never a starting point for a project. That was something that happened later, once I’d already dived in and screwed everything up with my ignorant enthusiasm. Learning to delay gratification is a good thing. I just always thought the delay should be really really small.

I wonder if for me the delight in tease and denial came about as a process of transference. Maybe it started with trying to prolong pleasure. Stretching out the moment amplified the sensations. Do that often enough and the happy brain chemicals start being associated more with the build-up than the actual event itself. By trying to make the moment last, I trained my brain to link pleasure to the promise rather than the reward. And while a reward can sometimes be disappointing, a promise never can.

Mistress T