Cute Couple

Much as I enjoyed the scene portrayed in my last post, I’d be the first to admit that forced consumption of urine and cigarettes is not going to be to everyone’s taste. So for a change of pace here’s a fun little drawing I stumbled across.

They make a cute couple. Personally I like to imagine that it’s drawn from the perspective of a male slave shackled and caged in a corner of the dungeon. While the mistress plays with her sexy new toy, he’s going to be spending the next few hours in a horrible cramped and uncomfortable position. If he’s lucky he may get to watch, but probably not.

I know Ms Marie has been on the hunt for a female sub to play with. I wish her luck with that. Perhaps one day she’ll be able to post the equivalent image in photographic form from her Sissy’s point of view.

Cute CoupleI found this on the snail meilk site, but it’s originally from sal0’s deviant art page. Sadly the rest of his images don’t share this theme.

dot dot dot

Apologies for lack of posts in the last couple of days. I was struck down with some bug that left me unfit to do anything but sleep or collapse on the couch in front of bad daytime television. Hopefully normal service should be returning from this point.

I was highly entertained by this image when I originally stumbled across it. It looks like a book cover, and although I don’t have a publication date, I’d guess it dates from the 1960’s. Her satisfied expression and his disgruntled one are great, as is the over the top descriptive text, but what I really like is the ellipsis in the title. It makes me think of someone spluttering for the right words, stunned by what’s been revealed, desperately seeking for the best way to fully express the filth and depravity they’re witnessing. You….you….you….fetishist.

You FetishistI’m afraid I don’t have a solid lead on the artist or author. The illustration of the woman makes me think it might be a Stanton drawing but the drawing of the male figure seems a little clumsier than I normally expect from him.

Human Pets (part 5)

My last post on the human pet topic, for a while at least.

This image is obviously from Michael Manning, of the Spider Garden and Tranceptor series fame. I always enjoy his work on an artistic and aesthetic level, but I also often find it a little cold and abstract. I don’t often get an emotional connection with it. This image on the other hand, manages to both be beautifully drawn and very hot.

I think it’s the clever dog costume that makes it work so well. The bondage is believable but extremely strict, and it enforces a nicely composed and balanced dog shape. The two little drips from the muzzle and his cock are a nice touch.

Mistress and Dog by Michael Manning

Human pets (part 2)

I’d be happy with the collar and leash. The gag might be uncomfortable after a while, but I could live with that as well. And the tail and cock cage look positively fun. But those floppy ears? That’s a particularly nasty brand of sadism.

Collared boy as a dogAgain I don’t know who the artist is. It looks awfully similar in style to my previous post, but without a signature it’s hard to be sure.

Unhappy Slave, Happy Mistress

This photograph made me laugh out loud when I first saw it. The two different expressions are priceless. Her cheeky little smile and his….whatever that expression is. It looks like an odd mix of shock, horror, anger and denial. I’d love to know exactly what she just did or suggested. It might simply be the result of applying that hot cigarette to his nipple, but to me it doesn’t look like a pure expression of pain.

Two ExpressionsThis is another image from the team-rinryu site. And I’ll give the same warning I gave last time. There is a lot of extremely strong femdom on that site, featuring very graphic toilet play of all types. So unless you’re into that, be careful where you click.