As a complementary article to yesterday’s post on the failed UK porn verification system, may I direct your attention to this article – Perverts, It’s Time For Unity. It was written by Eris Martinet back in 2017 when the bill was originally being proposed. Obviously in some aspects it’s a little out of date, but its basic point is a good one.
When a man buys femdom from the big companies, he is eventually paying men. When he watches on PornHub for free, he is supporting a corporation ran by men.
Mindgeek is the company behind sites like Pornhub, RedTube and YouPorn. It was founded and run by a bunch of guys who have stolen and profited from the work of female performers. They’re a parasite on the adult industry and every click you give them makes them fatter.
Obviously I’m not saying you should be able to trace the production history of every porn clip and image you consume. There’s inevitably a wide variety of people involved between the production set and your laptop screen. But if you regularly consume femdom porn, then it’s very easy to find a lot of quality content being sold by the women who created it. Just search for a domme or producer you like and follow their site or social media links to their clips. You don’t have to buy everything you watch, but at least buy or subscribe to something. Be a net positive to the femdom creators out there.
This is Eris Martinet, taken from her twitter feed. I’d like to think this disapproving look is for everyone who doesn’t contribute back to Femdom content creators. You can find her own clips for sale here and here.