Kinky Food Porn

After two posts on serious subjects, I think it’s time for something more lighthearted. This video from Comedy Central has been popping up all over my twitter feed and made me laugh. It takes the conceit of food porn and adds a kinky angle, with a dominatrix who really does enjoy playing with dominating her food. It’s not often you see someone sensually sliding a butt plug into fruit. I particularly enjoyed the exploding watermelon trick. How have I never know about doing that before?

Resistance Fighter

Occasionally I like to do a post that features someone who wasn’t necessarily dominant in the usual sense of this blog, but was an outstanding and forceful figure. A few past examples have included Beryl SwainJulie d’Aubigny and Marlene Dietrich. Today’s post features another incredible woman – Freddie Oversteegen.

She was a Dutch resistance fighter in World War II, and passed away recently, aged 93. Aged just 14 when the Nazis invaded in 1940, she worked with her sister and a student named Hannie Schaft. As her obituary  in the New York Times explains…

The three staged drive-by shootings from their bicycles; seductively lured German soldiers from bars to nearby woods, where they would execute them; and sheltered fleeing Jews, political dissidents, gay people and others who were being hunted by the invaders.

She obviously didn’t subscribe to the view that there were some fine people on both sides.

You can also read obituaries for her in The Guardian and The Washington Post. Seducing and then shooting Nazis made her a very literal femme fatale. It’s amazing that as a teenager she could do what she did, and also sad that she had to. She was ultimately awarded the Mobilization War Cross by the Dutch government, although not until 69 years after the war ended.

I was originally going to feature some fetishistic femdom military imagery with this post, but then figured that might not be in the best possible taste. So instead here is an elegant Dutch domme – Mistress Manouk. She can definitely pull off the femme fatale look.

Memorial Parade

The New Orleans Dominatrix Convention is coming up in October. Specifically it runs from the 4th to the 8th. I’m sadly not going to be there, but if you can attend, you might want to look out for a Second Line Parade that’s being organized. It has been put together by Simone Justice to remember and celebrate the lives of people the BDSM community has lost in recent years. As their press release says…

More than 100 dominatrixes will strut The French Quarter dressed in full fetish regalia comprised of leather, latex and thigh high boots while dancing to a brass jazz band, waving parasols and handkerchiefs.

The second line parade is a uniquely New Orleans tradition, held for many kinds of occasions, and anyone on the street is welcome to join in the revelry.

You can read more about this New Orleans tradition here. It sounds like this one should be quite the event. If you know of anyone you think should be specifically called out for this memorial, then Simone Justice has been collecting suggestions.

I’ve no idea what fetish outfit Simone Justice plans to wear for the parade, but based on this image, I’m sure any attendees will be in for a visual treat. If you’re interested in seeing her in her professional capacity, her main site is here.


Everyone knows of Rule 34.  No matter what you can think of, somebody, somewhere, has made porn of it. I’d like to propose a Rule 35. No matter what you can think of, somebody, somewhere, has tried to shove it up their ass.

The latest example of anal play gone spectacularly wrong comes from Italy, where a man (and it’s always a man) managed to lose a 23 inch toy in his colon. Getting it out proved to be quite a medical challenge, and involved a combination of medical wire and catheters.

I guess it’ll at least give him a good anecdote to use the next time he’s with his buddies and trading war stories of accidents and injuries. I can just picture the scene – “You think that’s bad? Did I ever tell you about the time the doctors had to invent an entirely new tool to go fishing in my asshole? It all started one night with a 2 foot sex toy and a industrial sized tub of lube…”

This is not (as far as I know) the sex toy in question. However, I do imagine that Miss Marilyn’s expression resembles the look on the doctors faces when they finally extracted the toy in question. You can see more of Miss Marilyn at her clips store. My thanks to Jim for the original link to the story.

Jacqueline Pearce

If you ask kinky people who grew up before the age of the internet, they’ll often have a character or actor from a mainstream show or film that first pushed their kinky buttons. Common examples that come up are Julie Newmar as catwoman, Diana Rigg as Emma Peel and Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp.

British sci-fiction fans might have another name to add to that list – Jacqueline Pearce as Supreme Commander Servalan. She was a character on the TV show Blake 7 and, to borrow from the Wikipedia description, she was ‘a cold, calculating, ruthless sociopath who is not above using her sex appeal and charm to get what she wants’. Just the kind of qualities that’ll make a male submissive sit up and pay attention.

Sadly, Jacqueline Pearce passed away over the weekend . As Toby Hadoke describes, she made the character ‘such a memorable villain – ruthless, sensual, damaged.’ You can see some clips of her in action here and here. According to the BBC, she originally trained with John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins, retired from acting to care for orphan monkeys in Africa and liked a glass of champagne. So lets raise a glass to a life well lived and a classic character played with great style and power.


Arrogance: On some people it looks good.

To finish my trio of movie themed posts, a step back to the 1930’s with the iconic Marlene Dietrich. She was beautiful, intelligent, stylish, multi-talented, openly bisexual and fought Nazi’s. What’s not to love?

I particularly liked this anecdote (from here), featuring the Paris chief of police and his reaction on hearing she was sailing towards France in a pantsuit…

…he announced that if she wore trousers in Paris, she would be arrested.

Dietrich doubled down. For her arrival in Paris, after docking at Cherbourg, she she chose to wear a suit, men’s coat, beret and sunglasses.

“She walked off the train, grabs the chief of police by his arm, and walks him off the platform,”

If you don’t know much about Marlene Dietrich, then it’s worth at least reading her Wikipedia page. Famous as an early film star and great beauty, she was also awarded the Medal of Freedom and  the Légion d’honneur for her work in WWII. She boxed in 1920’s Germany, had affairs with a string of Hollywood stars and shared their love letters with her cuckolded husband.  An amazing woman.

Strict Brita

I’ve posted in the past about my liking for images that are modified to scratch people’s specific kinky itches. Not so much for the images themselves, but for what it says about the variety of human desire and the endless drive to feed it.

This image is another case in point. It’s a particularly well done modification I think. The original is from 1910, by Carl Larsson and called ‘Brita in the drawing room‘.  Obviously somebody triggered off the school ma’am look of Brita and decided to add a cane to the image. I didn’t actually realize it had been modified initially, and thought I’d stumbled up on an interesting new fetish artist. In hindsight, the contrast between her expression and the rest of her ensemble should have tipped me off.


Too Many Thoughts

Here’s a final post with a toilet theme. This time it’s based on a series of tweets by Mistress An Li that captured my attention. You can see the entire sequence here, but I’ll just quote the first two and part of the final tweet. Fair warning, there is a mention of scat.

For all my shit-eatin’ humiliation bitches who don’t also want to eat my menses…like…what???

I just want to point out that your refusal of my period blood but fervent desire to eat my literally-biohazard shit is ridiculous.
I’m gonna put it out there that if you think you worship women, you eat shit, and you don’t eat menses, then you are a hypocrite. Reconsider your consumption values
Full tweet rant here.

I have to admit my brain bounced around a bit on this one. The short story version of that went like this…

  1. Interesting point, but to be fair to her shit-eatin humilation bitches, doesn’t shit have a very special place in our culture? After all, everyone toilet trains and defecates regularly. It’s part of our language, our insults and our humor. Fetishes often get built early, and for men, there’s no knowledge or interaction with period blood until the late teens.
  2. Isn’t it weird that I’m having internal debates about eating shit versus menses? I mean it’s kind of gross but also interesting and strange. I like the weird path I’ve taken in my life.
  3. Maybe my instinctive defense of the men in this situation is part of the problem? Doesn’t An Li have a good point here? Have I internalized problematic values? What does this kink (or lack of it) say about society?
  4. I need to spend less time on twitter and get out more. At this point I might be overthinking things.

This is Mistress An Li looking particular amazing in latex. She’s an LA based pro-domme and you can find her professional site here.

Can’t argue with science

I’m generally not a fan of news stories that poke fun at scientific studies. You probably know the sort of article I mean. In between all the lifestyle pieces on how chocolate, red wine or sleep  is good or bad for your health, lifespan or sex life, there’ll be a mocking article on how money is being wasted on silly studies. Any scientist today wanting to study finch beaks, hot mud or mold in dirty lab equipment, better be prepared for the tabloids to attack them as out of touch boffins who waste tax payer money.

All that said, let me now mock this study of online dating. It discovered the ground breaking fact that attractive people are attractive. Apparently, people on dating sites tend to try and gets dates with people more attractive than they are. Given that good looking people are used to attract us more ordinary folks to movies, clothes, music and just about every service and product in the known world, it’s hard to see why anyone thought dating would be different. Did they think people be stupid enough to fall for hot models in commercials, but then suddenly get all realistic and pragmatic when it came to their own dating lives?

Other astonishing results included the fact that men tend to be more active about messaging women, and that women get a higher response rate from their messages to men. I assume there next area of study will be if women like being send dick pics or if pornography can lead to masturbation.

I’ll end the post with an image of someone who definitely qualifies as highly attractive, and I’m sure would happily ignore any number of messages from people like myself on a dating site. This is Adreena Angela, a UK based pro-domme and model.